
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 33 - The Corpse King Appears

The most important thing for Lu Yin today is the star energy crystal, followed by the fugitive, who has Terez's body shaping decision, which allows him to perform a third body shaping and reach the fusion realm, but above the fusion realm is a problem.

    General body shaping decision can only be shaped three times, the only stronger body shaping decision to carry out the fourth body shaping, this body shaping decision even Willow, Bayleigh is impossible to have, can only find a stronger person, the only hope on earth is that fugitive.

    Although that fugitive may be very strong, but Lu Yin is not sure what means those four students have, simply muddy the water, attract all the students to fight over, the more chaotic the more advantageous to that fugitive, wait for their third star to run out, the first batch of trialists in no way anyone is their opponent, now to delay the time.

    In a secluded mansion in the capital, Lu Yin closed the doors and windows, spread flame crystals around, then returned to his room, opened his hand, and the dice slowly emerged.

    The surface of the dice was dull and had not recovered. Without the star energy crystals, it would take longer to recover to the point of being usable, and he did not want to wait.

    Rubbing his hands together, Lu Yin stared at the dice with glowing eyes, crushing the one cubic star energy crystal that he could not easily collect, the surging star energy surging into the dice, making the dice glow brighter and brighter, eventually recovering, the stars shining hazily.

    Lu Yin licked his lips, some apprehension, at this time he was in the same mood as those gamblers, "Come on, give me a good luck, see what I can shake", said, Lu Yin a finger point on the dice.

    The dice rotated rapidly and the hazy stars were extremely beautiful.

    Lu Yin stared with his eyes wide open. Eventually, the dice stopped spinning and the five-sided points disappeared, leaving one side - one point.

    "The first time he shook the dice was one point, and he got the Heavenly Star Technique and the Heavenly Star Palm that allowed him to rise, this is the second time.

    Lu Yin watched as the dice shot a beam of light piercing through the void, as if opening a channel, and then something fell to the ground with a popping sound.

    Lu Yin stared at the ground in disbelief, this, this, this is a snack?

    Just see a very beautifully packaged snack bag lying quietly on the ground, the snack bag is engraved with words that Lu Yin can't read, which should be advertising slogans.

    Lu Yin dumbly picked up the snack bag and had an urge to vomit blood.

    They spent a cubic star energy crystal to get such a thing, snacks, even if it is a broken dagger or ah!

    The body of the dice dims in light and then disappears.

    Everything in the room returned to normal, leaving only Lu Yin speechlessly grasping a packet of snacks, his heart dripping blood, too pitiful.

    For ten days, Lu Yin has been staying in the capital city, which is a lot quieter, the number of corpse tide outside the city has decreased a lot since the collision with the beast tide, and more and more evolved people dare to go out.

    While the capital is calm, Europe is in a frenzy.

    Ten days ago Lu Yin asked Granny to put out the news that the fugitives were in the Mediterranean Sea. No one believed this news at first, but as the trail of several people from Erde came to light, many students believed it and rushed to the Mediterranean Sea.

    A few days ago, the Mediterranean Sea, a major battle, the sea were evaporated a layer, according to rumors that the fugitive has the strength of the fusion realm, decapitated several students to escape, of which several people were injured in the Erde.

    College strongest person team is not only Erde they, China came to three, the northern Tsarist Russia has two, Europe also has two, plus Africa and other places, the top students composed of a number of teams, so that the whole of Europe turned over the sky.

    Lu Yin listened to the news reported by Granny was quite satisfied, as long as the fugitive was not caught, his own simulation of the star operation is also very smooth, the third star is faintly visible, at most half a month will be successful, then it is the time to strike.

    Outside the capital, countless zombies wandered by the roadside, and from time to time, zombies came out of the stores on both sides, biting on unknown things in their mouths.

    With countless gunshots, a convoy of vehicles came driving, speeding directly over the zombies, leaving a ground full of blood and pungent stench.

    Suddenly a burst, the flat ground for no reason to blow the wind overturned the convoy, the car all evolved people fled, confused look, this gust of wind came too bizarre.

    "What's going on?" A tall man patted the dust on his body gripping a cigarette and shouted.

    "Captain, I don't know where the wind came from and lifted the car," someone reported.

    The man frowned at the distance, surrounded by calm, where came the gale?

    Just then, the distant store was cut off by an invisible attack, and in the next second, all the evolvers stood frozen in place, their upper bodies falling flat, and they, all of them, were obliterated by the invisible attack.

