
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 42 - Advent

Everyone was dumbfounded, that was Erde, the strongest person who broke into the Yu Hall, the strongest person recognized among all people, and the existence that could fight against Zhang Dingtian, was actually nullified by one palm.

    Zhang Dingtian is equally shocked, this person is too much stronger than some time ago, that slap, he was not sure to take it.

    Lu Yin looked at his right palm, and the third star was running out, seemingly, unexpectedly powerful.

    Heavenly Star Palm is not a simple star burst attack, each star burst will damage stacked, three stars of the Heavenly Star Palm is far more than two stars.

    Lu Yin had guessed that when the third star came out he would be comparable to Zhang Dingtian, but at this moment, he knew that he was not comparable, but surpassed Zhang Dingtian.

    In the distance, a student looked at his personal terminal in shock, "Three, three thousand seven hundred battle power, cross-border battle power."

    All the students' scalps tingled, cross-border strong people are absolutely demonic, only those gifted people in the universe have reached, now a fringe planet actually appeared two cross-border strong people, incredible, next to a gifted cultivator, is this really an ordinary planet?

    Granny froze, this bastard actually became so powerful.

    Lu Yin clenched his fist, swept his gaze over all the students, grinned, and rushed violently towards one of them.

    That student is also among the strongest people in the academy, seeing Lu Yin rushing to scared souls, even the idea of resistance did not immediately flee, but unfortunately, Lu Yin grabbed a shoulder, palm force even crushed the ring battle armor, "give me honestly stay" a low voice, Lu Yin a fist smashed in the forehead of that student, directly smashed him unconscious, and then continue to Then he continued to rush towards other students.

    The scene at this moment is very strange, Lu Yin is like a lion rushing into the flock, the heavenly star palm makes him invincible, many students' attacks are useless to him, that body armor protects him to death, so many students are helpless.

    When Lu Yin knocked out eight students, all of them scattered, not to play, hit and can not hit, defense also can not defend, play a fart.

    Haidian first escape, but was pestered by Snow who was always watching him.

    "He didn't want to be knocked out, he didn't have to think about it to know that the bastard must have a purpose for knocking out the students, thinking about what happened to Baili and Willow, Hadian sucked in a breath of cold air, the bastard didn't want to kidnap all the trial students!

    Swoosh, when Haidian broke through the ice to escape, the terrifying chopping slashed through the earth, stopping him hard, in front, Zhang Dingtian held a long knife, coldly stared at Haidian, "Let you go?" .

    Hedian froze for a moment, then the back of his head hurt so badly that he was unconscious.

    Snow retracted his hand, his gaze slightly excited, it seems, to do so very cool.

    Zhang Dingtian froze looking at Bai Xue, his first time to see Bai Xue knocking boredom, I have to say that Lu Yin's approach is very provocative.

    Farther away, Gureth and Ballaro stared blankly at the capital, their cheeks twitching, "Am I seeing things, that feckless bastard is arresting students?" .

    Barallo bitterly smiled, "no blink, he is indeed capturing students, the tang trial students, the elite of the major colleges of the stars, caught like rabbits, this should be the only time in the history of the trial".

    Any trial, students are as if they are high gods who can look down on all beings, and their opponents are only themselves, but now, all trial students, or the strongest group of them, are captured one by one, like rabbits in fear, and eventually escaped less than five people.

    When peace was restored to the capital, in addition to the ruins left all over the place, there were nineteen students who were knocked out and fell to the ground in a very sad manner.

    Lu Yin wiped his sweat, tired, finally done, the few that escaped the speed is very fast, the footwork battle skills play a thief, can not catch, forget it.

    "Here are nineteen people, plus Baili and Willow is twenty-one people, eh, Zhou Shan brought the two Blue Mountain College also? That's twenty-three students, that's quite a lot" Lu Yin calculated, his hands did not slow down, scraping one by one.

    Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue looked on speechlessly, the action is also too skilled.

    Erde didn't faint, he was only seriously injured, and his eyes widened at the sight, "You're the starry-eyed bandit."

    Lu Yin gave him a look, "Don't talk nonsense, this is the spoils of war, can't fight for nothing".

    Erd is furious.

    Granny also came out at this time to help Lu Yin handle the loot.

