
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 32 - The Fugitive

Zhang Dingtian was also flabbergasted and said, "He is Zhou Shan's friend and also a Heaven-level powerhouse.

    Even Dean marveled, "Heavenly? Earthling?" .

    Lu Yin nodded his head.

    Dean Lian was even more surprised, "I didn't expect that besides the seven of you and the Tianzhu bitter monk, there were people who could reach the Heavenly level at this time, incredible, young man, how did you do it?" .

    Lu Yin faintly returned two words, "talent".

    Even the dean accepted, it seems that there is nothing else but this explanation.

    "Dean, what's going on?" Bai Xue asked.

    Dean Lien sighed, "The Tech House was breached and all the information was taken by that alien kid."

    "What information did he get? It seems that the Science and Technology Institute does not have any information that can make him care," said Zhang Dingtian, puzzled.

    Even the dean shook his head, frowned "I do not know, he put that thing on his wrist connected to the light brain of the Institute of Science and Technology, not long after the ecstasy".

    "personal terminal" white snow gaze, "this is alien technology, far beyond the earth's technology, perhaps the science and technology institute can not identify the information identified by him, no wonder he wants to destroy the science and technology institute, it seems to be not want us to know".

    "No, I destroyed the Science and Technology Institute," said Dean Lien.

    Several people were surprised.

    Dean Lien smiled bitterly, "that person came in and killed all the researchers, probing the light brain, I have to destroy the Science and Technology Institute, or it will expose the underground, and this is the only way to notify you to come".

    Lu Yin admire, the old man good guts, and not afraid to bury themselves.

    Zhang Dingtian frowned, "the science and technology institute was destroyed, all the information was torched, we want to find them to take revenge can not be found."

    Dean Lien shook his head, "who said the information is gone? If the Institute of Science and Technology was destroyed information is gone, what is the meaning of this dean when I", said, in the Zhang Dingtian several people gaze open underground, "the Institute of Science and Technology all information underground have backup, alien technology you should have it, try it, maybe also can analyze what".

    Zhang Dingtian, Bai Xue and Lu Yin immediately went down.

    It didn't take long for several people to look at the light screen ejected from their personal terminals with shocked faces.

    The light screen played more than six months ago that big explosion, in the Institute of Science and Technology light screen, that big explosion is nothing special, everything was destroyed, but in the personal terminal analysis, the explosion of a black shadow rushed to the West, fleeting, this scene in addition to the personal terminal, Earth technology simply can not be resolved, because the black shadow is too fast.

    The three Zhang Dingtian's face was grave.

    Dean Lien was shocked, "What is this black shadow? A person?" .

    Lu Yin faintly said "more than half a year ago, I remember that the seven saints have not yet reached the heavenly level, right, this speed is comparable to the heavenly level, if not wrong, it should be that corpse, the original place only that corpse has this possibility".

    Dean Lien was surprised, "You mean that it wasn't a corpse at all, that the man didn't die?" .

    Lu Yin nodded, "the use of energy to cover their own body, so that all body functions stop functioning, no different from dead, Earth technology can not tell the normal, it seems to be correct, this corpse is the fugitive from the student trial mission".

    Several people were silent, staring at the light screen.

    Lu Yin looked at Dean Lian, "That, let me ask, why did you transfer that corpse in the first place? Zhou Shan told me that it was unable to control any substance."

    Dean Lien looked at Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue, said "we analyzed the corpse has a strange substance, this substance once the consequences of the outbreak can not be estimated, we really can not control, must be transferred".

    "At the beginning of the first worried about the transfer of the material eruption, so the seven of us scattered, just in case, did not expect to be fulfilled, the end of the day, thanks to the seven of us to hold the side, which can protect the survivors," Snow said in a deep voice.

    Lu Yin said with emotion "No. 1, really great people, when he let you seven protection, may not die".

    Dean Lien sighed, "No way, no one expected this, and now it seems that the culprit of everything is that corpse, who triggered the explosion and created the end".

    Lu Yin frowned, feeling wrong, why would that corpse want to create doomsday? Doomsday is evolution for the Earth, isn't he afraid of attracting the Daewoo Empire to him?

