
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 4: Body Shaping Decision

    Lu Yin bent down to avoid it, and fled in a rather wretched manner for ten meters, and in the same place, the plant was reduced to ruins.

    The young man soared high in the sky, coldly looking at Lu Yin, his gaze arrogant, "Are you a native of this planet?" .

    Lu Yin's gaze was grave, a heaven-level powerhouse!

    "I'm asking you, don't you understand?" The young man let out a low shout, casually chopped a knife, visible to the naked eye chopping through the earth, setting off a sky of smoke and dust.

    Lu Yin said seriously, "Are you an alien?" .

    The young man sneered, landed on the ground, looked at his wristwatch, "Battle power of only eight? The young man looked at Lu Yin with surprise, "You specialize in the physical body?" ,

    Lu Yin was puzzled, "You are an alien, right?".

    The young man frowned and said, "For you natives, you can call us that, but we prefer you to call us superiors."

    "Superman?" Lu Yin frowned.

    The young man looked down and said, "Your planet has long been under the surveillance of our Daewoo Empire, to us, you are just captive natives, of course we are superiors, all right, tell me, do you specialize in flesh, and will cultivate the flesh to the Watching Realm, or even close to the Scrying Realm.

    "I don't understand what you mean by that" Lu Yin returned.

    The young man's eyes narrowed and thought about it, how could this indigenous planet know the realm division.

    A cold aura flashed in his eyes as he stared at Lu Yin, "Attack me, let me see your strength."

    Lu Yin clenched his fist, "Are you sure?" .

    The young man sneered, "I, Asta, am not so bad as to be injured by you, a native, even if you can hide your battle power, you can never reach the Tan realm, and even the Tan realm can't even compare to me, I will show you what a desperate gap means."

    Lu Yin drew out his iron rod, "Then I'll strike".

    Ashtar was cold and arrogant, and hooked his finger.

    The next moment, Lu Yin rushed towards Asta, the iron rod blade swept across, slicing through the air and running towards Asta's neck.

    The next moment, Lu Yin rushed towards Asta, the iron rod blade swept through the air, slicing through the air, running towards Asta's neck. Asta easily avoided it, hands easily in his pockets, laughing, "The evolution of the planet can really give birth to a group of barbarians, attacking harshly and decisively, striking to kill, this is good, only this can create iron-blooded warriors".

    Lu Yin's iron rod blocked all of Asta's routes, one blow was faster than another, and the harsh qi generated was like a blade chopping on the earth, cutting out a trail.

    The first time I saw him, I saw that he was going to be able to get to the Watchtower realm with his physical body. I can take you off this planet and let you see a different starry sky".

    Lu Yin iron rod dead pressed Asta war boots, gaze surprised, "different starry sky?" .

    Ashtar proudly, "of course, I am the first military academy of the Daewoo Empire senior students, enough qualifications and enough courage to apply for the planet evolution trial elite, once successfully completed the task, I can be promoted to higher institutions, follow me, will be your lifetime of glory, of course, it also depends on whether the planet has more suitable than you, you just pray that you are not too bad, ha ha ", finished, a leg kicked the iron rod in Lu Yin's hand away.

    Lu Yin looked at Asta immersed in the pride of superiority, his gaze suddenly chilled, his right palm shook sharply, the air was visible to the naked eye forming ripples, as if caught in the palm.

    Ashtar at first did not care, when the moment of seeing incredible, "Hado palm? How can you?" The next moment, Lu Yin slapped a palm at the heart of Asta, the wave of air was discharged, Asta's white light armor shattered, a mouthful of blood spurted out and flew out backwards, Asta raised his head with difficulty in mid-air, his body forcibly twisted and drew his short knife to cut at Lu Yin, Lu Yin rushed towards the short knife, his right palm shook rapidly again.

    Asta gritted his teeth and roared, "You are not indigenous, you are from the stars."

    Lu Yin's gaze was cold and cold, and a palm slapped out.

    Asta low roar, short knife stabbed out, but stabbed an empty, Lu Yin body disappeared, he stabbed only the residual shadow, "step battle technique?" , Ashtar spurted blood, finger rings melted, forming pieces of battle armor covering the whole body, bang, the same position, Ashtar was once again hit by a palm, this time faintly heard the sound of shattering.

