
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 7: Inside the City

    Lu Yin looked at Zhou Shan, what he said was true, the so-called Seven Saints of China Heavenly level strong people are just ants relative to the vast universe, a random student has the Heavenly level strength.

    The first step is the realm of lookout, meaning a fledgling that can only watch, he is in the realm of lookout, followed by the realm of exploration, learning to explore the human body powerful, the third step is the realm of integration, initially becoming powerful, touching the limits of the human body, the fourth step is the realm of extreme, breaking through the limits of the human body, can cross the void, and then above that is the explorer who can walk through the void, that level of character is too Distant, once on Earth, the wave of the hand can make the mountains and rivers roll back the earth, the continents cracked.

    And the explorer, still can not reach the degree of body-shaping decision can be made, the cultivation of a long and vast path, Zhou Shan, such as the use of energy crystals to cultivate the wandering soldiers want to reach the explorer is almost impossible, the more powerful, the more you can feel their own insignificance.

    "Heh, what am I talking to you about, come on, let's go out and take a look, at this time, Zhao Yu should be against the ten thousand chiefs under me" Zhou Shan smiled spontaneously and led Lu Yin out of the meeting room.

    Lu Yin followed in silence and soon arrived at the top of the square where he had appeared before. Through the glass, he saw a wanfu chief defeated by Zhao Yu and fell to the ground in a mess.

    Zhao Yu was dressed in a strong suit, and her strikes were severe and decisive, which Lu Yin had seen long ago, and at this moment, she was pressing Feng Hong to fight.

    Zhou Shan looked down from above and shook his head, "There are only strong and weak points at the earth level, and the difference is huge, Zhao Yu can easily defeat the chief of ten thousand under me without even using battle techniques".

    Lu Yin looked down and said in a deep voice, "Her battle technique was developed by using a plant".

    Zhou Shan laughed and said, "Of course so, whether it's the Snow Maiden or Luo Sheng, they have to borrow external objects to perform the cold ice palm that can freeze the human body, the human body itself is unable to produce this effect".

    Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, unable to produce? Wrong, powerful techniques and talents can change the celestial phenomenon, just the Earth can not touch it, his Heavenly Star Technique even imitates the operation of the stars, these, no one believes it when you say it.

    Below, Feng Hong was quickly defeated, followed by two consecutive ten thousand chiefs were defeated, no one was willing to go on.

    Zhao Yu raised his head high and scanned the surroundings, "I heard that all the Penal Camp Wanfu Chiefs are iron-blooded warriors, what, no one is willing to spar with me?" .

    Feng Hong and the others had ugly faces.

    Above, Zhou Shan lost his smile, "The three snow maidens under the command of Luo Sheng were called by her as earth level invincible, they really have some skills."

    At this time, Zhao Yu looked upwards, stared straight at Lu Yin, raised her hand, hooked her finger, quite a gallant taste.

    Feng Hong and others looked upwards in surprise.

    Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, this is a provocation.

    Zhou Shan laughed and said, "It seems that you beat her yesterday, she is not convinced.

    "Yesterday, there was no victory," Lu Yin said.

    Zhou Shan said, "Then let's go and fight, we can't let our penal camp lose face".

    Lu Yin nodded and turned around to leave.

    In the square, hundreds of evolvers around were talking, many of them looked at Zhao Yu with reverence, a woman could beat the chief of the penal camp, an absolute idol.

    Zhao Yu saw Lu Yin come down, took a deep breath, gaze awe-inspiring, yesterday's battle she was really not convinced, originally had the upper hand, but was inexplicably defeated, she was eager to see that kind of battle technique again.

    In the distance, Feng Hong and others looked at Lu Yin, who was slowly walking, and could not help but speak, "Brother Lu, be careful, this woman can perform a battle technique cold ice palm, very powerful."

    Lu Yin nodded and walked towards Zhao Yu step by step, "Please".

    Zhao Yu's gaze was full of wariness, leaping up, raising his hand, pulling out a dagger from nowhere, coming up to attack just like at the sinkhole, the dagger tore through the air, reflecting a cold aura.

    Lu Yin easily dodged, yesterday he was completely different from today, yesterday, he was just a strong ordinary man, but today, he is a cultivator, a cultivator who has reached the realm of hope.

    Lu Yin dodged with ease, but made Feng Hong and others sweat, Zhao Yu's attack speed was getting faster and faster, even the dagger had cold air on it, causing the air to appear white and the temperature to plummet.

    The ground of the square popped up, Zhao Yu flung his dagger, like a whirlwind, blocking Lu Yin in all directions, a wisp of qi shot out in all directions, piercing through the walls, oppressing many evolved people breathing hard.

