
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 48 - The Wizards

Seeing this scene, Gureth directly freaked out and glared viciously at Lu Yin, "Bastard, you actually casually gave my clothes to others, you shameless despicable villain."

    Lu Yin waved his hand, "Don't mind, it will be returned to you."

    Gureth is furious, "do not want it, all sweaty and disgusting, you take it to do coffin book".

    Lu Yin ignored her.

    High in the sky, looking at the thunder that enveloped the body, Zhang Dingtian felt the surging power, he remembered the other day Lu Yin is with this battle armor caught so many students, it is clear that the battle armor defense is strong.

    Across the street, Mono's face sank, "Gulbach's stuff", said, grim gaze swept to Gureth, eyes narrowed, "Gulbach's sister is also there, just in time, teach a lesson", said fiercely rushed below.

    Zhang Dingtian coldly snorted as the broken blade chopped out, clearly a broken blade, but it did not affect the chopping.

    The harsh chopping swept through, cutting off the way Mono, Mono was furious, "you seek death", said a claw to Zhang Dingtian, the void beast roar, trembling, this claw contains seven styles, but also more than Lars' heavenly beast claw, generally speaking enough to kill Zhang Dingtian.

    In the face of such a terrifying battle technique, Zhang Dingtian low roar, blood flowing down the corners of the mouth, broken knife shaking rapidly, the air distorted, a strange stance along the broken knife convergence, the sky inexplicably oppressive, then Zhang Dingtian broken knife cut out, and the sky beast claw clash.


    High in the sky shaking the wind and clouds, huge waves of Qi swept across the capital, lifting the earth, a chopping attack along the outer walls of the capital cut through the earth, cutting out an unknown depth.

    Scarlet blood was waved high in the air and spilled over the ruins.

    Zhang Dingtian's battle armor shattered and his body was blasted to the earth, and at the critical moment Lu Yin stepped in and caught him.

    Even so, Zhang Dingtian was too badly injured to strike, and the broken knife, more shattered.

    But at the moment no one dares to underestimate Zhang Dingtian, because he slashed - and wounded Morneau.

    High in the sky, Morneau shocked looking at Zhang Dingtian, right arm blood dripping, fingers trembling, he, the tang fusion realm powerhouse, Yu Tang elite, when the fight with Gulbach and others over existence was actually wounded by the indigenous, but also knocked back a hundred meters, this is an incredible thing, even if sealed cultivation is impossible, no one would believe it, but at the moment is so, his seven types of heavenly beast claws have not been able to kill that indigenous.

    The ground, Lu Yin also shocked, Zhang Dingtian was actually not killed by that claw, and that knife is integrated into the fluctuating palm, simply a miracle, his knife is enough to rival his full power of the sky star palm.

    When I first met Zhang Dingtian, his own heavenly star palm can run two stars, a hair worse than him, but since running three stars surpassed him, and three stars of the heavenly star palm and Lars five-style heavenly beast claw equivalent, this Mono just heavenly beast claw is obviously stronger than Lars, Zhang Dingtian did not die is really lucky, but also thanks to this pair of battle armor, otherwise he is dead.

    Lars were frozen, where did the sick natives come from.

    White Snow and others rushed to pick up Zhang Dingtian for treatment, he was able to fight to this extent is quite remarkable, the other party is the Daewoo Empire elite, and they have only been cultivating for how long.

    Lu Yin vacated the air and looked at Mono, "Next, your opponent, change me."

    Mo Nuo stared at Lu Yin, his eyes were bone-chilling ice cold, just the shame, he wanted to get back on this native.

    Outside the Earth, the huge spaceship monitoring room, all the same shocked looking at the light screen, Morneau is who they all know, the planet evolution trial to reach the fusion realm of just a few people, Morneau can be said to be one of the strongest, was actually wounded, or by an indigenous, their shock is not less than Morneau himself.

    Bang, a loud sound, the crowd turned their heads to look, is Siken Mardo, at this moment, this general gaze excited, "cross-border battle power, did not expect this planet actually have these characters, Mo is not a lack of battle skills, can definitely fight with Mono more exciting, this kind of people we want the army, ha ha".

    On the side, Sha Luo Shu licked his lips, "Sorry General Mardo, we want the twelve teams of the Royal Court".

    Sikenmaldo anger, "the royal court twelve team main responsibility is not combat, this person obviously has a very high combat talent, a short time to imitate the battle technique swimming body step, and will fluctuate palm fusion within the blade, is definitely a combat wizard".

