
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 38 - Gureth

In the distance, two figures hovering high in the sky, it is the initial tracking of the two Erde Gureth and Bararo, the two did not join forces with Erde, according to the words of Gureth, they are to sit on the fisherman's profit.

    "Tired, go down and rest," Gureth tossed her long hair, her pretty face showing a trace of fatigue.

    Ballaro looked around, it was an open meadow, a farm, lush and green, and he liked it.

    Drip Drip Drip

    The moment the two of them landed, the personal terminal emitted a light beep, "Hey, two thousand one hundred battle power, there are students here," Gureth looked at the farm in surprise.

    Barallo said lightly "students? Only two thousand one hundred battle power, go and see".

    Gureth nodded and slowly walked towards the farm.

    Inside the farm, Lu Yin was struggling.

    From stepping into the Hope Realm to the peak of the Hope Realm only a few star energy crystals are enough, but from the early Probe Realm to the peak of the Probe Realm, the star energy needed is hundreds of times that of the Hope Realm, he has absorbed about one cubic meter of star energy today, but to raise his battle power beyond two thousand, a significant portion of which is excluded as impurities, and wants to reach the peak battle power of the Probe Realm at least four cubic meters of star energy crystals to be absorbed.

    So many star energy crystals, even dedicated to robbing the strongest people in the Academy may not be able to get.

    "It seems that in the short term, it is impossible to raise to the peak of the probe realm, fortunately, beyond two thousand battle power is enough," Lu Yin murmured as he recalled the strength of Bailie.

    At that moment, Gureth and Barallo were approaching.

    Lu Yin noticed and looked outside the farm, surprised looking at Barallo, what is this? The plant has become a spirit?

    "Come out of there," Gureth bellowed, tossing her long hair in a rather arrogant manner.

    Lu Yin walked out of the farm and stared at Barallo in amazement.

    Gureth was displeased, "Hey, why are you guys staring at men? I'm the one calling you."

    Lu Yin pointed to Barallo, "The plant became a spirit?" .

    The first time he heard this, his eyebrows rose and he was furious, "reckless", said he kicked at Lu Yin, as a senior student of Daewoo Empire Space Academy, second only to Gureth's strongest, his battle power was up to two thousand nine, facing two thousand one battle power Lu Yin didn't even put in his eyes.

    Lu Yin cast swimming body step directly avoid, the body appeared in the right side of Balaro, one hand pressed in his abdomen, voice cold, "robbery", finished, the palm of the huge force blast out, the air is like a cannonball will Balaro fiercely blown away, cracked palm cracked Balaro body surface.

    Gureth's gaze shrank, a chic-shaped bow and arrow suddenly appeared in his hand, aiming at Lu Yin, and lightning roared in the void.

    A moment Lu Yin felt the crisis, swim body step to avoid, ear, arrows tear the air shot into the distance, the next moment, the earth shook, thunder rushed straight to the sky, the violent wave of Qi swept in all directions.

    Lu Yin did not look behind, because the next arrow aimed at him again, Lu Yin raised his hand and grabbed at Gureis, Gureis disdain, body surface thunder and lightning swimming, delicate and delicate body was surrounded by thunder, vicious shock around, distorted the air, Lu Yin frowned, palm out of the stars now, bang, two stars burst, the huge impact will barely tear the thunder, direct attack to Gureis body.

    The man in front of her could not break through the thunder defense.

    "The next moment, the green plants around the four sides squirmed, and the grass under Lu Yin's feet bound him spiritually, and the surroundings were filled with countless hostile intent.

    Lu Yin was surprised, his body star energy exploded, shattered the plants, rushed towards Balaro, raised his palm and slapped, Balaro roared, his arms wrapped around the weeds smacked towards Lu Yin, with a bang, the air wave spread, lifted the earth, raised the dust, Balaro was slapped down to the ground by Lu Yin, spitting out blood, his arms were irregularly twisted.

    "I remember, you two have also been hiding in the capital," Lu Yin said lightly, grabbed Barallo and threw it in the direction of Gureth, his body appeared in front of Gureth.

    At the same time, the LAN notified, 'Gureth and Barallo were defeated'.

    In the distance, Ender was shocked, "Gureth was defeated?" .

