
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 47 - Broken Sword to Face the Battle

That night, Erde was thrown back into the big jail and replaced by that Ras grandson.

    This person's identity is really not simple, one after another students contacted Lu Yin to express their willingness to pay the price in exchange for him, but they were all rejected by Lu Yin, the value of this Ras gongzi is not those resource crystals can be compared.

    Lars was roughly still on the ground, not far from the Hua Battalion evolvers building a defensive wall.

    "Gureth, why are you here too?" Lars exclaimed in surprise looking at the woman not far away.

    Gureth smiled and looked at Lars, "Sorry, senior Lars, I got caught too".

    Lars was furious, the girl was lying with her eyes open, how did she look like she was caught? Wait, "You are behind this group? No wonder you dare to kidnap me, you have a lot of nerve, don't think that with your brother's protection it's okay, my father is Sika".

    Gureth blinked her big innocent eyes, "Lars senior don't accuse me, I'm not capable of dominating them, don't believe me ask others, I've been robbed by him too".

    Lars didn't believe it at all, he didn't believe that the native dared to strike him, although the native's strength was unexpectedly strong, but so what, without a certain background, the talent is good again is also a mole.

    "Another student approaches," Granny exclaimed.

    Lu Yin and the others all looked into the distance, a figure quickly approached and eventually hovered above the capital, looking down on Lu Yin and the others.

    Seeing the visitor, Lars was overjoyed, "Senior Mono, it's Senior Mono, Senior, I'm here."

    Gureth's face changed, "How is he, he actually came too."

    Lu Yin was curious, "You know him?" .

    Goulez said gruffly, "Morneau, the elite powerhouse of the Hall of Yu, once competed with my brother, although now not in the eyes of my brother, but is one of the few fusion realm students of the Hall of Yu".

    Hearing the fusion realm, the hearts of the crowd sank, the second batch of trial students must have fusion realm strong, fire small spirit is one, originally the crowd thought fusion realm strong is difficult to encounter, did not expect to actually appear here.

    Morneau scanned down the capital and saw Lars, his eyes lit up, he came for the purpose of Lars, Lars' father was Sika, as long as he saved Lars, he could get on Sika's big boat, and his future in the Daewoo Empire would be worry-free.

    "Indigenous people, release Lord Rath," Morneau shouted, the wave of Qi scattered the clouds and pressed down on the head, making countless survivors afraid.

    Lars was overjoyed.

    Lu Yin frowned to strike, fusion realm and so what, was sealed cultivation fusion realm may not be better than him.

    Just then, Zhang Dingtian stepped out, his gaze stoic, "This one, leave it to me."

    Lu Yin gaze flashed, since he saved the crowd a few days ago, Zhang Dingtian rarely strikes, there are students to come are Lu Yin defeat capture, Granny, Gureth and other people attention on Lu Yin body, even Erde and others are almost forgotten Zhang Dingtian, he, but cross-border strong, the first of the Seven Saints, there is his pride, the capital was originally a place he guarded, but was protected by others, Zhang Dingtian endured for a long time, and now recovered from injuries Desperate for a fight.

    Bai Xue looked at Zhang Dingtian worried, these alien students battle techniques tricky change, the use of power far more than them, ordinary students Zhang Dingtian can crush, but now facing is the top of the strongest.

    Lars disdain, if it is Lu Yin on there is still to see, an indigenous delusion to challenge the fusion realm strong, even if the fusion realm strong is sealed cultivation is not an ordinary tan realm can be compared to, the district indigenous only.

    Lu Yin nodded, "Be careful yourself."

    Zhang Dingtian's gaze was awe-inspiring as he lifted his long knife into the air and faced Mono directly.

    Gureth's eyes glowed, Lars they do not know, they these first trial students but know, when China gave them the biggest threat is not Lu Yin, but this seven saints first, the rare cross-border strong, one person and a knife town of the capital, even she avoided retreating from the front.

    Mo Nuo proudly looked at the rising Zhang Dingtian, "indigenous, get out of the way", said a wave of his hand, surging star energy sweeping, not like ordinary tan realm practitioners that power scattered, but cohesive to a direction, this is unconscious control, but also can be seen to melt realm strong people have long been comfortable with the use of star energy.

    Zhang Dingtian's gaze is firm, lifting the knife across the chop, along with the long knife, the chop swung out to tear apart the star energy, directly swept towards Morneau.

    Originally did not care about Zhang Dingtian's Mo Nu face changed, raised his hand, a claw probe forward to crush the beheading, "Interesting, the district indigenous actually has the strength comparable to ordinary Yu Tang members, no, is slightly more than ordinary Yu Tang members, you, cross-border strong man?" .