    On the other hand, Tolle Ona said "General Mardo is right, this man is indeed a combat wizard, our Ona family is willing to reshape his body, this kind of person is still given to our ninth team".

    Soon, the three argued louder and louder.

    The crowd looked enviously at the light screen that gaze is still determined seriously injured man, this person as long as the trial does not die, the future is bright, cross-border strong, it represents a genius, if memory serves, there is a cold ice talent cultivator in this group, plus that magical catch Lars, this group of people is not simple na!

    Just as the three argued, Mira gaze at the light screen, within the light screen, Lu Yin and Morneau engaged in a fight.

    Because Zhang Dingtian's outburst made Morneau injured, at this moment he was like a wild beast trying to pour all the damage on all the natives, Lu Yin was the first one, so he struck with the seven styles of Heavenly Beast Claw, originally he thought he could easily defeat Lu Yin, but Lu Yin's performance was even more demonic than Zhang Dingtian, he actually dodged it.

    The Heavenly Beast Claw covers one side of space, even if there are only seven styles it is not something that can be dodged by the Scrying Realm, but Lu Yin just avoided it with ease.

    Mo Nuo looked at Lu Yin in surprise, this person, even more difficult to deal with than that person just now.

    The next moment, the surrounding claw shadow flickered, forcing Lu Yin out, the heavenly beast claw descended directly, only less than 20 centimeters away from Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin felt the power of the Heavenly Beast Claw, but his eyes took all the changes in the Heavenly Beast Claw in his eyes, his body moved sideways and avoided it again, while a palm slapped at Morneau, this is only the Rift Palm, this battle skill Morneau did not care to dodge, the Heavenly Beast Claw is invincible, tearing the Rift Palm apart, attacking again, Lu Yin's gaze steeply opened, looked at it three times, enough, he slapped out, Morneau originally thought it was still the Rift Palm, a tan realm can be so skilled The use of the Rift Palm is extremely rare, but this battle technique can not hurt him at all, however, steeply, a great crisis descended.

    Mo Nuo's scalp numb, pupils shrink violently, before the eyes, Lu Yin tan palm into claws, this is, seven types of heavenly beast claws.


    Morneau like a meteor smashed to the ground, mid-air blood spray, and then stained the ground red, everyone stared dumbfounded at this scene, Morneau was actually seriously injured.

    Rath's heart sank, he had forgotten that the native could imitate the Heavenly Beast Claw.

    Bai Xue and other people shocked look at Lu Yin, this person is more and more terrifying, when encountering strong, strong.

    The ground, Morneau face pale, eyes shocked, abdominal blood gradually expanded, stained the outer coat, but at the moment his attention is not at all on the injury, but the battle techniques performed by this person, absolutely right, just that is seven types of heavenly beast claws.

    "How do you know the Heavenly Beast Claw" shouted Mono, staring at Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin landed on the ground and faintly said "I learned from you".

    "Impossible, no one can learn the Heavenly Beast Claw so quickly, I spent nine months in the Hall of Yu before I learned the seven Heavenly Beast Claw, how can you be so fast" Mo Nuo questioned, "Who are you anyway? Where did you learn the Heavenly Beast Claw?" .

    "I've already told you, I can't help it if you don't believe me," Lu Yin replied indifferently, leaping towards Mo Nuo once again, the seven types of Heavenly Beast Claw pressed down on his head, the void beast roar, causing the air to vibrate and distort, Mo Nuo gritted his teeth, his cultivation was sealed, the seven types of Heavenly Beast Claw was the strongest attack he could perform at present, he should have been invincible, but he encountered the same attack, more importantly, his own attack was useless against this person, he could easily avoid it. The important thing is that his own attacks are useless against this person, he can easily evade, this battle, no chance of winning.


    The earth shook, the ground appeared huge claw marks, deeply imprinted into the ground, and Morneau, directly flew away, he conceded, unless break through the seal to restore the fusion realm strength, or absolutely unable to defeat this person, this person also has cross-border battle power, this group of perverted indigenous, no, this person is by no means indigenous, otherwise it is impossible to perform the cracking palm, in the end what kind of person?

    Lu Yin stood on the ground, looking at the back of Mono flying away, sighing with relief, fusion realm powerhouse gives a lot of pressure, once he can't stand to break the seal, a moment can seriously injure or even kill himself, even if he was driven away from the trial can't get his life back, for this kind of people, Lu Yin does not want to force too hard.

    The biggest gain today is the seven styles of Heavenly Beast Claw, this battle technique inherited from the Yu Tang is really powerful, a total of one hundred and eight styles? I don't know how powerful it is to learn all of them, Lu Yin is looking forward to it.
