
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 6: The Dice and the Heavenly Star Technique

I do not know how long it took, Lu Yin once again a mouthful of blood sprayed out, outside his body Qi waves shot out in all directions, overturning the tent, spreading to hundreds of meters in all directions, the monitors outside the tent all popped to pieces, trees were tipped over in layers.

    This movement drew the attention of the penal camp, and immediately two ten thousand chiefs rushed to Lu Yin's side.

    One of them was Feng Hong, the other was a woman with a feminine appearance and curiosity in her eyes.

    The two ten thousand chiefs appeared outside the ruins of the tent where Lu Yin lived and looked inside, "Is this the new ten thousand chief Lu Yin?" Feng Hong asked loudly, and the army of evolvers in the back cautiously waited.

    Soon, Lu Yin walked out of the tent ruins, his face was pale and his feet were a bit wobbly, "Sorry to disturb you two, I am none other than Lu Yin."

    Feng Hong and the flirtatious woman looked at Lu Yin in surprise, "Why are you so weak?" .

    Lu Yin smiled bitterly, "I've seen the Interrogation Saint perform his battle technique before, and I was itching to try it out, but I failed, and I also suffered some injuries."

    Feng Hong understood and laughed, "Brother Lu is too anxious, battle techniques are not something that anyone can control, and it is not something that can be figured out in a short time.

    Lu Yin nodded deeply, "I understand, thank you for teaching brother Feng".

    Feng Hong waved his hand, not a bit of the daytime as an instructor's frame, "No need to be polite, are all Interrogation Battalion brothers, the future together to face the end of days, rely on each other's comrades, all right, I'll have someone rearrange the place for you, you first recuperate, by the way, need a doctor to come?" Lu Yin said.

    Lu Yin said, "No, it's just a superficial injury, just overworked, no need to call a doctor.

    Feng Hong nodded, "Okay, then we'll go first, brother Lu rest first", finished, to the charming woman made a wink.

    The woman nodded, glanced at Lu Yin again, and then left.

    Lu Yin followed the soldier to the nearest tent, "I'll leave first, Lu military commander if you have any orders directly call me can", the soldier gave a military salute to Lu Yin and withdrew.

    Lu Yin nodded and stepped into the tent, his gaze became incomparably excited, there was also a hint of apprehension and expectation, the body shaping was successful, not only successful, but also brought him a great surprise.

    This is a talent, a talent that can only be born after a very small number of cultivators have shaped their bodies.

    Many scholars in the universe believe that talents are the deepest secrets of mankind, representing one's ancient origins, however, this statement is only speculation, no one can really study the talents.

    Lu Yin did not care about the source of the talent, what he cared about was the talent itself.

    Before he came to Earth, he had heard countless times about the power of talent, every cultivator with talent was a miracle worker and was recruited by the major powers in the universe, the most famous event was that any talent cultivator could directly join the Universe Youth Convocation.

    Lu Yin looked at the dice with a hot gaze, although his own talent is a bit, how to say, odd, but the use is the most important.

    Looking at the dice floating in the void, Lu Yin gently clicked, the dice spun rapidly, then slowly stopped, six sides began to change, five of the sides of the points directly disappeared, leaving only one side of the points, which happened to be - one point.

    Lu Yin stared at the one point, uses inexplicably appeared in his brain, and he could randomly obtain any item in anyone's condensed air ring.

    Before Lu Yin could react, the dice emitted a beam of light into the void and disappeared in an instant, as if opening a channel, then a wafer fell to the ground, the dice became dull and then disappeared directly.

    Lu Yin looked at the chip that fell to the ground, this is what it helped me steal back, no, take back?

    Lu Yin picked up the chip, looked at it, and then took out Asta's personal terminal from the condensation ring, inserted it into the chip, and a light screen appeared in front of him, with three big words - Heavenly Star Kung Fu.

    After half an hour, the chip that was inserted into the personal terminal was automatically destroyed, which woke up Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin was shocked, he knew he had gotten something extraordinary.

    Although this Heavenly Star Technique was only for beginners, it contained the method of imitating the operation of eight stars, which meant that if Lu Yin succeeded in cultivating it, his speed of absorbing star energy would increase by eight times.