    "When we were studying the corpse, our science and technology institute placed a nano-tracker in his skin tissue, I'll see if I can find the location information", Dean Lian said, kept tinkering with the light brain, after a while, opened the world map, surprised "found it, the last place where the tracking signal disappeared, in Here".

    The crowd looked at, "Europe, Mediterranean."

    "That alien student is going to the Western Mediterranean," Zhang Dingtian said in a deep voice.

    "Should we go?" Bai Xue asked.

    Zhang Dingtian stared at the screen, "No go."

    Lu Yin lightly said "that corpse was once a strong person who strolled the stars, now even if seriously injured and dying, certainly have the ability to save their lives, we go too dangerous".

    Dean Lien said, "Don't worry, if those alien students didn't catch him, he'll definitely come back".

    Lu Yin looked at Dean Lian in confusion.

    Dean Lien said, "His stuff is in the Science and Technology Institute and will never be abandoned.

    "What is it?" Lu Yin asked, when that corpse was brought back to Earth, no one knew what else was brought back at the same time, only that there was a war sword.

    Dean Lian was just about to speak, but was stopped by Bai Xue, "This is a state secret and cannot be divulged."

    Lu Yin amused, "the end has come, the country's highest manager is your seven saints, what else is confidential".

    Bai Xue stared at Lu Yin, "We don't know your details, who knows if you are an alien student."

    "Zhou Shan can testify to me, I was at the penal camp before the trial students descended" Lu Yin frowned and said.

    The corners of Bai Xue's mouth curved up in an absolutely beautiful arc, "I remember those students said that the Earth was under the monitoring of the Daewoo Empire long ago, early access is not impossible".

    "Strong words, everything you say," Lu Yin is not happy, this woman seems to be against him everywhere, I heard that there is a leg with Liu Shaoge, untamed.

    Bai Xue said lightly, "I'm just telling the truth".

    "I must tell you, those students just now are only the first batch of trialists, the second batch of trialists will come soon, there will definitely be enemies that you can't handle, I can help you, don't be insensitive" Lu Yin said.

    Bai Xue grunted, "If you are an earthling you should help us, otherwise you are a traitor, if not an earthling, it is useless for us to beg you".

    The woman's analysis is quite reasonable.

    Zhang Dingtian looked at Lu Yin and said in a deep voice "your identity is not clear, Zhou Shan can only represent himself, if you want to understand the state secrets, you must seven saints vote".

    Lu Yin waved his hand, "Forget it, now the communication is interrupted, where to vote, and this woman's call should not be bad, vote to lose is me", finished directly away.

    Zhang Dingtian looked at Lu Yin's back and pondered.

    White snow said "this person is very strong, can not understand, in addition to the seven of us and the country compromise to accept the heritage of the few old outside, how can someone break through the heavenly level at this time".

    "Not impossible, the Tianzhu bitter monk is the first person to break through the heavenly level without receiving the inheritance, he can only be considered the second" said Zhang Dingtian.

    White snow nodded, she is not against Lu Yin, but indeed feel Lu Yin suspicious, strong a little strange, and, a little greedy, remembering Lu Yin in her face to snatch the two alien students condensed air ring matter she is not comfortable.

    Walk out of the ground, Lu Yin face heavy, now the Earth is in the end of days, alien students recklessly, there is a fugitive of uncertain strength hidden, plus the second batch of trialists about to descend, the Earth is getting more and more lively, their own strength is still a little slow to improve.

    Daewoo Empire is only an empire within the Canglan frontier, there are many frontiers in the outer universe, the birth of countless geniuses, they can not even handle the Daewoo Empire ordinary academy students, not to mention the Daewoo Empire's top academy Yu Tang and the young powerhouse who came from the Imperial Court 13 team, must speed up progress.

    "Granny, come here," Lu Yin bellowed.

    In the distance, Granny came up, "What is it?" .

    "Release the news that the fugitive is in the Mediterranean Sea of Europe on Earth," Lu Yin said indifferently.

    Granny was shocked, "Really?" .

    Lu Yin nodded, "Go ahead."

    Granny frowned, "If you know why you don't go yourself."

    "If you want to do it, do it, which so many why," Lu Yin said impatiently.

    Exasperated, Granny tapped on her personal terminal and sent a message to the Star Network.
