
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 45 - Red Lotus Demon Bow

Mira laughed "That's good, in fact, your Daewoo Empire trials originally should not I appear, but unfortunately, the Daewoo Empire Youth Council was banned, I am the person who announced the notice, can only be responsible, after all, the trial can not be without the presence of the Youth Council, what do you say, General Mardo".

    Sikenmaldo nodded and said lightly, "It's been hard on Miss Mira".

    Mira smiled lightly, gaze to the light screen, "nice guy, I hope he has a good score", finished, Mira turned and left the monitoring room, leaving a ghostly fragrance.

    When Mira left, all of them breathed heavily, just like a mountain of pressure descended, that woman is too terrifying, the strength definitely exceeds any person present, she is only a student, ah, although from the inner universe, but also just a student, why so strong?

    Toleona gaze said "Mira, the universe youth council subordinate members, the stars of the sixth house students, known as the red lotus demon bow, did not expect so powerful".

    Sikenmaldo exhaled, did not discuss Mira with Tolle, his eyes once again looked at the light screen, this young man was bailed out by Mira, if he can perform a little better, perhaps, can get Mira's help, flat out, lucky young man.

    Sha Luo Shu gaze gloomy, he was actually bluffed by a woman, the heart surged out of the monstrous anger.

    Toleona looked at him and smiled disdainfully, so what if he was angry again, did he dare to take on Mira? First of all, regardless of the strength, behind Mira is the universe Youth Convocation, where there are ten monsters.

    Earth, outside the capital, Xialuo left, did not say anything more to Lu Yin and others, left on his own, did not even fly, just walked on the earth, towards the wandering tide of corpses.

    Lu Yin looted Lars and another man. I have to say that Lars is worthy of being the son of the vice minister of finance, that is, rich. Lu Yin got nearly twelve cubic meters of star energy crystals and many other kinds of natural crystals in his condensed air ring, which shocked Granny and others.

    Lars angrily stared at Lu Yin, limp on the ground, "You're dead, everything I do is monitored by the imperial monitoring station, you're dead, my father must already know, you will be judged after the trial is over, I will make you beg for your life and die".

    Lu Yin smiled lightly, "I'm looking forward to it."

    Ras gaze flickers, the indigenous is indigenous, wait for the moment of judgment really came he will know what despair means.

    "Let me ask you, what was the battle technique you performed at the beginning?" Lu Yin stared at Lars and asked.

    Lars snickered, "the district of indigenous actually want to play the idea of heavenly beast claw, tell you also does not matter, Da Yu Empire Yu Hall heritage one hundred and eight types of heavenly beast claw, I only mastered five types, you have the ability to go to the Yu Hall to master one hundred and eight types, absolutely shake the stars, you have the ability to well".

    Lu Yin marveled, "One hundred and eight styles, you have only mastered five styles, your qualifications are quite poor".

    Lars was angry, "I am the son of Sica, I am a genius, even those people in Gulbach have mastered no more than half, you a native know what, that kind of supreme battle technique is not at all ordinary people can master".

    "You are talking about this" Lu Yin raised his hand, tan palm into claws, the void faintly emitted a beast roar, the huge pressure released, causing the debris to crack.

    At this moment, Zhang Dingtian and others felt scandalous.

    Lars gritted his teeth, this bastard actually really mastered the Heavenly Beast Claw three styles, if it was himself who just performed the Heavenly Beast Claw five styles on him, could he also master it? The thought of this Lars is chilling, this kind of person must be strangled.

    The capital has arrested twenty-five students with the help of Lu Yin, including Lars, a powerful son, making the LAN shake.

    Granny looked at the LAN, counted, and said, "The second batch of trialists totaled sixty-two people, of which fifteen landed in China".

    Sixty-two people, although the number is much less than the first batch of trialists, but the quality is completely different, just appear a have a tan realm peak battle power, the only seven saints in the upper three saints can fight, but also may not win, if encountered like Ras such experts, even Zhang Dingtian are not sure can easily defeat, sometimes battle skills to make up for many gaps.

    The power of many battle techniques cannot be expressed by battle power values.

    Scandinavia, snow and wind, the peace era beautiful picturesque territory is now covered by a snow and ice, countless zombies are frozen, the entire northern Europe white, no blood, like a paradise.