    The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

    Everyone did not dare to breathe, quietly looking at the field, there, Zhao Yu froze, her hands were empty, dagger, was robbed.

    Feng Hong and others were surprised, then uplifted, "Good job brother Lu".

    "Brother Lu is awesome".


    Lu Yin turned around and faced Zhao Yu, the dagger flipped in his hand, and casually returned it to Zhao Yu, "Want to continue?" .

    Zhao Yu stared at Lu Yin, "How did you do that?" . .

    Lu Yin shrugged his shoulders, "Eyesight, hand speed, one cannot be missing."

    Nonsense, this word popped up in everyone's head.

    Zhao Yu said in a complicated way, "You won, you were able to snatch my dagger without any injuries, no one in the earth level should be your opponent, you are very strong".

    Lu Yin lost his smile, these people's eyesight is too low, they do not even have formal battle techniques in the universe, the hope realm of the fledgling is simply the bottom of the major colleges, how qualified to say such things, but Zhao Yu is right, Lu Yin confident hope realm should be no one is his opponent.

    Zhao Yu put away the dagger quite lost, at this time, she realized that Lu Yin was different from yesterday, "You, did you run out of energy yesterday?" .

    Lu Yin didn't explain, he turned around and walked outside, he wanted to go out and look around, there was nothing he wanted to find there in the deserted mountain, maybe it was hidden in other directions.

    Zhao Yu watched Lu Yin leave, she wanted to ask about that kind of battle technique yesterday, but the battle technique was a matter of personal privacy, she couldn't ask.

    Feng Hong and the others were quite surprised, they didn't expect the new ten thousand chief to be so powerful, the rumor that the alien was killed by him should be true, you know, that alien was a heaven level powerhouse, although it was a seriously injured heaven level powerhouse.

    Lu Yin became the ten thousand chief, although he had no real power, but the penal battalion still assigned him a team of 100 soldiers for him to deploy.

    When he walked out of Zhong Shan, Lu Yin beckoned, and behind him, a young evolved soldier came forward, "Military Commander, please give an order".

    Lu Yin said indifferently, "Do you know where Jinling's former thermal weapons depot is?" The soldier answered.

    The soldier answered, "Northwest direction".

    Lu Yin took out the map, "Mark it for me to see".

    The soldier took out a pen and drew a circle on the map.

    Lu Yin looked at it, "You guys go back, I'll walk by myself.

    The soldier did not do it, "Captain, the weapons depot was blown up at the beginning of the end, the remaining few thermal weapons have been transferred, you can apply to the penal saint if you need".

    Lu Yin nodded, "Okay, got it, you guys go back", finished, Lu Yin walked towards the northwest direction alone.

    These soldiers were sent to him by the penal camp, on the one hand for him to deploy, on the other hand, there is also the meaning of surveillance, Lu Yin did not intend to hide the trail, what he was looking for was very tightly hidden, blindly looking for it was useless, only to scare the snake, and now he is looking for it openly, with his earth level strength will not cause too much scorn, and may be able to find it.

    Lu Yin guessed correctly, as soon as he left, someone reported to Zhou Shan.

    Zhou Shan's gaze stared, "A weapon depot? What is he looking for that place?" .

    The spectacle woman came and pushed her glasses, "The weapons vault has been destroyed, what he's looking for shouldn't be thermal weapons, but what exactly he's looking for I'm not sure."

    "Let him be, we don't have any secrets here" Zhou Shan smiled and didn't care.

    Jinling is centered on Zhong Shan and radiates outwards, the closer it is to Zhong Shan, the better the location and the safer it is.

    The city has long been devoid of the planning of the peace era, the streets, flower beds, and even the river are inhabited by people, living day after day in blind fear.

    In contrast, there are people who live a very happy life, the moral bottom line in their hearts collapsed, doing whatever they want to do. Along the way, Lu Yin saw many evolved people bullying survivors, even if the soldiers of the penal camp wanted to manage it, it was too late.

    This is the state of the world, for the Earth, everything today is bewildering, but Lu Yin knows that this is evolution, a civilization evolving towards another civilization, the price will be quite high.

    The sky was overcast and soon it was raining heavily, washing the ground, red blood spreading along with the rain, mixed with all kinds of garbage.

    Lu Yin found a restaurant that looked fairly clean and sat down. The entrance to the restaurant was full of survivors squatting, and whenever the restaurant lifted out food garbage, it would be madly robbed.

    "Get out, get away, remember, wash the bucket and return it, or next time change the set of people to clean it" the restaurant waiter bellowed, obviously an evolved person.