    Lu Yin did not blame her, this woman is also a trial student, did not help to fight the capital has been good.

    This battle is very tired, Lu Yin even with the battle armor to offset a lot of attacks, internal organs also suffered shock, need to rest, and Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue more needless to say, simply do not want to move, Zhou Shan and Wu Sheng seriously wounded, Lu Yin let Granny give them a little treatment, and then was picked up by the Chinese camp back to the capital to rescue.

    All the evolved people of the Chinese camp went out to organize the ruins.

    Two hours later, all the students who had been knocked out woke up one after another and found themselves tied up, glaring angrily at Lu Yin.

    Especially when they found out they had been robbed, they were furious and vomited blood.

    "You're the star thief, the one who robbed Ian," someone shouted.

    Next to him is Ian, "Hey, don't make an example of me, shame on you."

    "You must be the one who robbed Ian, and now you dare to rob us, you bandit, bandit," someone else shouted.

    Ian was speechless.

    Lu Yin sneered, walked up to these people, raised his palm, many students were scared and hurriedly shut up.

    Lu Yin withdrew his hand just about to say something to Zhang Dingtian and the others, his gaze suddenly shrank and looked to the sky, at the same time, all over the Earth, countless people looked up, the sky, meteors falling.

    A stream of shooting stars crossed the sky.

    Lu Yin was shocked, this is, the second batch of trialists descend.

    "Why is it so early?" Lu Yin was puzzled and looked at Granny.

    Granny said, "Trials rarely appear in the second batch, I do not know".

    "It should be counted from the moment of receiving the notice," said Bai Xue, with a gloomy face.

    Zhang Dingtian looked high into the sky and his gaze shrank as he saw three meteors flying this way.

    Lu Yin immediately shouted, "Bring all these people back to the capital, quickly."

    Not a moment later, a distant boom, the capital of countless survivors of fear, the despair faced today is comparable to the day of doom, not only dozens of heaven-level power melee, and now even meteorites are falling, human beings really to the end of the line?

    The steel walls were reduced to rubble, and Lu Yin stood on the rubble, watching a meteor smash down in front of them, just a few kilometers away from the capital gathering, and they could even see the alien ship surrounded by flames.


    The earth shook again and a huge crack spread towards the capital. Zhang Dingtian casually waved his hand and qi energy tore through the earth and blocked the crack.

    The next moment, searing waves of air swept across, carrying boundless dust, sweeping through the capital, and everyone felt the pressure descend.

    Soon, when the smoke cleared, what appeared in front of the crowd was a three-meter diameter, round spaceship, very small, exactly the same as the original Ashtar's, which was an individual spaceship and could only take one person.

    The earth was smashed with huge conical craters.

    Once again, there was a booming sound in the distance.

    Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, three meteors smashed down, all descended, this is the second batch of trialists, trialists who rushed to the tenth courtyard of the stars and wanted to achieve results in the trial.

    Erde was caught aside, eyes fixed on the spaceship, eyes excited, come on, let this group of natives see what it means to be a demon, what is powerful.


    The round spaceship hatch opened, hot air gushed out to form white smoke, a hand poked out and held on the edge of the ship, then a figure walked out against the sun and raised his head.

    Appearing before everyone's eyes was a handsome looking man with a hint of a smile in his gaze.

    The man stepped out of the airship, slowly levitated, stepped on the ground, did not look at Lu Yin and others, but scanned the surroundings, his gaze with a few exploration.

    Looking at the man, Lu Yin's gaze shrunk, dangerous, extremely dangerous, this person gave him a rather dangerous feeling, looking down at the personal terminal, battle power three thousand, the peak of the tan realm, obviously the same battle power, but why does this person give himself such a dangerous feeling?

    Not only Lu Yin, Zhang Dingtian, Bai Xue, Granny, including Erde in the moment of seeing the man felt extremely dangerous, this mild-looking man seems to hide a suffocating pressure.

    "Who is he?" Lu Yin tapped Erde on the head and asked.

    Erde looked at the man dumbfounded, shook his head, confused and said "I don't know".

    Lu Yin narrowed his eyes, that man has not even looked at them until now, not at all in the eyes? This is the invisible reveal of high arrogance, engraved in the bones, indescribable.


    Thanks for the bounty, more at 2pm! Thanks !!!!
