
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 34 - Assassination

"I'm going to go catch a zombie and experiment," Zhang Dingtian said and immediately left.

    Not a moment later, Zhang Dingtian stilled a zombie on the ground and casually flung an energy crystal into the zombie's mouth.

    Several people stared at the walkers.

    After a while, the walkers did not respond.

    Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue secretly sighed in relief.

    Lu Yin faintly said "one head does not explain the problem, try to catch some more".

    Zhang Dingtian nodded and ordered people to capture the zombies.

    Half an hour later, a total of more than fifty zombies were bundled and delivered, and Zhang Dingtian put more than fifty energy crystals into their mouths one by one.


    Suddenly, a zombie low roar, face pain, scarlet eyes dead stare at Zhang Dingtian, body surface, no by no energy will tear his skin, followed by a bang, the whole body burst.

    Except for this walker, there was no change in the rest of the walkers.

    Dean Lien looked at the scene in shock, "The energy crystals react to individual zombies and appear to react, proving that this path of evolution is feasible."

    Lu Yin looked at the ground broken meat, the brain suddenly appeared silver, and the scarlet vertical eye, now think of all the scalp tingling, simply do not dare to take out.

    "This matter must be kept strictly confidential, must not be known by certain people" Bai Xue said coldly, finished looking at Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin faintly said "It seems that the planet evolution is not as simple as imagined, the zombies are actually a member of the evolution, will they also be qualified to participate in the trial?" .

    "The zombies are not intelligent," said Snow.

    Lu Yin lost his smile, "No wisdom? Not really."

    Zhang Dingtian immediately ordered everyone outside the city to return to the city, he decided to use the only remaining thermal weapons to bombard the zombies, zombies can no longer become human, now that we know they have the potential to evolve, they can not stay, especially can swallow supernatural energy crystals to gain great power this point can not be tolerated.

    Even the dean agreed, the zombie base is too large, even tens of thousands of zombies in the emergence of a can successfully evolve is also very scary, that supernatural power non-ordinary people can fight, look at the white snow will know, in fact, if not the cold talent, she may not be the opponent of Paris, precisely because of the cold talent, she easily killed Paris, control Granny, this is the talent of the terrible.

    That night, a sky-shaking roar was heard outside the capital.

    Lu Yin looked up and saw a missile smashing down outside the city, sweeping the earth with reckless abandon.

    The zombies are not scary, what is scary is the number, this is the consensus of all people, and thermal weapons, is the best way to deal with the number.

    The bombardment lasted but two minutes before it ended. Lu Yin wondered, the capital was not so much as a thermal weapon left, right?

    When Lu Yin decided to continue to look up at the starry sky, a figure in the sky flew towards Lu Yin's residence, Lu Yin looked and was surprised to find that it was actually Bai Xue.

    This beautiful woman has always looked at herself in a bad light, what is she doing looking for herself at night?

    Lu Yin looked at the moonlight moving silhouette approaching, he never mind to Liu Shaoge wear a cuckold.

    Bai Xue landed at the place where Lu Yin lived, and the moment she saw Lu Yin she sighed with relief.

    Lu Yin wondered, "Something wrong?" .

    Granny came out of the room and looked at Snowy strangely.

    Bai Xue lightly said "nothing, passing by".

    Lu Yin was speechless, "Are you sure?" .

    Snow mused, then said lightly, "All thermal weapons firing personnel are dead, all thermal weapons are destroyed and cannot be used.

    Lu Yin was shocked, "What people did this?" .

    Bai Xue stared at Lu Yin and did not speak.

    Lu Yin amused, "So you rushed over here to prove my alibi."

    "I hope you didn't do it, otherwise, we won't let you go," Snow said in a cold voice.

    Lu Yin wondered, "You seem to be very wary of me, why?" .

    Bai Xue did not answer and turned around to leave.

    "Wait, come and want to leave, not so easy, right", Lu Yin footsteps lightly appeared in the side of the white snow, tan hand to grab the white snow hair, white snow gaze cold, body emitting extremely cold freezing gas sweep to Lu Yin, Lu Yin right palm vibration swing away freezing gas, continue to grab the white snow.

    Snow suddenly floated in front of a layer of ice, reflecting light in the moonlight.

    Lu Yin slapped his palm on the ice, cracking it, and at that moment, Bai Xue withdrew a few meters away, staring at him warily.

    Lu Yin shrugged his shoulders, "Just kidding."

    "It's not funny," said Snowy in a cold voice.

    "You broke into my house at night and threatened me, it's not funny" Lu Yin's tone was a bit cold.