    Faced with Mono's increasingly surprised look, Zhang Dingtian raised his sword and chopped again, but was shattered by Mono, Zhang Dingtian has cross-border battle power, stronger than Erde, enough to fight with Lars, but in the face of Mono, a fusion realm powerhouse sealed cultivation, his attack could not create an effect, Mono is a real fusion realm powerhouse, even if he is sealed cultivation can not play fusion realm strength, his use of star energy and battle techniques are still there, not Zhang Dingtian can The first time I saw him, I was able to get to him.

    Bang sound, Morneau tan palm into claws, a loud knock on the blade, the blade will be shaken out a crack, the force spread along the long knife to Zhang Dingtian arm, shattered all the sleeves on his arm.

    Originally this strike Mono intended to shatter the long knife, but failed, the critical moment Zhang Dingtian miraculously removed part of the force, both to save the long knife, but also to allow himself to avoid more serious injuries.

    Zhang Dingtian spit out blood backwards, long knife raised high, a roar, the horror of the chopping stuttering uncertainty, the body inexplicable message, leaving only a residual shadow in place.

    "Swimming body step?" Lu Yin was surprised, Zhang Dingtian had actually learned the Swimming Body Step.

    Everyone stared blankly at the high altitude, two Zhang Dingtian?

    Lars opened his mouth wide, no way, a native actually fought with Morneau with a sound, Morneau but cast a heavenly beast claw failed to defeat him, how is it possible, when the natives are so crazy? Cross-border powerhouse? The indigenous planet actually has cross-border strong people.

    High in the sky, Morneau gaze a cold, waved his hand to dispel the remnants, reversed a leg sweep out, the violent wind rampant out of the distortion of the air, the aftermath of the blast on the ground, will shatter the earth, just at this time, Zhang Dingtian appeared from the side of Morneau, a knife cut out, in the eyes of all chopped in Morneau body.

    Countless hearts lifted up, shocked looking at this scene, including Gureth and others, this is cross-border battle power, can fight Mono, this Zhang Dingtian really want to go against the sky.

    Long knife swept through, no touch, Zhang Dingtian pupils shrink, before the eyes of Mono figure dissipated, he subconsciously long knife blocked in the back, bang, long knife shattered, the terrifying force blasted in Zhang Dingtian, smashed him into the earth.

    Everyone silent, the sky, Mo Nuo appeared, his face gloomy, the district of a native not only forced out the heavenly beast claw, but also forced out his step battle technique, incredible.

    The crowd looked to the earth outside the city, smoke and dust straight into the sky.

    Gureth exhaled, that's right, if this native defeated Mono, that's the subversion of the three views, the native can no longer be contrary to heaven!

    "It's your turn," Gureth said to Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin pointed to the outside of the city, "It's not over yet."

    "Do you want him to die? It is impossible for the natives to defeat Morneau, or even to hurt him," said Gureth.

    Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, "I dislike the word indigenous very much."

    "Hmph," Gureth said, turning her head away.

    Zhou Shan and Wu Sheng also appeared, looking worriedly out of the city.

    White snow double fist clenched, the cold outside the body forced.

    Lars looked at Snow in a daze, earlier he had noticed this woman, it was too beautiful, originally intended to take her back to be a maid, but what is this? Cold Qi? Cold ice? A gift? Hell, what indigenous planet, even gifted cultivators have appeared, and cross-border powerhouses, plus the pervert who defeated himself, all kinds of ghosts.

    At this time, the smoke and dust cleared, appearing before the eyes of the crowd was Zhang Dingtian with a broken knife in his hand, bruised and battered, but standing, looking determinedly high into the sky, slowly taking off.

    Morneau raised an eyebrow, "There is blood, what is your name?" .

    "Zhang Dingtian".

    Morneau said appreciatively "Follow me, I will bring you to join the U-Tang, you are qualified, how about it?" .

    "Not interested," Zhang Dingtian coldly returned three words, gripping the broken knife.

    Morneau lost his smile, "You just want to fight me with this broken sword? I tell you, our gap is unbridgeable, facing me, you can only fail".

    "That may not be, Zhang Dingtian, send you something" below, Lu Yin shouted, raised his hand and threw Gureth's ring battle armor over, Zhang Dingtian subconsciously caught it and looked at Lu Yin in confusion.

    Lu Yin said "you fight originally is not fair, he is fusion realm, you only explore the realm, do not die brain".

    Zhang Dingtian's gaze flashed, put on the ring battle armor, the next moment, the battle armor covers the whole body, flashing thunder.
