
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 49 Strange Stone

Inside the capital, Lars' heart was ashen, even Mono was defeated, no one could save him, and his trial was destined to be at the bottom.

    Granny looked at Lu Yin incredulously, recalling the scene when she first saw him, a district of the realm of hope, to now almost invincible in the realm of exploration, what exactly is this person's background? What is his background? His grandfather is the dean? Could it be that his grandfather was an unparalleled powerhouse?

    Morneau is very famous among the trial students, and when the news of Morneau's defeat in the capital was spread in the LAN, it shook all the students, and the first reaction of all the students was that they did not believe it, but the LAN would not lie.

    Immediately afterwards, Gureth confirmed the matter, making many students pay thorough attention to this force guarding the capital.

    Now the strongest person who appeared in the fusion realm is Fire Xiao Ling and Mo Nuo, both of them actually lost, this trial is quite uncomplicated.

    It didn't take long for several more students to be caught by Qingyu.

    Lu Yin counted, "Seventeen, that fugitive took seventeen students."

    Bai Xue looked at him suspiciously, "What are you counting this for?" .

    Lu Yin's face was not very good, "He's grabbing heads."

    The crowd was speechless.

    Lu Yin took a deep breath, "this guy is not stupid, with us thought together, want to use students in exchange for certain compromises, but unfortunately the nature of our two parties are different, he is a fugitive, we are only indigenous, he is destined to be judged, even if the capture of more students is useless".

    "That's fine, it's not your problem," said Gureth with a wink.

    Lu Yin looked at her, "If he captures one more student, we will capture one less and have one less capital for future negotiations."

    Gureth's eyes widened, "And you really want to use students to negotiate with the Empire? That is impossible."

    Lu Yin rightfully said, "There is nothing impossible, students who dare to participate in the trial are elite and are important to the empire".

    Gureth snickered, "Do you know how many students in the Empire participate in the trials? I tell you, this planet is only one of many trial planets, even if all the trial students die it will have no effect on the empire, you think the empire will compromise with the natives for these students? Dream on."

    Listen to the words of Gureth, white snow, Zhou Shan several people's gaze changed, the Daewoo Empire is too big, the students are too many, countless colleges, the Earth trial students are only a very small part of the presumption to negotiate with the Empire is indeed impossible.

    "That's not necessarily true" said Lu Yin, grabbing Lars, "This man is enough to get us some promises."

    Lars was furious, "Let go of me."

    Lu Yin shrugged him off, the corners of his mouth smiled, "Imperial Vice Minister of Finance, very high status, I heard that there is still a connection with the Imperial Court 12 team, even more perfect, the greater his background, the higher the possibility of our negotiation success, isn't it?" .

    Gureth mused and looked at Lars, that's true, this guy is Sika's only son, and for this son, Sika might fight for his life.

    Rath angrily glared at Lu Yin, this bastard actually used him to threaten the empire, whether it succeeded or not, he would become the laughing stock of the young generation of the empire, bastard, bastard.

    Scandinavia, the same group of students angry.

    There were more than twenty students from all over the world who came together to find Qingyu, led by a man named Yan Gang, not from the Daewoo Empire, but a young powerhouse from the Canglan Frontier's Refining Yan Star.

    Although it is only a planet, but the size is extremely large, and the planet burns a sea of fire, rumor has it that all creatures on the Alchemy Star have great resistance to flame, more powerful burning flame battle techniques, is a terrifying force.

    Yan Gang, like Fire Little Spirit, is a strong person in the fusion realm, also sealed in cultivation, but in the opinion of many students, he is even stronger than Fire Little Spirit.

    "Qing Yu, release the fire little spirit" Yan just stood high in the sky, cold eyes staring down, the body surface is dark red, even in the cold northern Europe are emitting burning heat, so that the ground snow melted.

    Qingyu sat leisurely on the ground, followed by seventeen students who were arrested, and Fire Little Spirit was also listed.

    "Quite a few people, kid, you think you can snatch someone from my hands?" Qing Yu looked at Yan Gang with a teasing smile, his gaze scornful, he was once an explorer who strolled through the stars, the district students were not even in his eyes.

    Yan just coldly said "I warn you, fire small spirit is our refining Yan star Yan Feng young patriarch's fiancee, dare to move her to bear the wrath of the refining Yan star".

