
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 41 - A Palm

Suddenly, a distortion of the void, a huge chopping cut through the long sky chopped to more than ten students, more than ten people shocked, while out to crush the chopping, far away, Zhang Dingtian soared into the air, gripping the long knife, icy cold gaze.

    Despite hearing about it, but when they really faced Zhang Dingtian, all the students had a pang of numbness, there were actually cross-border strong people among the natives, it was simply perverted.

    With a swoosh, an arrow swept across the sky and struck a student, the same one who had just struck out at Kyungsung, spilling blood from high in the sky.

    This is Wu Sheng, one of the Seven Saints, the Wolf Saint, originally sitting in the grassland, through the robbed personal terminal learned that the capital was under siege, and arrived a few days ago to prepare to help.

    Four saints battle more than twenty students, the disparity, even Zhang Dingtian can not make up, but a quarter of an hour, Zhou Shan spurting blood, the body has several more blood marks, Wu Sheng was also a student stabbed through the abdomen, picked up, blood-stained earth.

    Tens of thousands of evolvers from the Chinese battalion went to war, but they were slaughtered like straw, and they couldn't even get close to these students.

    Granny hid and looked at the scene with fear, she is not an earthling and would not send death, and with her strength she could not even stop any of the students.

    The wind blew, heaven and earth a cold, many students surprised to look at the ruins of the city wall, where, two students were frozen, Haidian gaze shocked, "talent, you, you actually have a talent".

    The two words "talent" shook the four directions, and all the students looked at Bai Xue incredulously.

    The original is a stunning face, and now it is even more imprinted on the hearts of all.

    White snow mouth corners crimson, blood stains dripping down the chin to the ground, panting violently, each breath spurts out cold air, she has reached the limit, these monsters simply can not fight.

    White Snow's talent not many people know, even the Seven Saints do not all know, she hides very well, however, in the face of Hedian the group of students, she can not do anything but expose.

    The next instant, all students greedily stared at Bai Xue, the importance of a gifted cultivator everyone understands, as long as the forces behind them to capture a gifted cultivator, their status will climb sharply.

    The student who gunned down Wu Sheng casually waved Wu Sheng off and rushed towards Bai Xue with a loud laugh.

    The student who was planning to decapitate Zhou Shan also grinned and rushed over.

    The sky, more than a dozen idle students at the same time, this moment, white snow than the capital, even more important than the fugitive.

    Granny sighs, this is the sadness of the weak, white snow exposed talent, can only be captured, no one will waste the talent cultivator, she will be arranged to marry a powerful person, to improve the chances of the birth of the talent cultivator, this is sad.

    Zhang Dingtian opposite the Erdeu greedily stared at the white snow, fiercely rushed, but Zhang Dingtian than he was one step faster, "all get lost" Zhang Dingtian a roar, countless chopping waving, in all directions filled with a terrifying chopping.

    More than twenty students were blown back, shocked Zhang Dingtian's strength, but even so still could not extinguish their determination to snatch Bai Xue, talented cultivators are too important.

    Erde tore through the chop, a fist blast in the abdomen of Zhang Dingtian, Zhang Dingtian was blown back more than 10 meters, still standing tall, long knife across the chop, Erde backed up sharply, his body was cut with a bloody scar.

    Haidian crushed the water crystal, "water tornado" a low cry, surging water into a tornado blast Zhang Dingtian, the same time, in all directions, a variety of attacks blasted.

    Zhang Dingtian's gaze widened, gums gnawed blood, a low roar, long knife thrust into the ground, then violently chopped out, from the bottom up, countless debris shot in all directions, the earth trembled, huge cracks spread from outside the city to the city, burying countless survivors.

    The attacks from all sides were offset by Zhang Dingtian, and he himself reached his limit.

    Several students just did not make a move, but now suddenly rushed out, two attacked Zhang Dingtian and one grabbed Bai Xue, "The gifted cultivator is ours, haha."

    Zhang Dingtian was hit, the body pressed into the ground, the long knife was nearly unable to hold.

    Bai Xue stared at the student who grabbed at her and raised her hand, "Cold Ice Palm".


    A wave of air swept the sky, freezing the ground, the student who grabbed at Snowy was frozen directly, he underestimated Snowy, the upper three saints, enough to rival the strongest in the college, even Hedian could not take a moment.