    A second after he was hit, the battle armor covered his whole body, but unfortunately it was already too late, his heart was completely crushed, his body smashed down next to the spaceship inside the pit, blood flowed along the shell of the spaceship.

    Lu Yin was half kneeling on the ground, gasping for air, the blood vessels in his right hand burst, his face was in pain.

    The Wave Palm was not something he could perform at the moment, if not to kill Asta, he would not have risked losing his arm.

    Just a moment ago, he cast two fluctuating palms, a swimming body step, body trembling violently, has been overloaded.

    Slowly walk to Asta's corpse, watching the battle armor covering his body slowly disappear and change into a ring again.

    Lu Yin took off the ring and put it in his arms, this is the ring battle armor, many cultivators in the starry sky often have protective devices, Asta this ring battle armor is only the lowest, but the defense of heaven-level strong attack no problem.

    In addition to the ring armor, the personal terminal on Asta's wrist was used to test his battle power, which contained all his information, including positioning.

    Lu Yin took off the personal terminal, skillfully removed the positioning device, and put it into his condensed air ring. Finally, scanning Asta, his gaze flickered and finally settled on the second knuckle of Asta's right hand, directly cutting it off, and a chip fell out from within the blood.

    "The reason why he ambushed Asta, the reason why he did not become an evolver by absorbing the energy crystal is waiting for this thing.

    The body shaping decision, super strong people with their own energy condensed from the chip, anyone fused in the body can stimulate the cells, flush the body, let the body break through Howe, can directly absorb the universe energy cultivation, this, is the universe recognized as the most effective cultivation method.

    As for swallowing and absorbing energy crystals to cultivate is only an inferior cultivation method, can not use the body to directly absorb the universe energy, not only need to find energy crystals, but also very difficult to break through the Hovenia.

    Such cultivation of people in the universe is known as wandering soldiers, many people even call them - war slaves.

    And the universe can be directly absorbed energy is called star energy, mutant beast body energy crystals are also a kind of star energy condensation, but too much barge, direct absorption harmful.

    Lu Yin came from the stars, in order to legitimize his identity, before coming to Earth did not pass the body-shaping decision cultivation, put himself completely in the perspective of ordinary people, and now, on this planet, he did not have to worry about anything, the planet evolution trial, everything is possible.

    In the universe, anyone who cultivates through the body-shaping decision must register, otherwise it is illegal, but on the planetary evolution trial, what you get is your own, this is the rules set by the Daewoo Empire Youth Convocation, no one can violate.

    "This person is only a scouting realm, which means that this body shaping duel has been used twice, there is still one more chance, unfortunately, there is still a search to continue" Lu Yin muttered, threw Asta into the spaceship, turned around and was about to leave.

    Suddenly, a shadow covered the sunlight and someone attacked behind him.

    Lu Yin's body gave way, turned around and threw out his leg, and with a bang, he made a hard contact with the person who came.

    The attacker also retreated several steps, looked up, a clear face into Lu Yin's eyes, a woman.

    "Why did you attack me?" Lu Yin's tone was cold, even though he didn't feel a killing machine from this woman, an attack is an attack, or a sneak attack.

    The woman looked at the spaceship and fixed her gaze on Lu Yin, "I saw you throwing that alien body into the spaceship. Why did you kill the alien? What do you know?" .

    Lu Yin sneered, "Why tell you?".

    The woman said coldly, "I'll make you tell me", and after that, she pulled out a dagger from behind her and leapt at Lu Yin, the dagger cut through the air and emitted a cold aura.

    The dagger cut through the air and sent out a burst of cold aura. Lu Yin lightly avoided it, but in front of her, the woman was not slow, the dagger flipped and tore through the air, sending out a burst of sound whistle, each blow ran towards Lu Yin's vital point.

    The woman's brow knitted, her feet cracked the earth, she let go of the dagger, and her hand touched Lu Yin's single palm, the air suddenly cooled, Lu Yin's gaze was awe-inspiring, his palm was freezing, "Battle technique?" .

    "You are not my opponent, say it," the woman low drink, the temperature again lowered.