    Qing Yu disdain, "barbaric border territory only, really think they are great, but I can give you a chance to take her away from me, depending on whether you can do it".

    "You say," Yan just bellowed.

    The corners of Qingyu's mouth curved up, "Go to the capital of China, bring my things in exchange for this woman."

    Yan Gang's gaze flashed, "You first release the fire little spirit, I'll go get it for you."

    Qingyu laughed, "Are you an idiot or do you think I'm an idiot, letting people go first? Your brain is gone by fire, right?"

    Yan Gang was extremely angry, clenched his fists, the air around his body surface was burning and distorted, "Okay, I will bring the things, but you have to promise not to hurt the fire little spirit".

    Qing Yu shrugged, "It depends on how long you can get something, I can't guarantee it after a long time, this woman is beautiful".

    Yan Gang was furious, "Fire Little Spirit is a Fusion Realm powerhouse, if you dare to touch her, we'll kill you even if we break the seal".

    "Do so, you will not be able to join the Starry Sky Tenth Academy, right, can not even manage to explore the realm trial mission, the Starry Sky Battle Academy will not accept this kind of waste, when the time comes, how will you explain to your family's young patriarch?" Qing Yu looked at Yan Gang with a teasing smile.

    Yan Gang grunted and whispered to the students behind him, "Keep an eye on him, I'm going to China.

    "Mono has just lost to China, are you okay alone?" A student said, he came from the fire family, didn't care about Yan Gang, but cared about Fire Xiao Ling.

    Yan just disdain, "Do not compare me with that kind of waste", said soaring away, passing through the air for the distortion, forming a white air train.

    From Northern Europe to the capital of China, with the flight speed of the strongest person in the realm of exploration will take at least two days, and this is still the case without the blockage of mutant beasts, once encountered with powerful mutant beasts, the delay will not be good to budget.

    Only a few parts of the capital have light in the dark, lest they attract mutant creatures to appear.

    Lu Yin came to the underground science and technology courtyard and was guided by Dean Lian to see what the fugitive Qingyu had left behind, a stone the size of a human head.

    The stone resembles a circle, but has sixteen sides, each side is smooth and flat, with unreadable marks in the middle, and the whole stone exudes the aura of the vicissitudes of the ages, as if it came from the distant past.

    Lu Yin stood beside Bai Xue, this time Lu Yin could see the stone, or Bai Xue proposed, at first she strongly opposed to let Lu Yin touch the fugitive legacy, saying that only with the consent of the Seven Saints, but at this moment, there is no need for that, the whole capital is under Lu Yin's protection.

    Lu Yin looked in amazement at the stone that was smoothly placed inside the glass cover, "It's just a stone, but it feels very unusual."

    Dean Lien said, "How old do you think this stone is?" .

    Lu Yin shook his head.

    Even the dean exclaimed that "it is impossible to measure".

    "Can't be measured?" Lu Yin was surprised that with today's technology on Earth it was somewhat unbelievable that a stone's time could not be measured.

    Dean Lien said "this stone is too old, experienced undetectable changes, its age traces continue to change, simply can not be measured, for it, we have studied many times, but research can not find anything".

    White Snow said "according to the information we have during this period of time, the fugitive Qingyu escaped from the depths of the universe to here, the distance is quite long, and even so is still wanted, there is no information circulated, there is only one possibility, he carried something too valuable, it should be this stone".

    "When he was brought back to Earth by you from Neptune, what else was there besides this stone?" Lu Yin asked.

    Bai Xue looked at Dean Lian, who said, "A battle sword, dozens of crystals, which are actually star energy crystals, and a chip, which includes the cultivation method, but it is more damaged, most of which can no longer be read.

    "The battle knife has just been given to Zhang Dingtian, as for the star energy crystal, it has long been absorbed and cultivated by us, and at the beginning of the end we were already very close to the heavenly level, that is, the scrying realm," Bai Xue interjected.

    Lu Yin looked at the stone, "So, this stone and that battle sword are the only two things that Qingyu left here."

    "War knife we have studied, the material is very hard, far beyond any metal on Earth, including mutant metals, as for this stone, no clue, nothing can be studied" said Dean Lian.

    Lu Yin faintly said "Can I study it?" .

    Even the dean does not care, "as you wish".
