
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 40 - Two Points

Lu Yin's gaze was cold as he stared at Gureth, "Say it again, help me apply the medicine."

    The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

    A burst of coolness came, Lu Yin exhaled, the effect of the healing medicine produced by this clover company is good, quickly scarred.

    The soft and boneless small hands of Gureth, together with the cold ointment, made Lu Yin really enjoy it, and his gaze towards Gureth softened a bit.

    "Hmph, get up and keep on robbing," said Gureth.

    Lu Yin raised his hand and threw the condensed air ring to Gureth, "No more robbery, enough, you go play by yourself."

    Gureth said sharply "No, Ender hasn't appeared yet, we must rob him".

    Lu Yin laughed and ignored her, those people before is not how to put him in the eyes, think a college strongest people enough to deal with, but now a appear is seven, and then robbery will definitely encounter this kind of lineup, stupid to go.

    Lu Yin turned over the five students' condensed air rings, found two more cubic star energy crystals, waved his hand to Gureth and soared up.

    Gureth suddenly shouted, "Bastard, my battle armor, my bow and arrow."

    "Lend me first, return it later" Lu Yin's voice became more and more distant, until it could not be heard.

    In situ, Gureth stomped her feet in anger, battle armor and bow and arrows are her brother gave her defense, it is with battle armor and bow and arrows she was able to make Erde scare, now they were robbed, that bastard, shameless and despicable villain.

    In the capital, several people in Zhang Dingtian also saw the battle results on the LAN.

    Bai Xue was shocked, those students from the stars were all heavenly, and those who dared to complete the task were at least the top three strongest in the academy, nearly half of them were the strongest in the academy, she had seen the strength of the strongest in the academy with her own eyes, now she actually lost seven at once, how did this Lu Yin become so strong after not seeing him for a few days?

    Zhang Dingtian suddenly looked up to the south of the capital and revealed a rare smile, "Old friends are here".

    Bai Xue's eyes lit up, "This is, Zhoushan?" .

    The two hurriedly flew to the south of the capital, but then suddenly stopped halfway and looked to the north, "Another old friend, it seems they all want to trip in this messy water of the capital".

    Bai Xue was surprised, "Wu Sheng is also here, great".

    Zhang Dingtian took a deep breath, "They shouldn't have come, seven saints in total four, plus Lu Yin, five people against dozens of trial students, it's really a duel of disparity in power".

    In the distance, Lu Yin found a remote mountain village, surrounded by a good flame crystal, take out a large handful of star energy crystal directly crushed, immediately, surging star energy surge, Lu Yin run the Heavenly Star Power began to absorb.

    West of the capital, Erde and more than a dozen students appeared, "all adjust the state, three days later officially attack the capital, our opponent is not the natives guarding the capital, but the second batch of trialists that will appear, according to the rules, the second batch of trialists even if there is a strong fusion realm will be sealed power, can only play the tan realm strength, despite this, it is not ordinary people can fight The second batch of trialists, according to the rules, even if there is a strong person in the second batch of trialists will be sealed power, and can only play the strength of the Tanjing realm.

    All the students were solemn.

    Daewoo Empire planet trials rarely appear the second batch of trialists, this time purely because of the Starry Sky Tenth House, many unobtrusive demons in order to achieve temporary participation in the trial, which is the reason for the second batch of trials, part of which came to Earth, and they are about to face will have such demons.

    More and more students are approaching the capital.

    South of China, the sea appeared more than a dozen students tired of landing, "finally reached China, Erde guy organized manpower to try to grab the fugitives, we also shot, can not let him take the lead".

    In the east, the same batch of students appeared in the north, and the wind rose in China.

    The moment the sun illuminated the earth on the third day, Zhang Dingtian stood on the steel city walls, staring intently into the distance as a group of black shadows appeared.

    At the same time, far away, Lu Yin opened his eyes, three days he absorbed five cubic star energy crystals and eliminated impurities from his body, now his body is filled with boiling star energy, much stronger than he was before, this is energy suppression, the more star energy absorbed in the body, the higher the energy strength, today's self definitely reached the peak of the tan realm, converted into battle power should be - three thousand.

