
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 46 Fire Little Spirit

Many students in the moment before the trial to accept the task only know that there is a fugitive existence, but nothing about the fugitive, the task said to let them find their own, and now only to learn the name of the fugitive.

    On the third day, over Northern Europe, all students were shocked by the appearance of a woman.

    Fire Xiao Ling, the Daewoo Empire fire family heir, has a fire red long hair down to the waist, looks absolutely beautiful and quiet, like a genie, this woman in the Daewoo Empire identity is also above the Ras, because the fire family, is a huge family of the Daewoo Empire.

    When the moment the fire small spirit appeared, more than ten students hidden in the Nordic periphery appeared in unison, they did not dare to show their faces because they were afraid of Qingyu's strength, and now they dare, because the fire small spirit is a fusion realm powerhouse, although the cultivation was sealed because of the trial, but the fusion realm is the fusion realm, not the tan realm comparable.

    Seeing Fire Little Spirit, Qingyu got up and his eyes glowed, "What a delicate woman, I didn't think there was this kind of temperamental beauty at the edge of the frontier, haha".

    Fire Little Spirit looked down, Qing Yu stood casually, behind him were twelve bound students, unusually wretched.

    "Seriously injured, even if you retain the fusion realm battle power can not play, can only be shocked with star energy, surrender yourself, Qingyu" fire small spirit coldly said.

    The corners of Qingyu's mouth curved up, "really arrogant ah, I like this kind of woman", finished the foot on the earth, an iron rod burst out by Qingyu smack to the fire small spirit, fire small spirit frown to avoid, behind, Qingyu did not know when to appear, catch the iron rod backhand smash down, the iron rod smashed down the trajectory is clearly very clear, but let the fire small spirit have a sense of inescapable, the feeling. All around the world are dim.

    Fire little spirit felt the crisis, the body flame burning, into a phoenix sound straight into the clouds, burning out eight, so that all those who saw it appalled, the earth's snow melted instantly, the sky were burned into red.

    Qing Yu held the stick back, surprised looked at the fire small spirit, and then excited, "talent, actually flame talent, woman, you are qualified to follow me".

    Fire Xiao Ling gaze indifferent, slowly raised the jade finger, a finger point to Qing Yu, the fire phoenix soaring, "Phoenix Spirit finger".

    Drip drip drip, in the distance, several students looked at their personal terminals and their faces changed dramatically, "Four thousand one hundred battle power.

    Qing Yu mouth grin, "strong enough, this finger can make the ordinary fusion realm defeated, unfortunately, you met me, Qing Yu white night", said, Qing Yu iron rod rotation, in a flash countless iron rod appeared almost obscuring the sky, so that the world into darkness, and then an iron rod to pierce the dome of the momentum through the fire phoenix, a rod smashed in the fire small spirit shoulder, the fire small spirit Smashed into the earth.

    With a bang, the earth shook, the melted snow formed a river, and the fire little spirit was smashed into the river.

    In the sky, Qingyu holds his head high, holding an iron rod, and sweeps his gaze around.

    The surrounding students immediately fled, even the fire small spirit were defeated, they dare not approach, the fire small spirit is a rare fusion realm powerhouse of this trial.

    Soon, the fire small spirit climbed to the ground, soaked to the skin, pale face looked towards the slowly walking Qingyu, "White night, this surname, you are that family?" .

    Qing Yu squatted down, stretched out his fingers hooked to the fire small spirit delicate chin, the corners of his mouth smiled, "you actually know, it seems not alone, know, should understand what this surname represents, you are qualified to be my woman, consider it, I will take you out of this frontier".

    Fire Little Spirit slapped away Qingyu's hand, covered his shoulder, and gasped with pain "your wanted from the inner universe, if you are really that family, who dares to wanted you".

    Qing Yu grabbed the fire Xiao Ling long hair to lift her up, looking at the fire Xiao Ling angry gaze, indifferent said "do not get excited, break the seal to restore the strength of the fusion realm you have to get out, do not want to join the Starry Sky Tenth House?" .

    Fire small spirit heart a sinking, outside the body No by No the huge star energy decline.

    Qing Yu sneered, "Watch, soon this will all be over", finished throwing the fire small spirit to the side of the bound students, "thirteen now, this, the portion seems to be quite sufficient".

    Aoyu is right, the fire little spirit can be not just a sufficient portion, but quite sufficient, at the moment of her capture, the monitoring station in the Sikenmaldo almost killed into the Earth himself, but was stopped by Mira.

