
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 30 - Melee

Two identical attacks collided in mid-air, everyone heard a boom, the air scattered, countless strong winds smashed walls and even crushed bridges, the collision place earth cracked, air currents swept up, and then scattered in the sky a hundred meters high.

    Willow looked at Lu Yin in surprise, "You can actually perform the Split Sky Palm?" .

    Lu Yin gaze indifferent, he heard Granny said Willow can cast Rift Palm, he was not surprised, he was surprised that Willow's Rift Palm seems, a little weak, because at the moment Willow right palm is trembling, this is the consequences of forcibly cast Rift Palm.

    The same surprise Bayleigh looked at Lu Yin, cracked air palm is not just anyone can use, this person, not worse than Willow.

    At the same time, on the steel city walls, Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue looked into the city at the same time, leaping up with a cold gaze.

    White snow eyes filled with killing intent, the disaster caused by the hands of heaven-level powerhouse in the city is huge, these students completely disregard for the death of the people of Earth, must be killed.

    Inside the city, Granny exclaimed, "Zhang Dingtian is here, and there is a scrying realm force next to him."

    Lu Yin did not care, opposite, Bayleigh frowned, "quick battle, Zhang Dingtian is here".

    Willow eyes narrowed, body covered with ring battle armor, a leap towards Lu Yin, a leg draw, ordinary people simply can not see the speed of his attack.

    Lu Yin raised his leg and kicked on Willow's calf, the ground crumbled and sank, the air wave was discharged, Willow roared low, the star energy outside his body exploded, crushing towards Lu Yin, the earth trembled, he wanted to use pure star energy to decide the victory.

    Lu Yin sneered, his body star energy is certainly not as much as Willow, but his speed of absorbing star energy is twice as fast as Willow, even than consumption he is not afraid.

    Granny backed up sharply, this star energy against the bombardment she did not want to bear.

    In the distance, Bayleigh's gaze was cold as he rushed towards Granny and raised his hand to grab it.

    Granny gritted her teeth, crushed several flame crystals, surging flames in the earth burning, "Inferno palm" a low cry, Granny palm flame cohesion shot at Bayleigh, Bayleigh gaze cold and proud, the action has not changed, Granny's Inferno palm by Bayleigh a slap scattered, the gap is too big.

    Granny's flames are too soft for Bayleigh.

    Lu Yin watched as Granny was grabbed by Bailie, his right palm blasted out, the air was visible to the naked eye forming a shockwave blast towards Bailie, Bailie turned around and shattered the cracked palm with one fist, "Willow, go".

    Willow laughed out loud and her body swayed towards the distance, her speed increasing again.

    Lu Yin grunted, swim body step directly to Wei Luo, raised his palm, palm out of the stars now, Wei Luo's gaze changed, inexplicably a sense of crisis came, stared at Lu Yin a palm, did not hesitate to avoid, but unfortunately the sky star palm is not so easy to avoid, the star operation originally contains a huge suction, with Lu Yin right palm as the center, everything in this world is like a star is absorbed.

    Bayleigh was shocked, and Lu Yin's slap appalled even him.


    A loud sound, Willow's last-minute cracking palm was completely shattered, his body like a meteor was viciously smashed into the earth, shattering the broken bridge again, the earth was smashed into a huge crater, inside the crater, Willow spat out blood, and looked at Lu Yin incredulously.

    He did not think he would be injured by a palm strike, which was so rigid that the ring battle armor shattered.

    Granny was shocked, Willow is the strongest person in the academy, actually was hit hard by a slap, incredible.

    "Dare to fight in the city, you seek death" a yell from afar, followed by a harsh chopping blow across the sky falling headlong, aimed directly at Bayleigh.

    Bayleigh shrugged off Granny and avoided it herself.

    The chopping cuts the earth, causing countless harsh winds.

    Bayleigh first time to put on the ring battle armor, gaze at the top of the chapter.

    High in the sky, Zhang Dingtian scanned below, his gaze crossed Baylei and Granny, saw Lu Yin standing on the ground and the obviously injured Willow in the pit, his heart sank, he had fought with Baylei and Willow, both were strong, now one was seriously injured, and a stranger appeared, that person was obviously the one who injured Willow, this person, stronger.

    Tricky, at this moment even Zhang Dingtian bubbled with this idea, what's more important is that there are only four here, there are still four heavenly level powerhouse did not venture.


    Willow covered his body, came out from inside the pit, looked at Lu Yin with scorn, and walked to the side of Bayleigh, "The situation is not favorable."

    Bayleigh eyes narrowed, take a deep breath, face became calm, "not necessarily, three-way melee, find a way to go on their own", finished steeply rushed to Granny, in everyone did not react when a hand will Granny flung to the Zhang Dingtian.