    Eight times, what a terrifying efficiency, and within the Heavenly Star Technique, there was also a set of battle skills called Heavenly Star Palm, the palm out of the star appeared, extremely powerful.

    Lu Yin put away his personal terminal, his eyes excited, the Heavenly Star Technique, he had never even heard of it, but it was absolutely terrifying, having such a powerful technique, perhaps from the inner universe.

    Lu Yin forced down his excitement, he did not expect his luck to be so unbelievable, it is reasonable to say that the dice shake to a point, the proportion of randomly being able to get a battle technique gong method is quite small, even if this thing steals back a pair of underwear for him he is not surprised, actually the first time to get a heavenly gong method like the Heavenly Star gong, this set of gong method is enough to make his future.

    It's a pity that it's only elementary.

    The destroyed chip is obviously just burned, should be stolen from some unlucky person, want to get a full set of gongfa is too difficult too difficult.

    Lu Yin no longer thought about it, walked out of the tent, found a tree to lie on, looked up at the sky, recalled the method of cultivating the Heavenly Star Technique, the stars are running? I guess I will have to sleep in the starry sky forever.

    At the same time, the vast depths of the universe, a giant peak slowly floating, around dozens of stars, the uppermost blaze burning, from a distance, as if a cigarette, every few seconds will be extinguished, and then burn again, the sky smoke burning across the starry firmament, as if to the darkness of the universe wrapped in white ribbons.

    Inside the giant peak, a loud roar, spread across the universe, "What did you say? Brat, the gong law is missing? Did you give it to that stinky bitch again, get your ass over here."

    In the dark universe, a young man fled in aggravation, covering his buttocks, quite a mess, "Old dad, you don't accuse me, I didn't, it's really gone, hell no".

    "Brat, do you think old dad is an idiot? Who can steal something under my nose, get over here".

    "Don't ah old dad, really see the ghost".


    All night long, Lu Yin did not research anything, slightly exhausted, stepped into the interior of the Bell Mountain.

    On the uppermost level of the internal space of the Bell Mountain, there were many people sitting in the huge conference room, and the topmost position was empty.

    Lu Yin stepped into the conference room, everyone looked at him, with curious, friendly, questioning eyes, in short, all kinds of eyes.

    "Brother Lu, sit here," Feng Hong spoke first when he saw Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin naturally sat next to him, and on the other side was the charming woman he had met last night.

    On the opposite side of Lu Yin is the woman with glasses whom he met once.

    Most of the people seated here were the wannabes, and some researchers.

    Not long after, Zhou Shan stepped into the conference room, his gaze swept, paused on Lu Yin, flashed a trace of doubt, then sat at the top, smiled and said "I would like to introduce to you all, Lu Yin, the new chief of the Wannabees".

    Lu Yin got up, nodded to the surrounding people, and sat down again.

    The introduction of Lu Yin was just a process, next, the meeting discussed all kinds of things, Lu Yin didn't want to listen at all, until half an hour later the meeting ended.

    Everyone left, and Zhou Shan left Lu Yin alone.

    "Lu Yin, yesterday I thought you hadn't absorbed energy crystals for cultivation, I wanted to discuss it with you, but it seems that you were depleted in energy use yesterday" Zhou Shan looked at Lu Yin and said testily.

    Lu Yin nodded his head and said seriously, "Interceptor Saint, that alien is very strong, despite being seriously injured, but not so easy to deal with, I also used up all my energy to kill him".

    "I can see that he's a heaven-level powerhouse, thanks to you being able to kill him" Zhou Shan laughed.

    Lu Yin laughed and did not reply.

    "I heard that you came to the penal camp yesterday and did not agree to stay, why?" Zhou Shan asked, looking at Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin said, "I like freedom, I can't stand the atmosphere of the military camp."

    Zhou Shan nodded and sighed, "Many people think this way, in fact, the end of the world is born, human beings should be united, what can be surrendered should be surrendered."

    "I know, Interpreter Saint" Lu Yin said back.

    Zhou Shan gave an encore, "How are your injuries?" .

    "It's okay, it will recover soon."

    "Evolvers are good at this, strong recovery, in fact, compared to ordinary people, evolvers are more dangerous, after experiencing the taste of powerful never want to be weak, the more powerful you want to be the more desperate you have to be, countless people fell on this road, even I do not know when I will die," Zhou Shan lamented.