    "No one is allowed to interfere during the trial, this is the decision of the Cosmic Youth Convocation, General Mardo, are you trying to openly go against the decision of the Youth Convocation?" Mira said as she looked at Siken Mardo indifferently.

    Siken Mardo's face changed and said seriously, "Miss Mira, please forgive me, but the fire small spirit is the daughter of Captain Fire Qingshan, can not happen".

    Mira's eyes narrowed, "I know, so what, she can break the seal on her own, and now the downfall is her own choice".

    Sikenmaldo took a deep breath and looked at Mira.

    The two men looked at each other.

    In the end, Sikenmaldo gave up, in front of the cosmic youth council, not to mention the fire green mountain, even the Daewoo Empire is not worth mentioning, by the powerful forces they destroyed not one or two, the Daewoo Empire does not want to follow in the footsteps of the dust.

    Mira gaze over Sikenmaldo, look at the screen, especially Qing Yu, just the battle technique, so familiar.

    The LAN had already broadcasted the news of Fire Little Spirit's capture, and at once, the many students who had been rushing to Scandinavia immediately stopped in their tracks and gradually converged.

    In the capital, Erde was shocked, "Fire Little Spirit was actually captured, how can we complete the mission?" .

    Lu Yin was puzzled, "Fire Little Spirit? Very powerful?" .

    Erde nodded and said gruffly, "In terms of combat power, Fire Little Spirit should be the strongest among the students in this trial because she has the strength of the fusion realm".

    Lu Yin's gaze changed, fusion realm.

    "Not only fusion realm, fire small spirit also has the gift of flame, her father is the Daewoo Empire Imperial Court 13 team leader of the fifth team fire Qingshan, a can hunt in the stars, battle power enough to hold up ordinary personal terminal superpower, under the tutelage of such a strong man, fire small spirit is the absolute elite of the young generation of the Daewoo Empire, did not expect even she was defeated" Erde continued.

    Only Erde, Granny and these students were shocked by the news of Fire Little Spirit's capture. For Lu Yin, although surprised, it was a bit far away from him, and now his focus was on the few students who were gradually approaching.

    Not a moment later, three students appeared outside the capital, all the second batch of trialists, although not from the Yu Tang, but also some powerful planets of the elite, enough to rival or even exceed the Erde, but unfortunately under Lu Yin all failed to escape, all were captured, he has captured twenty-eight people, quite a lot.

    At that moment, two more people arrived outside the capital, none other than Gureth and Balaro, who had been hiding on the sidelines.

    Zhang Dingtian was just about to make a move when Lu Yin stopped him, "What are you doing here? Your battle armor will be returned to you when the trial is over," Lu Yin said loudly.

    The corner of Gureth's mouth tugged, barely showing a smile to Lu Yin, "I want to join you."

    Lu Yin wondered, "What? Join us? What do you mean?" .

    "Literally, I want to join you," Gureth said, holding her head up, as if you should be honored if I joined you.

    Lu Yin's gaze sank, "Who are we to take you in."

    Gureth was furious, "What take in, will not talk, I said work with you".

    "Why?" Lu Yin replied nonchalantly.

    Gureth gritted her teeth, "Qingyu strength reached the fusion realm, one or two students simply can not deal with, his things in the capital, is destined to return, we join forces to deal with him together".

    Lu Yin thought about it, the woman has a point, that Qing Yu seems to be difficult to deal with, if really back to the capital will be trouble, more people have protection, "OK, come in, but I warn you not to play any crooked ideas, or you will be tied up".

    Gureth grunted and led Barallo into the capital.

    She really did not play other ideas, Qingyu brought too much pressure on all the students, the only way to fight it is to unite, which is the only way out to complete the task, the Nordic side of the many students have also united, she certainly can not fight alone, rather than cooperate with those students to share the results equally with the indigenous cooperation, the most benefit.

    The outskirts of the capital, Charlotte did not go far, but walked in the tide of corpses, the strange thing is that the tide of corpses did not attack him, as if they did not feel him.

    Here for three days, Charlotte looked the same, three days he was with the zombies, seems to be observing something.

    After a while, Charlotte stood in the same place and sighed, "I can really feel their scent, really everywhere they are, trouble na".

    I don't know how far south of the capital, a beautiful woman in green robes with long green hair slowly flew north, the woman was all in green, even her boots were green, with exquisite flower patterns engraved on them, the whole person gave a fresh air.