    Several meteors smashed down in Northern Europe, one of them smashed down on Otto Island, Otto Island is an island in the Nordic Gulf of Neah, Neah Bay is frozen, Otto Island around a hundred miles can not see the human figure.

    The spaceship smashed inside Otto Island, smashing the ground out of a conical crater. As the hatch opened, a young man stepped out and exhaled, white air currents froze in mid-air and fell to the ground.

    The man cursed, "Damn random, what a shitty place to throw me, so cold, it can't be the coldest place on the planet", said the man out, raising his eyes to look around, and kept cursing.

    Click on the personal terminal, the man's gaze suddenly changed, a few kilometers away from him there is a battle display, the man immediately took to the air and flew to, soon, he saw, in the distance, a figure sitting on the snowy peaks, staring blankly at the high altitude, with the stupid general.

    The man stood in the air and looked down, "Hey, where is this place".

    The man below gazed at the man, "I don't know."

    The man's gaze was cold, "What did you say? Don't know? Why are you here?" .

    "Hide people," the figure said indifferently.

    The man landed and walked behind the figure, "You are not weak in battle, two thousand three, no personal terminal, indigenous?" .

    The figure turned to look at the man, "Can you do me a favor? Post a message on the LAN."

    The man was puzzled, "What's the message?" .

    The corners of the figure's mouth curved up, "Just say, you saw the fugitive", "What?" The man was shocked, immediately shot, the next moment, the body strength loss, in front of the original only two thousand three battle power figure suddenly burst incomparable strength to crush him, this is, fusion realm battle power, personal terminal non-stop burst.

    "Thank you," the figure said indifferently, turning to look into the distance.

    A few minutes later, the Earth LAN exploded and everyone received a message that the fugitive was hiding in Northern Europe and had the power of the fusion realm of war and requested help.

    At first the crowd did not believe, who would make the fugitive's trail public, this is a mission, but when that message had described the fugitive's appearance in detail, was confirmed, after all, Erde and others had fought with the fugitive in the European Mediterranean, immediately, this message was confirmed to be true, many students rushed to fly to Northern Europe.

    The capital, Lu Yin and others are surprised, "The fugitive is hiding in Northern Europe, and is still openly traced? How to hear how wrong."

    Granny said "not all students care about the trial task, anything that happens in the trial may have an impact on the final grade, such as someone defeated, someone defeated can affect the final grade, this student thinks he can not defeat the fugitive, so it is not impossible to get a grade by making the fugitive trail public".

    Lu Yin looked at Erde, "You have fought with the fugitive, how is his strength?" .

    Since Lu Yin captured Lars, Erde was much more honest and said back "very strong, even if the battle power of the strongest person walking the stars is weakened, the comprehension of battle techniques and the use of star energy will not be weak, we have a total of a dozen students surrounded him, he instantly killed five, and then fled".

    "That man said the fugitive has fusion realm battle power, really?" Granny asked.

    Erde said "not when we fought, otherwise we would not dare to approach him".

    Lu Yin pondered, he always felt things were odd, how could someone who could escape from the inner universe to the outer universe be easily discovered by the students, and also exposed the trail without even knowing.

    "Look, there are students approaching Scandinavia," Granny exclaimed, and everyone looked to the LAN.

    Northern Europe, three students flew in, two were the first batch of trialists, one was the second batch of trialists, and all three appeared at the same time.

    The second batch of trial students were obviously far stronger than those two first batch of trial students, making those two students not dare to approach.

    "Where's the fugitive?" The student shouted.

    The other two students were likewise searching, and suddenly, their bodies fell helplessly and smashed on the snow, while that second batch of trial students likewise fell to the ground. Not far away, a man came slowly, with gentle steps, but each step bursting with indescribable pressure, making the three students tremble.

    The three looked up, only to see the man wearing ringed battle armor, looking down at them from above, the contempt in his eyes could not be hidden, a short black hair interspersed with white hair in the middle, looks very strange, giving a sense of eeriness.

    "Introduce myself, my name is Qingyu, your so-called fugitive" the man smiled lightly, then in the three students trembling gaze star energy erupted, the three directly stunned.

    "Four, far from enough," muttered Qingyu, gazing expectantly into the distance.

    Over the next two days, the LAN shook as no less than twelve students were caught by the fugitive, whose name was revealed for the first time - Qingyu.


    Thanks for the reward! More at 2pm! Thanks to !!!!