    Zhang Dingtian subconsciously raised the knife to cut, Granny horrified, face white.

    Lu Yin took to the air, pushed away Granny, met the Zhang Dingtian chopping a palm strike, cracking palm shock chopping, in the high altitude clash, air distortion, experience the huge collision force, Lu Yin was forced to land, feet deep into the ground, shocked, this is the power of the Zhang Dingtian.

    Bayleigh dumped Granny out and left directly, so did Willow, a Zhang Dingtian is already difficult to deal with, plus the inexplicable enemy, they are not stupid despite their ego.

    But they are not stupid, Zhang Dingtian is not stupid, gave Granny a knife after without hesitation and gave Bayleigh a knife, two knives almost no time interval, Bayleigh just a few steps to encounter the chop, and hurriedly avoid, face ugly, "we do not want to fight, let us go".

    Zhang Dingtian body fiercely rushed to Bay Li, "one do not want to leave", said lifting the knife chopped, close to the pressure of a knife let Bay Li anger, "heavy fist" Bay Li low roar, right fist clenched, layers of ripples row away from the air, a fist blast out.


    The earth trembled, heavy fist is the battle technique of Baylor, he originally thought that this punch is enough to shake Zhang Dingtian, but the result made him shocked, Zhang Dingtian not only was not shaken, but more ferocious pressure on, will Baylor directly into the ground, the wave is like a tsunami swept to the four directions, a thousand meters around the complete destruction.

    Willow had no choice but to strike and cracked the air palm to blast at Zhang Dingtian.

    Zhang Dingtian's backhanded slash tore apart the cracked palm, and the long knife once again cut across to Bayleigh, and he fought two people alone.

    Lu Yin just wanted to attack Willow, the soles of the feet do not know when the ice appeared, not far away, Granny legs were frozen, white snow from behind her out, coldly stared at Lu Yin, "Do not move".

    Lu Yin looked at Bai Xue, his eyes flashed with amazement, there is actually such a beautiful woman.

    "You are, Luo Sheng Bai Xue?" Lu Yin guessed.

    Bai Xue said coldly, "It seems that you alien students have investigated very well".

    Lu Yin faintly said "Zhou Shan told me, she said your beauty can make people recognize it at once".

    Bai Xue's gaze was icy cold, "You moved Zhou Shan?" .

    Lu Yin was just about to explain, a chopping stroke, Zhang Dingtian vainly attempted to pull him into the battlefield, Lu Yin avoid, the afterimage saw Bai Xue directly freeze Granny, he frowned, swim body step now Granny's side, a hand grabbed Bai Xue palm, into the hand smooth, but very cold, "you want to kill her?" .

    White Snow coldly said "so what", said, outside the body emitting extreme cold.

    Lu Yin's gaze changed, "talent, you have a cold ice talent."

    Bai Xue did not speak, and Lu Yin tightly grasped together the palm of the hand directly freeze, spreading to Lu Yin arm, she wants to freeze Lu Yin and Granny all.

    Lu Yin gaze awe-inspiring, was frozen palm outbreak of star energy, vaguely visible star operation, palm out of the stars now, the sky star palm out, the ice shattered, Lu Yin sky star palm a little force will shake away the white snow, she shocked back more than 10 meters.

    White snow arm raw pain, heart shock, the first time someone so easily shattered her firm ice.

    Perhaps seeing Bai Xue being repelled, Zhang Dingtian abandoned Bailie and Willow and slashed at Lu Yin.

    Impatient, Lu Yin avoided Zhang Dingtian's slash and took out Zhou Shan's ID and threw it to him, "I'm Zhou Shan's friend, not an alien."

    Zhang Dingtian took the documents, his eyes surprised, "You are an Earthling?" .

    Lu Yin nodded, the afterimage swept over, his face changed, "bad, those two want to run, chase", said the swimmer step to chase the nearest Willow.

    Zhang Dingtian didn't have time to think more and chopped at Bailie with a slash.

    Now several people in the open Zhang Dingtian strongest, cross-border strong even Baylei are falling into the wind, Lu Yin's heavenly star palm although rigid, but still did not allow him to break through the fusion realm combat power, one because his own battle power is too low, only a thousand, and also because the heavenly star palm is only running two stars, if it is three, perhaps Lu Yin can be raised to cross-border strength.

    Wei Luo was originally not a match for Lu Yin, and he was seriously injured in the battle with Zhang Dingtian, so he was easily caught by Lu Yin.

    Bayleigh also fell in the endless attacks of Zhang Dingtian and fell down with a slash to the chest.
