
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 8 Flame Crystal

    Lu Yin looked at this scene, casually ordered two dishes, in such a time can still run a restaurant, this restaurant background must be quite large, at least no one dares to make trouble, the penal camp soldiers patrol the door every two minutes, apparently also special care over.

    "The waiter brought three plates of dishes to Lu Yin and left without looking back.

    Lu Yin ate a bite, his brow wrinkled, not good, but compared to the rat meat, mutant dog meat is much better, he took out the map while reading and eating.

    Eat not a moment, a dozen figures into the restaurant, the restaurant owner saw the visitor bright, "Kang Shao, come in Kang Shao, so much rain outside, what do you want to eat we send ah".

    The man who was called Kang Shao gave an encore, sat at a table not far from Lu Yin, glanced at Lu Yin, did not care, knocked on the table, "bring it here".

    Bang a sound, a figure was dropped on the ground, smashed the bench, trembling body looked at Kang Shao, "Sorry, Kang Shao, I did not know that is your things, if you know lend me ten guts also dare not steal ah, sorry Kang Shao, you forgive me once".

    Kang laughed coldly, "spare you? Then how can I take the brothers below? Do you know that I gave that thing to my uncle, and now you lost one, you are given two choices, either, thirty energy crystals, or, death, you choose one".

    The figure was desperate, "Young Kang, I really did not know that it was your thing, ah, please let me go, I am willing to be your dog, you let me go".

    Kang tapped the table and pulled out a gun and put it on the figure's head, "No crystal, then goodbye".

    The silhouette's gaze contracted, desperate cries, suddenly saw Lu Yin not far away, raised his finger over, "He, he, that thing I gave him".

    Everyone turned their heads to look at Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin put down the water cup, did not speak, from the door he saw, that was beaten badly is the thieving evolutionary who sold him the map, when three crystals bought a copy of the map, the guy also gave him an aphrodisiac, at that time he felt strange, aphrodisiacs are very expensive, now it seems that he stole it, is stolen from this Kang Shao.

    Kang Shao stared at Lu Yin for a while, and kicked at the thieving evolutionist, "Xu San, you dare to fool me, just find someone to fool me".

    Xu San hurriedly shouted, "Really, it's him, he bought a map from me, look, the map on the table is the one I sold to him, there is a mark on the bottom right corner".

    Kang Shao and others looked over.

    Lu Yin himself also glanced at the map, and there was indeed a mark.

    Kang Shao and others carried Xu San around, "Brother, took what should not be taken, should not you spit it out?" .

    "Get lost" Lu Yin lightly returned a sentence.

    Kang Shao's face changed, a dozen evolved people around him were furious, "What a temper, do you know what Kang Shao stands for in the Jinling gathering place? The kid has a lot of guts."

    Saying that, someone immediately made a move and grabbed Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin casually shot out chopsticks, directly piercing several evolvers' arms and finally nailing them to the wall, which immediately cracked, while blood spilled on the table, and miserable howls rang out.

    Kang Shao's face turned white and hurriedly backed up, and the evolved people around him also backed up in unison.

    The restaurant owner was shocked and directly ducked out.

    Kang Shao pointed his gun at Lu Yin, "My uncle is the chief of the criminal battalion Wanfu, you don't mess around, hand over the stuff and everything will be fine."

    "Throw it away," Lu Yin said indifferently.

    Kang Shao obviously did not believe, "Again, hand over the stuff, or I'll let you know what desperation means, earth-level powerhouse is not something you can offend".

    Lu Yin was suddenly curious and looked at Kang Shao, "If your uncle is an earth-level powerhouse, why does he need aphrodisiacs?" .

    Kang Shao's face twitched, extremely angry, "You dare to slander my uncle, looking for death, Lao Wu, contact my uncle immediately", he was not stupid, he knew that firearms could not deal with Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin's harsh gaze swept towards the beaten half-dead Xu San, he thought wrongly, this Kang Shao wanted something other than aphrodisiacs, this guy's misfortune, he took the blame.

    The Xu San who was lying on the ground saw Lu Yin's gaze and immediately lowered his head, not daring to look away.

    Lu Yin smiled did not care, back or not to take the pot he does not care, now he is curious about what can make the wanfu chief care, the earth has experienced evolution, the birth of many good things, this is also one of the reasons to attract many institutions in the universe students to try, perhaps, this wanfu chief really got something.

