
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 43 - Perfect Heavenly Star Kung Fu

At that moment, two black dots flew in the distance and two more people, both men, descended quickly.

    Seeing the visitor, Erde was excited, "Senior Lars, I'm here, Senior Lars", with a snap, Lu Yin once again slapped Erde on the head, "What are you shouting for, who's here?" .

    The student is an expert in the Hall of Yu, you can't be an opponent, let me go, I can help you plead with the senior".

    Lu Yin looked at the two men who had just arrived, his face was grave, Yu Hall? The place where the real elites of the Daewoo Empire are located, it can also be considered an academy, a place dedicated to training the top experts of the younger generation.

    Outside the capital, the first man who descended remained standing on the ground, surveying the surroundings, and the two men who appeared afterwards looked down on Lu Yin and the others in the air, one of them stepped forward and looked down proudly, "Erde, you really will give our Yu Tang a long face, actually caught by the natives, useless thing".

    Erd blushed hard, gritted his teeth and stared at the man, lowering his head.

    The other man waved his hand and looked down calmly, "Who has Urd? Let him go, I can spare his life."

    "Is he the senior Lars you mentioned?" Lu Yin asked.

    The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're doing.

    Lu Yin's eyes lit up, "Vice Minister of Finance? His family is very rich?" .

    Erde was stunned, that's not the point, right!

    Lu Yin gaze hot look at Lars, he is very short of star energy crystals, just those students contributed eight cubic star energy crystals for him, far from enough, this Lars may be able to give him a surprise, as for the strength that Erd said, Lu Yin does not care much, this Lars gives him a feeling much milder than the first man who appeared, that person is absolutely dangerous.

    "That person feels changed," Zhang Dingtian suddenly spoke.

    Lu Yin turned his head, looking at the man still standing on the ground, his gaze changed, that person now gives him a very ordinary feeling, very ordinary, like an ordinary person, completely without the danger that just appeared, this person changed at the moment of Lars their approach.

    High above, Lars frowned, "What, not going to let anyone go? Or do you think you can get away with keeping this place?" .

    "Lars senior, the fugitive has something left in the city, as long as the control here fugitive will certainly come," shouted Erde, his own defeat and the second batch of trialists descend completely cut off his idea of completing the task, it is better to sell a favor to Lars, later can also have a backer.

    Lars' eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth smiled, "Well, it seems I'm lucky to come across good places for random landings".

    At that moment, the man standing behind Lars looked to the other side, swept his gaze across the spaceship, whispered a few words in Lars' ear, and Lars gazed at the first man who appeared here, "My friend, my name is Lars, meet me".

    The ground, the man squatted down and picked up the dirt on the tip of his nose and smelled it, "the taste of blood."

    High in the sky, Rath's face sank, "Friend, meet me, my name is Rath, the son of Sika, Vice Minister of Finance of the Daewoo Empire."

    The man got up and looked up at Lars with a faint smile, "Shiloh, a nameless man, dare not climb high".

    Lars frowned, Shiloh? That name he hadn't heard before.

    Lu Yin said to Zhang Dingtian "can not let them talk, once the consensus will be trouble, I go to catch Lars, you keep an eye on Charlotte".

    Zhang Dingtian nodded and gripped his long knife tightly.

    Erde heard, see ghost like look at Lu Yin, catch Lars, he is not crazy, not to mention the strength of Lars, just his background let all trialists dare not touch, this guy is absolutely crazy.

    Lu Yin looked at the starry sky, this is the beginning, he waited so long, finally close, thinking, Lu Yin bang flew towards Lars, in everyone's horrified gaze raised his palm to slap, the air directly distorted.

    Lars was thinking about the identity of Xialuo, did not expect Lu Yin to attack directly, he also did not make a move, the man behind him crossed forward in anger, "bold, actually dare to strike at Prince Lars", said, tan palm into claws, invisible beast roar in the void roar, Lu Yin seems to see a huge claw cover the starry sky, this feeling is similar to Erde's beast king fist, but more than The beast king fist has an additional power.

    Lu Yin did not carelessly, palm out of the stars now, two star operation directly erupted, bang, two people in the high altitude collision, air waves in an arc spread, followed by invisible force crushing the earth, the man was Lu Yin palm shocked back a hundred meters, a mouthful of blood spit out, shocked look at Lu Yin.

