
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 39: Robbery together

Hearing Gureth's words, Lu Yin raised an eyebrow and looked at her with a smirk, "You want to assign it?" .

    Gureth raised an eyebrow, "You don't want to assign it?" .

    The two men looked at each other.

    Balalaola pulled Gureth, whispered "we can not be seen, or spread to the college, your brother's face is not good".

    Gureth nodded and said to Lu Yin, "You play by yourself, we hide", and finished hiding with Bararo.

    Lu Yin did not object, he is still not comfortable with these two people around, hiding just right.

    In the distance, two figures slowly appeared.

    Ten minutes later, a notification came from the LAN that two more people had been defeated.

    After five days, many students originally thought that the Starry Night Bandits had called it quits, but they never thought that they would appear again, and without warning.

    Gureth looked at Lu Yin with excitement, "Quick, how much did you grab, share the spoils."

    Lu Yin looked at Gureth, "Are you sure?" .

    Gureth stared at Lu Yin and muttered, "You don't want to take it all for yourself, do you?

    Lu Yin thought about it and dumped a star energy crystal to Gureth, "Take it."

    Gureth was furious and smacked directly at Lu Yin, "Bastard, petty."

    Lu Yin laughed, "you don't want it yourself, not to blame me", he had seen this woman's personality problems, help him rob because she herself is not happy, even if not to her star can crystal she also help, unless she can take things back from their own hands, Lu Yin is not worried about her quit.

    With the help of Gureth, the traitor, Lu Yin's robbery road is quite smooth, a few days time robbed several groups of people, hard enough to gather five cubic star energy crystals, even Gureth look red.

    Four days before the second group of trialists descended, Lu Yin encountered his first real crisis since the end of time, he was surrounded by seven students, three of which were the strongest in the academy.

    The top floor of the abandoned county supermarket, Lu Yin scanned several people, Gureth found only two people here through the personal terminal, but suddenly seven people appeared, the other five people are not wearing personal terminals, hidden like him.

    These people have paid a lot of money to catch themselves, even throwing away their personal terminals.

    "Star Bandit is you? But two thousand one battle power, it seems that your battle skill is very powerful" said a rude looking student sternly, he was one of the strongest in the academy.

    Next to him, an ordinary-looking but hot woman smiled and said, "Many people get star energy crystals not for cultivation but to exercise battle techniques. Tell me what your battle technique is, okay?" .

    Lu Yin looked at the woman, the corners of his mouth curved up, "Want to know? Come and try."

    The woman smiled delicately and raised her hand, an energy gun aimed at Lu Yin, "junior, do you know that sometimes fighting does not always depend on yourself, external objects are also important".

    At the same time, several other people also took out their energy guns and aimed them at Lu Yin.

    This energy gun can hurt the tan realm strong, when Terez dying before a shot through Granny shoulder, the power is not weak.

    Lu Yin eyes on the surrounding few people, suddenly from the condensation ring to take out a handful of flame crystal smashed on the ground, the sky blaze burning building, obscuring the line of sight, a few people shot at the same time, Lu Yin with the swim body step to avoid out of the way, with his hands again threw a few other supernatural energy crystal, cold, wind wrapped in flame will be surrounded by the envelope, white mist evaporated, so that everyone's vision was obscured.

    These crystals were obtained from those students who were robbed and are now used by Lu Yin to obscure his vision.

    The body step was performed by Lu Yin extremely fast, leaving only a residual shadow in place, while he himself appeared in front of one of the strongest students of the academy, the sky star palm slapped out without hesitation, the ring battle armor on that student instantly cracked, the body was knocked down to the ground, followed by Lu Yin's body rotation, the rift palm blasted along the circumference in all directions, the huge power crushed the floor and shook apart the void, four of the remaining six students were seriously injured, and two academy The strongest ones tore through the Rift Palm and attacked Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin's gaze was bitterly cold, his hands blasted out, two palms appeared stars at the same time, one palm slapped at one person.


    The original ground completely blasted, three people descending vertically to crush the earth, the abandoned supermarket was blown in half.

    Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in Lu Yin's back, the student who was shot down before had a sword stabbed into his body, blood stained his shirt, Lu Yin Tianxing palm star burst blasted back two people, turned around and grabbed the student's arm, drew out his short sword and cut out, the student's pupils shrunk, directly let go of the sword hilt to avoid retreating, Lu Yin's sword cut empty, threw his hand and smashed the short sword backwards, the sword blade swept through, cut one of the students cheek, a splash of blood spilled on the wall The short sword pierced through a dozen buildings and pierced into an armored car.

    The ruined building swayed and smoke billowed all around.

    Lu Yin gasped, the pain in his back made him highly nervous, the three strongest people in the academy almost reached the level of Bayleigh, a little stronger than Willow, the three surrounded him, leaving him nowhere to hide.

    In the distance, Gureth and Balaro looked on, their eyes flickering.

    "What do you think, should we fall back and rob him?" Gureth leapt to her feet.

    Barallo mused, "Yes, but wait until he is seriously injured."

    Goulez said proudly, "Finally, that guy Erde is not stupid, know the ambush, otherwise this lady will really help for nothing".

    Barallo was surprised, "You knew this was a trap?" .

    "Idiot, of course not know, but as long as Ender is not stupid will certainly find a way to set traps, I can take this bastard robbery, Ender can also use me to ambush him in turn, we are not stupid well," Gureth white Barallo said.

    "Three of the strongest people in the academy comparable to Baili, this situation is difficult to escape even for Erdem himself, this guy is finished, hehehe," Gureth laughed happily and relieved.

    Of the seven besiegers, only three could really pose a threat to Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin exhaled and took out an item from the Condensation Ring, causing the three people surrounding him to change their expressions dramatically, "This?" .

    In the distance, Gureth froze, her face red with anger, "This despicable and shameless bastard."

    Lu Yin mouth smiling, wearing a showy ring battle armor, flashing thunder, yes, this is Gureth's battle armor, it is said that her brother gave her defense, her condensed air ring was taken away by Lu Yin, this thing was also naturally robbed, including the chic-shaped bow and arrow.

    "Gureth's battle armor" the burly man was furious and stared at Lu Yin, "You dare to rob Gureth, you are crazy, her brother is Gurbach".

    Lu Yin sneered, "I don't care who he is, robbery also divided into objects, you have a brain twitch", said a palm shot, cracking palm ruthlessly blasted at the burly man, the man gritted his teeth to resist, the body was blown back more than ten meters crashed the supermarket pillar, a moment supermarket completely collapsed, countless falling stones smashed down.

    The first time I saw him, I was in front of the man, and he was in front of the man, and he fell to the ground.

    The other two retreated as soon as they saw something wrong.

    The battle armor Lu Yin wore was not something they could break the defense of, when Lu Yin himself only broke the thunder defense with the full force of the Heavenly Star Palm.

    Seven people besieged, two escaped and five fell. The moment this record was made public on the LAN, all students were silent, including Erd.

    He considered himself the strongest among the first batch of trialists, but it was hard to achieve this battle. At once, all the united students received notice from Erde to abandon the pursuit of the Star Bandits and attack the capital in three days.

    Lu Yin casually sat on the ground, his eyes glared into the distance, "Come out."

    The strongest person among the natives was Zhang Dingtian who had cross-border battle power, when a single slash shook back four of them including Erde, that battle power made Gureth's heart tremble, and now, Lu Yin's strength also shocked her, a palm hit the strongest person in the academy, what kind of battle skill was it?

    Lu Yin threw the healing medicine to Gureth, "You help me apply it."

    Gureth glared and pointed at herself, "What did you say? Let me help you apply the medicine?" .

    "Is it hard to understand?" Lu Yin said indifferently.

    Gureth angrily, "you dream, this lady is pure and pure, has never touched a man's body, you dare to desecrate me".

    Lu Yin coldly stared at her, "Do not think I do not know how you think, just if I lost the battle you will not be so polite, right, immediately help me apply medicine."

    "I'll do it," Barallo said.

    Lu Yin grunted, "No, your hands are dirty."

    Ballaro was furious.


    Thank you for the reward and support! More at 2pm!