    On the grass, Gureth stared at Lu Yin, "You're that intergalactic bandit."

    Lu Yin frowned, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm a good person."

    "Bullshit," Goulet shouted, his words vulgar and unpleasant.

    Lu Yin surprised, "a beautiful woman cursing so smoothly, temper is not small ah".

    Gureth grunted.

    Balaro stared at Lu Yin, "Kid, you are warned not to touch her, her brother is Gulbach, one of the strongest in the young generation of the Daewoo Empire, if you dare to hurt her, there is no place for you in the Great Universe".

    Lu Yin pursed his lips, "I said I'm a good person, do not hurt others", while saying, while snatching away Gureth condensed air ring, from the corner of her mouth wiped some blood to open the condensed air ring, began to search the star energy crystal.

    Gureth and Barallo dumbfounded at this scene, this, this is good people? The action is too skilled, practice it!

    "Hey, don't move, what do you want I will give you, don't rummage, you can't move the girl's things" shouted Gureth, her feet kept kicking Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin rolled his eyes, "a pile of useless things", suddenly, Lu Yin's eyes lit up, breathing rapidly, what did he see? A pile of star energy crystals, there must be at least two cubic meters, Lu Yin looked at Gureth in surprise, "You are rich".

    Gureth gritted her teeth, her face red with anger, "You bastard."

    Lu Yin threw the condensed air ring to Gureth and began to search for Barallo's.

    Ballaro was quiet, this man was just robbing, just don't kill.

    Although the star energy crystals inside the Barallo condensed air ring are not as much as Gureth, but they are not too much less. The two of them add up to two cubic meters of star energy crystals!

    Lu Yin was satisfied, "You guys are very good, see you again sometime", said, Lu Yin was about to leave.

    Gureth shouted, "Bastard, leave a name."

    "Call me Seventh Brother," Lu Yin waved his hand and began to take to the air.

    Gureth was furious and suddenly her eyes rolled up, "Wait, want more star energy crystals".

    Lu Yin just flew to mid-air, heard these words and immediately landed and looked at Gureth, "What do you mean?" .

    Gureth smiled slyly, "Follow us and I'll take you to the robbery."

    Lu Yin was surprised.

    Balaro face twitched and started again, Goulez never lose nature began to take effect, this woman which is good, is refused to lose, once the loss is sure to find a cushion, anyway, never do the most loss of one.

    Lu Yin looked at Gureth groggily, "You, taking me on a robbery? Do I look like an idiot?" .

    Gureth grunted, "Believe it or not, you do not have a personal terminal, you can not find other students, those students at most seven days to attack the capital, seven days you chance to meet a few? I'll lead the way, a touch of accuracy."

    Lu Yin snickered, "What if you take me to the trap."

    Gureth raised his head, "I Gureth is not that kind of person, you ask around, who does not know the Space Academy Gureth's character and credit, my brother is Gurbach, I will harm you?" .

    Barallo was speechless.

    Lu Yin eyes narrowed, thought about it, with their own strength today even if caught in the encirclement can also escape, "OK, you lead the way, but I want to confiscate your condensed air ring, after the matter back to you".

    Gureth gritted her teeth, "OK."

    Half a day later, the three of them flew to the north, and in the sky, Lu Yin said, "I've always wanted to ask, is this man a plant spirit?" .

    Ballaro was furious, "I was born on a pure plant planet, all the people of our planet are like this, you have a problem with that?" .

    Lu Yin was amazed, "The universe is really grand, there are all kinds of people".

    Barallo turned his head, the bastard spoke like a curse.

    Gureth rolled his eyes, "What is this, Bayleigh you have seen, their highest third gravity planet is only one meter six, the normal one meter two, he is considered high and handsome, there are planets of people covered with scales, some long four hands, some feet tens of meters high, etc., strange shapes and more".

    "You're not a Starry Sky student?" Balaro suddenly said, looking at Lu Yin suspiciously.

    Lu Yin said, "Of course not, I'm an earthling".

    Gureth and Barallo stared in disbelief and humiliation as they were mugged by a native.

    Half an hour later, Goulez said excitedly, "Here they are, two students are here.

    Lu Yin excited, glanced at Gureth, this woman is more excited than himself, "Hey, bastard, tell us how to distribute".