    Originally, there was nothing unusual about the deaths of these evolved people, but over the next few days, one after another, evolved people were obliterated by invisible attacks that caught the attention of the Chinese camp.

    When an earth-level powerhouse of the Hua Camp was wiped out, Zhang Dingtian walked out of the capital. That earth-level powerhouse that was wiped out was an expert in the capital second only to them, the heaven-level powerhouses, and if he didn't strike, no one in the Hua Camp dared to do so.

    The road is lined with zombies roaring and rushing towards Zhang Dingtian, and there are strange mutant beasts writhing in the ground.

    Zhang Dingtian's face remained unchanged, and with a wave of his hand, the strong wind of energy decimated all the zombies.

    Probably feeling the power of Zhang Dingtian, the road is silent on both sides, Zhang Dingtian walked for half a day and did not encounter attacks, thought, put on the personal terminal given to him by Snow, this personal terminal from Paris, the original Zhang Dingtian did not care to use, but this time there is nothing more appropriate than this thing.

    Tap the personal terminal, soon, the terminal sounded drops, Zhang Dingtian gaze gaze to the northeast, lifting the knife directly cut out, huge chopping cut the earth, sweeping across, there, a figure fled in distress, the left arm was cut by the chopping, let out a low roar.

    Zhang Dingtian rushed out fiercely, the back of the knife cut horizontally, the figure turned around, revealing a hideous and horrible face, a zombie.

    Bang, the zombie was pressed to the ground with a knife, scarlet eyes emitting a cruel light, hands waving, the invisible gale turned into a sharp blade chopped towards Zhang Dingtian, Zhang Dingtian casually slapped the sharp blade of the gale, the blade flipped, casually swept, the zombie head rolled into the distance, crushed by the aftermath.

    Zhang Dingtian frowned at the zombie, his face strange, in his perception, the zombie is merely a failure of human evolution, should not have strong power, but this zombie not only has earth-level strength, hands can even wield the gale, this is strange.

    Zhang Dingtian quickly returned to the capital, found Dean Lian and told him about the zombie situation, who shook, "What did you say? The zombie has earth-level strength? Can even wield the gale? Impossible, they are merely failures of human genetic mutation."

    Zhang Dingtian said in a deep voice, "That's the truth".

    Dean Lien mused, his gaze was grave, today the number of earth zombies is much more than the survivors, if zombies can really evolve, it will be a problem, humans not only have to face the powerful mutant beasts, but also zombies.

    What's more is wielding the gale, this is not evolution can appear, now they know can perform supernatural power only two people, even Zhang Dingtian do not have supernatural power, how can the zombies have this power.

    "If one can appear, a second will appear. Isn't that Lu Yin from Jinling? Ask him if he has ever encountered this kind of zombie," said Dean Lian.

    Zhang Dingtian immediately ordered someone to call for the arrival of Lu Yin and Bai Xue.

    The moment Lu Yin heard that Zhang Dingtian encountered the corpse king his gaze changed.

    "You know?" Zhang Dingtian stared at Lu Yin and asked.

    Lu Yin nodded and told the situation of the long-haired corpse king, at first he also guessed that the capital should know about this matter, did not expect them to come across it only now.

    Snow is unbelievable, "Swallowing natural energy crystals can generate supernatural power? How is it possible, humans can't even do it".

    Lu Yin said in a deep voice "I saw this scene, there is no need to lie to you".

    Dean Lian's face was serious as he looked at the three, "In fact, we have always believed that zombies are the product of failed human evolution, and it turns out that most zombies are just that, only able to roam, weak in combat, and only a threat to ordinary people, but on the other hand, if zombies are not a failure, but another path of evolution, wouldn't it make sense?" .

    Zhang Dingtian's gaze changed, "Humans can absorb the energy crystals in the body of mutant beasts to become stronger, and zombies, the same can, even absorb supernatural energy crystals to obtain stronger power".

    Dean Lien said gruffly "no one has ever seen a zombie swallow energy crystals, a mutant beast can often easily tear many zombies, even if seriously injured can easily escape, so the zombies can not get energy crystals, and it is unlikely that someone is willing to give the hard-earned energy crystals to the zombies, so this possibility has been ruled out from the beginning, but there is no denying that some extremely lucky zombies can get energy crystals, if this possibility really exists, the earth will change greatly".