    His strength is similar to Erde's, Lu Yin's full outburst of the Heavenly Star Palm nullified Erde, and the two-star Heavenly Star Palm was enough to injure him.

    Lars narrowed his eyes, "No wonder he could catch Erd, a little strength", said, raised his right palm, the same tan palm into claws, but compared to just that person, Lars this claw is too strong, the void really appeared huge claw shadow, as if from the universe to come to grab Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin's gaze changed, Erde, just that person and Lars used the same source of battle techniques, but one is stronger than the other.

    Below, Xia Luo's eyes lit up, "Yu Tang top battle technique Heavenly Beast Claw, inherited one hundred and eight styles, this person has only mastered five styles, but it is enough to crush most of the tan realm cultivators, nice battle technique".

    At the back, Zhang Dingtian's gaze widened, Bai Xue, Granny and others shocked, this kind of battle technique they have never heard of, too terrifying, this is the bottom of the Daewoo Empire.

    Lu Yin two stars in the palm of the operation, and then appeared a third star, and Lars a claw collision, the eyes of the crowd changed dramatically, huge waves of Qi swept across the four directions, three stars exploded at the same time, an instant, the superimposed terrifying impact let Lars shock, right claw above the shadow directly popped, Lars eyes shrink, body shape disappeared, Lu Yin at the same time cast swim body step, two figures in the high altitude instantly disappeared.

    The next moment, the two appeared at the same time, Lu Yin once again a palm strike, Ras scruples, his heavenly beast claws were broken, unable to resist, side-stepped to avoid, crushed a gale crystal, the left index finger wrapped around the gray whirlwind, a finger point to Lu Yin, this is his strongest battle technique - Yin Wind Finger, Sika for him at great cost in exchange for battle techniques.

    Lu Yin felt the crisis, Lars a command he was surrounded by ice cold, different from the cold ice cold, this is bone-chilling cold, as if it can freeze star energy, Lu Yin gaze awe-inspiring, the sky star work running, three stars vaguely appear around the body, Lars Yin wind finger on the gray hurricane in the moment of approaching Lu Yin's body was continuously weakened, Lars shocked, how is it possible?

    Lu Yin easily avoided the Yin Wind Finger, left palm pressed on the abdomen of Lars, "cracked palm", said, the huge force smashed Lars hard on the ground, he did not even have time to wear the ring battle armor.

    Not far away, the man who followed Lars shouted harshly and rushed towards Lu Yin again, a claw attack, Lu Yin's gaze flashed, the circumference of the Tian Xing Gong once again, the moment the man's claw approached Lu Yin's body suddenly became slow, so slow that Lu Yin could see all the changes of his battle technique, Lu Yin performed the swimming body step to avoid it, raised his right palm, tan palm into claw, then in the eyes of everyone stunned a claw grabbed the man, bang! The man's right shoulder was scratched and his body fell to the ground.

    Erde looked at this scene dumbfounded, what did he see? That person, actually used the Heavenly Beast Claw, that is the top battle technique inherited from Yu Hall, you must join Yu Hall to learn through the stone wall, that person actually used it, how is it possible?

    Not only Erde was surprised, everyone was shocked, including Lu Yin himself.

    He had suffered numerous attacks on himself after defeating Erd, and although he was defended by Gureth's battle armor, his body was still traumatized, and it was at that moment when he was running the Heavenly Star Power to recover his star energy that he inadvertently discovered another use of the Heavenly Star Power, which not only accelerates the absorption of star energy, but also forms a peculiar defensive force field around his body, weakening enemy attacks.

    Originally he thought that this was the most powerful side of the Heavenly Star Technique, but at this moment he realized that he still did not understand this set of techniques, which could not only defend, but could also present the enemy's battle techniques perfectly in front of him, and he could learn them if he wanted, which even he did not expect.

    Lu Yin clenched his fists, his gaze excited, Heavenly Star Technique, when he first got this technique he knew it was heavenly, but at this moment, he felt that he still underestimated this technique, not only heavenly, simply should not exist, this is a set of techniques that imitate the operation of the universe, extremely powerful.

    On the earth, Charlotte's gaze was surprised, then the corners of her mouth curled up, "Interesting."