    Not long after, a middle-aged man walked into the restaurant, waved his hand to disperse all the soldiers of the penal battalion, and his eyes looked inside the restaurant.

    "Uncle, you are here," Kang Shao was delighted, the gun raised higher.

    Lu Yin looked at the familiar person, it was one of the ten thousand chiefs who was defeated by Zhao Yu, it seems to be called something like Kang Dafeng.

    Kang Dafeng nodded to Kang Shao, "Did you find the stuff?" The...

    Kang Shao said sternly, "I found it, that kid took it away", said Kang Shao, pointing at Lu Yin.

    Kang Dafeng followed Kang Shao's gaze, and the moment he saw Lu Yin, his face changed dramatically. Just now the two had met, and he still remembered how powerful the Snow Maiden Zhao Yu was.

    "So it's Brother Lu" Kang Dafeng walked up to Lu Yin and said politely with a smile on his face.

    Lu Yin looked at Kang Dafeng with a faint smile, "What a coincidence, Brother Kang is here for dinner?" .

    Kang Dafeng said, "This restaurant is owned by brother Li, we will come over from time to time to get together, I want to make amends to brother Lu for today's incident, I hope brother Lu will not blame my nephew, he is still young, do not know what to do".

    Everyone looked at this scene, what is this? What is this? A tough guy?

    Lu Yin laughed and said, "It's okay, just joking".

    Kang Dafeng immediately glared sternly at Kang Shao, "Come and make amends to brother Lu".

    Kang Shao was not stupid, he quickly put up a smile and bent down, his attitude was extremely respectful, "It's my eyes that don't know the mountain, please don't blame the army chief".

    Lu Yin waved his hand, "It's fine".

    Kang Dafeng waved his hand and let Kang Shao and others go out, then he left after talking to Lu Yin a few more words, it was not suitable to talk much at this time, but before leaving, that Xu San was kept by Lu Yin.

    After Kang Dafeng and the others left, the restaurant owner personally refilled Lu Yin's water, and at the same time served several plates of very fine small dishes, saying that it was a free gift.

    Outside the restaurant, Kang Shao was puzzled, "Uncle, why are you so polite to that man? He is also a wanfu chief?" .

    Kang Dafeng whispered, "Remember, be polite when you meet him in the future, this man is very strong."

    "Uncle, aren't you also a ten thousand chief? How much stronger can you be?" Kang Shao muttered.

    Kang Dafeng glared at him, "Shut up, I'm telling you, this man is several times stronger than your uncle, if you look at Jinling, except for the Interrogation Saint, no one can win against him, perhaps even the strongest ten thousand chief Li Hongqiang is not his opponent."

    Kang opened his mouth wide, dumbfounded to look back at the restaurant, and then quickly ran away, he knew he passed with death today.

    Inside the restaurant, Lu Yin gaze coldly stared at Xu San, "You have a lot of guts, dare to accuse me".

    Xu San felt very unlucky, stealing things to Kang Shao head not to mention, wrongly accused a person or a more powerful, even the chief of the Wanfu are so salute, he felt that he has ruined, the heavens have abandoned him.

    "What is the thing Kang Dafeng wants?" Lu Yin asked casually.

    "A kind of red crystal, I sold it," Xu San said bitterly, limp on the ground.

    Lu Yin's gaze flashed, "Red crystals? Isn't it a bit hot?" .

    Xu San was surprised, "How do you know?" .

    Lu Yin knew what it was, flame crystal, a crystal that seals flame energy, touching it can produce flame, many flame battle techniques need to use something, the effect is the same as Zhao Yu cast cold ice palm, belong to the foreign object to cast battle techniques, this kind of thing is hard currency in the universe, naturally more precious on Earth, no wonder Kang Dafeng was so nervous.

    "Do you know where it is produced from?" Lu Yin asked.

    Xu San shook his head, "I don't know."

    Lu Yin lost his smile, "That is to say, you have wronged me and set up an enemy for me for nothing, but in the end I won't get any benefit? Is that what you mean?" .

    Xu San's face was ashen and he could only apologize in fear, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

    Lu Yin played with the chopsticks, "Do you think this chopstick can shoot through your throat? Let's try."

    Xu San's gaze was fearful, he hadn't forgotten the scene of those evolvers being shot through the arm just now, he hurriedly begged for mercy, his head was swollen.

    Lu Yin shook his head, he just scare him, sometimes people in the end times, too tight nerves is not good, drink a mouthful of water, he is leaving.