    These days Lu Yin robbed a total of seven cubic meters of star energy crystals, used up five cubic meters, Lu Yin looked at the remaining two cubic meters of star energy crystals in front of him, could not resist the temptation, took out the dice, rubbed his hands, "Come on, bet, hope this time not to draw a little bit, too pit, want to steal something good almost impossible", said, crushed a cubic meter of star energy crystal.

    The dull surface of the dice changes rapidly, eventually transforming into a starburst of light.

    Lu Yin gulped, stretched out his finger, lightly tapped on the dice, the dice quickly turned, Lu Yin stared without turning, his eyes widened to the maximum, finally, the five sides of the dice disappeared, leaving only one side - two dots.

    Lu Yin excited, two points, unfamiliar points, Lu Yin dead eyes on the dice, a black hole suddenly appeared below the dice rotating, Lu Yin inexplicably uses in his brain, "decomposition? Decompose everything?" Lu Yin was surprised, what does this mean?

    Looking at the slowly rotating black hole, Lu Yin thought about it and casually threw a piece of scrap iron into it, but in an instant, the scrap iron fell out through the black hole and was no longer scrap iron, but a complete piece of iron, with a smooth, hard surface and a much smaller volume than scrap iron.

    Lu Yin looked at the iron block and knew what the so-called decomposition meant, any dead object thrown in would be decomposed into the initial material.

    This is a good use, Lu Yin thought about it and threw in a condensed air ring, which was robbed from a student, he robbed several students of condensed air rings without returning them, because these students did too much.

    The ring fell through the black hole and a piece of dark red metal the size of a fingernail cap. Lu Yin was surprised, it was gnarled gold, the metal used to make the ring, one of the precious mineral deposits.

    Put away the gnarled gold, Lu Yin threw all the looted condensed air ring all in, a total of thumb-sized gnarled gold, Lu Yin thought, and threw the gnarled gold into the black hole, snapped dropped a grain of shimmering dark golden light metal, Lu Yin stared, this is, gnarled gold essence, the price is far beyond the gnarled gold, is a necessity for making super large condensed air ring, the price is expensive.

    Lu Yin carefully put away the gnarled gold essence, his eyes excited, "Shouldn't we find a junkyard dedicated to decomposing things in the future?" .

    In five minutes, the black hole disappears.

    This black hole exists as long as the time still space can be exchanged for star energy crystals, Lu Yin guessed that the exchange ratio is estimated to be the same, he was quite headache, feeling that more star energy crystals are not enough.

    "Forget it, let's figure it out later" Lu Yin muttered, moved his body, making a snapping sound, looked up in the direction of the capital, "It's time to go back", finished, and flew off into the distance with a bang.

    Lu Yin rushed to the capital, which was already in chaos at the moment, with millions of survivors looking at the sky in fear, and from time to time an aftershock sweeping across the land, bringing disaster.

    Erde united with more than twenty students to attack the capital, and when the news spread, the war had already begun.

    The first time the steel walls were destroyed, Snow gasped and stood outside the ruined walls, before his eyes, was the proud-looking Hedian with two students.

    "A student's tone was disdainful and his eyes were hot on Bai Xue, this woman was too beautiful.

    Another student had the same hot gaze.

    They are the strongest people in the academy, only one out to deal with Bai Xue, but because of Bai Xue's appearance attracted three people, if not too many, there are many students in the distance gaze swept.

    Haidian frowned at Snow, "Woman, give you a chance to submit to us, I can take you out of this junk planet and really explore the stars".

    "Hedian, you don't want to take it all for yourself," said the student next to him, who was immediately displeased.

    Haidian cold and arrogant, the Academy and the Academy also have a gap, his strength exceeds the other two, the only ones present who can beat him are Erde and Zhang Dingtian, the others he does not care.

    Snow clenched his fists, slowly exhaled, blue hair fluttering, followed by the earth freezing, the temperature around the four steep drop.

    The three students on the other side don't care, this woman is at most comparable to the strongest person in the college, one against three, unrealistic.

    In the distance, Zhou Shan roared in anger and smashed to the ground at the same time as a student, who could barely handle one person with his strength.

    There are still a dozen figures suspended in the sky, looking down with cold pride, they never worry about failing, the indigenous city only.

    "Waste of time, do it" one of the students arrogantly, raised his hand and pressed towards the capital, the sky air pressure landed, countless people were crushed vomiting blood, desperately looking high into the sky.