    White snow gaze flashes, "I'm sorry", finished flying away in the air, leaving a fragrance in place.

    Lu Yin looked high up in the sky, what the hell kind of person destroyed the thermal weapons? Don't want the tide of corpses to be bombed?

    Granny marveled at the back of Bai Xue leaving, exclaiming "every time I see her I feel stunning, this woman deserves to be described by Zhou Shan as the God of Luo Shui, on looks alone, she is comparable to the Caixing woman".

    "Star picker girl?" Lu Yin was puzzled.

    Granny looked up at the starry sky, longingly said "Caixing woman is one of the most beautiful women in the starry sky, rumor has it that she can walk the starry sky, often appear in the trial land, only to find a destined person, there is also a legend that she can divine the future, looking into the past, she is the dream of countless people in the starry sky".

    Lu Yin speechless, "You are a female, she is also your dream?" .

    Granny white eyes Lu Yin, "she is my idol, I heard that she came from the inner universe overwhelmingly powerful and mysterious sect, that sect out of a random disciple can sweep the Da Yu Empire young generation, and Cai Xing female is on the star battle list, she", said here, Granny paused, skimmed, "with You say you do not understand, forget it, sleep".

    Lu Yin did not care about Granny's words, the universe is boundless and vast, a little thing may be rumored to be divine, but also divine the future, look into the past, which there are such people, thinking, Lu Yin looked up to the night sky, right palm floating two stars running, vaguely, a third star.

    Thermal weapon bombardment corpse tide temporarily stopped, Lu Yin did not know how Zhang Dingtian and the others dealt with it, and he did not care, looking at his personal terminal, there were still about forty days left before the second batch of trialists descended, it was close.

    The 100,000 evolvers of Hua Battalion left the city in batches, under the order of Zhang Dingtian, they did not need to face the mutated beasts, but only to kill the zombies.

    This task is not difficult, for evolved people, zombies are much better than mutated beasts to kill.

    On the steel city wall, Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue stood.

    "Even clearing the capital around the zombies is just a drop in the ocean," said Bai Xue helplessly as he looked at the vast army of the Chinese camp that walked out.

    Zhang Dingtian said in a deep voice "better than nothing, I have ordered people to go to Jinling, Hubei and other places, to convey the situation to them, let them go all out to exterminate the zombies, to prevent the emergence of uncontrollable factors".

    Speaking of Hubei, Bai Xue's gaze flickered, "Is he okay?" .

    Zhang Dingtian looked at Bai Xue and said indifferently "I don't know".

    Snow is silent.

    The cleanup of the zombies went fairly well, 100,000 Chinese battalion evolvers could exterminate nearly two million zombies a day, but in a few days, the outside of the capital was quite empty, countless zombies were slaughtered and burned, the entire perimeter of the capital was thick with smoke and a pungent smell.

    West of the capital, thermal weapons launch site, Zhang Dingtian came here again, he has been investigating the murderer these days, but did not find, the murderer killed cleanly, a knife kill, the entire launch camp more than 500 people died time added up to just one minute, killing speed is extremely fast.

    "Do you think it could be that Lu Yin who did it?" From afar, Bai Xue asked.

    "Didn't you confirm it with your own eyes," Zhang Dingtian said in a deep voice, sweeping his gaze over the ground.

    Bai Xue pursed her lips, "better get in touch with Jinling as soon as possible, this Lu Yin identity is mysterious, I always think he is an alien student".

    Zhang Dingtian looked at Bai Xue, "So what if it is? This world can distinguish between the enemy and me, no need to distinguish between races, Earth, there is no longer a distinction between races."

    Bai Xue's gaze was bleak and she did not speak.

    Zhang Dingtian turned towards the interior, just opened the door, a flash of white light, at a very fast speed to Zhang Dingtian neck, Zhang Dingtian gaze shrunk, a close call turned to avoid, despite this, the neck is still cut a bloody mouth.

    Under the white light, the silver-haired man's mouth curved in an evil arc, the butterfly knife again stabbed at Zhang Dingtian, Zhang Dingtian drew his long knife, blocked in front of his body, the butterfly knife in a bizarre arc to avoid the long knife, close to Zhang Dingtian's eyes, this knife, is to destroy Zhang Dingtian's eyes.

    Seeing the butterfly knife approaching, Zhang Dingtian not only did not close his eyes, but also face up, the body surface energy burst, so that the butterfly knife delayed a moment, the long knife across the chop, a huge chopping form visible to the naked eye knife gas will be the camp in two, even chopped the earth.


    This month seems to double the monthly ticket, there is a monthly ticket trouble support, thank you !!!!