    Erde saw Zhang Dingtian was seriously injured, once again rushed out, this time he grabbed at Bai Xue, talented cultivator is not much less valuable than a fugitive, Zhang Dingtian this obstacle has been cleared.

    With Erde at the same time there are two students, are enough to rival the existence of Haidian, a total of three, while grabbing to Bai Xue, at this moment, even Zhang Dingtian can not protect her.

    Bai Xue's face was pale, "Is it over? It's a pity."

    In a flash, a familiar back appeared in front of Bai Xue, bang bang bang, three loud noises, accompanied by three wretched backwards flying back, it is the three Erde.

    All the students stared incredulously at the man who suddenly appeared in front of Bai Xue, what kind of person? How could he defeat three of the academy's strongest people with one blow?

    In the corner, Granny's eyes widened, "I can't believe I'm back."

    Inside the city, Zhou Shan laughed miserably and spat out blood.

    White snow stunned looking at the figure in front of her, although not tall, but to help her block the wind and rain, this person, really came back, and seems to have become very strong.

    Appeared in front of the white snow is naturally Lu Yin, he did not have a personal terminal, of course, did not know that the capital was attacked, fortunately, back not late.

    Lu Yin said to Bai Xue, "I said I would come back".

    Bai Xue's face was pale and weak, "Be careful, there are too many people".

    Lu Yin nodded, his face slightly gloomy, indeed, too many people, he now reached the peak of the tan realm, the heavenly star palm is by no means inferior to Zhang Dingtian, but Zhang Dingtian are beaten into a dead dog, hard fight is very difficult.


    Zhang Dingtian crawled out from the ground, leaning on his long sword, looked at Lu Yin, then his harsh gaze swept around, his face firm.

    Lu Yin threw the healing medicine to Zhang Dingtian, "Treat it."

    Zhang Dingtian very roughly swallowed the healing medicine directly.

    Lu Yin speechless, this is smeared on the body, forget it, swallowed, it should also be effective, after all, from the clover company.

    In the distance, the three Elders got up and stared at Lu Yin, "Who is it?" .

    Lu Yin did not intend to talk nonsense with him, directly put on Gureth's battle armor, outside the body thunder clashes, sparks.

    Haidian was surprised, "This is Gureth's battle armor, why do you have it?" .

    Lu Yin faintly said "she gave it to me".

    "Impossible" Erde and Hedian and several students spoke at the same time, Gureth is very famous in the Daewoo Empire, all because she has a protective and powerful brother, Gurbach, mention this person, the young generation of the Daewoo Empire feel powerless, this is a pervert, because of Gurbach, no one dares to bully Gureth, if that battle armor If that body armor is really given to this person by Gureth, then it is a problem, this person has a relationship with the Gureth family?

    All the students looked at Lu Yin in amazement, this man can't be Gureth's boyfriend, right!

    Lu Yin took a deep breath, his gaze became morose, "hide yourself away", said a sentence, Lu Yin rushed directly to Erde, this person is the strongest among the students, but also the organizer of this attack on the capital, capture the thief first.

    Erde was still immersed in speculation about Lu Yin, when Lu Yin had already attacked, Erde hurriedly retreated, he had just experienced Lu Yin's power and did not intend to fight hard.

    He was surprised that he was actually attacking him, "Water Tornado", Heidian used the water to wrap his whole body in a vain attempt to block Lu Yin, Lu Yin rushed to him, the corner of his mouth curved up, then a palm blast to the other side, that direction is exactly the direction that Earde retreated.

    "Rift Palm?" Surprised, Erde blasted out a fist, and with a bang, the wave of Qi drained everything around him, and Lu Yin bypassed Haidian to attack Erde again.

    Erde gritted his teeth, "Kid, don't overdo it."

    Lu Yin coldly laughed and raised his palm to slap at Erde.

    Erde grunted, felt the crisis, clenched his right fist, vaguely heard the majestic beast roar, this is his battle technique, defeated the strongest of the thirty colleges, broke into the Yu Hall, famous Da Yu Empire - the beast king fist, in the Earth only used against the Zhang Dingtian and fugitives, at the moment is also forced to a desperate situation.

    The first star burst, Erde's eyes widened, the beast king fist was forced to stop, the second star burst, Erde's right fist pain, when the third star burst, Erde fiercely spit blood and flew backwards, his right fist shattered, his body was viciously smashed into the earth, raising a sky of smoke and dust.

    Facing Erde, Lu Yin's Heavenly Star Palm had no reservations and annulled him with one palm.
