
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 29 - A Coincidental Encounter

Inexplicably, Paris heart a tight, back chill, she turned abruptly, into the eyes, is a beautiful woman is calmly looking at her, red boots on the dark red ground, wearing a snow-white dress, long blue hair hanging waist, indifferent face.

    "Who are you?" Paris was horrified that someone was so close to her and she didn't know it, too careless, the aftermath of an injury?

    The beautiful woman looked at Paris indifferently, "This beast tide, is caused by you?" .

    Paris stared closely at the woman, jealousy flashed in her eyes, this woman is too beautiful, among the people she has seen only the Caixing woman can be comparable, this beauty does not contain the impurities of the world, pure and flawless, how can there be such a person?

    "Ask you once more, the beast tide, did you start it?" The stunningly beautiful woman asked again.

    "Who are you?" Paris asked in a low bellow, her eyes alert.

    The stunning woman looked at Paris, "My name is Snow."

    "One of the Seven Saints, Luo Sheng Bai Xue?" Paris was surprised.

    Bai Xue gazed past Paris and looked at the bloody battlefield with an icy gaze, "What do you want to do by triggering a tide of beasts?" .

    Paris sneered, "a district of indigenous people are not qualified to talk to me, wait for me to catch you, tear your face", said the hand to grab the white snow, the palm of a beast hissing, let people's scalp numb.

    White snow back, layers of solid ice appeared in front of the eyes, was easily shattered by Paris, "a district of plants brought out of the cold ice still want to stop me? Indigenous is indigenous."

    Snow stopped, raised palm slapped to Paris, Paris sneered, "looking for death", said and snow single palm clash, Sen cold air flow swept the four directions, freezing the ground, snow's cold ice spread to Paris.

    Paris does not care, although her injuries are not yet healed, but did not put the snow in the eyes, "I said, the cold caused by plants is useless" Paris low drink, cold ice burst, even the sleeves of the snow were shattered, a few small icy grass fell, and the grass on Zhao Yu exactly the same, it is this grass brings out the cold air can let Zhao Yu cast Cold ice palm, the effect is the same as the flame crystal.

    Paris looked at Snowy furiously, she wanted to see Snowy's desperate expression.

    However, the next moment, the extreme cold enveloped the four directions, the earth instantly frozen, surrounded by, a layer of white ice layer suddenly emerged, condensing the air.

    Paris' pupils contracted sharply, the blood on her face faded, "Impossible, this, this, this is a talent, a cold talent, you have a talent?" .

    White snow gaze unchanged, endless cold once again enveloped towards Parris, turn the eye to freeze Parris right arm.

    Paris screamed in a vain attempt to retreat, but too late, but two seconds, her entire body was frozen, and then popped to pieces.

    The strongest person in the Blue Mountain Academy - death.

    With the death of Paris, the tide of beasts on the Scarlet Battlefield regained their wakefulness and many have begun to recede.

    White Snow exhaled, this woman is very strong, if not injured perhaps can break free, she underestimated herself, but even so, she still forced out her cold talent.

    Inside the city, Willow and Bailie searched the place where Zhang Dingtian lived, also searched the office of the former No. 1, etc., but found nothing.

    Lu Yin and Granny arrived outside the capital, then crossed the battlefield and came to the city.

    At the moment, the atmosphere in the capital is gloomy, but not chaotic. All the survivors' faces are terrified, but they still maintain their confidence in the Chinese camp.

    No matter how prosperous the city in times of peace, it is the same after the end.

    With bridges broken, buildings abandoned and houses collapsing, it's nice to have a place to live.

    Lu Yin found a map of the capital and took Granny directly to Zhang Dingtian's residence. He thought the same as Willow and the others, if anyone in the capital knew the whereabouts of the corpse, the most likely one was Zhang Dingtian.

    On the steel city walls, Zhang Dingtian gazed at the white rising high in the distance, that is the frozen air, the frozen air of white snow.

    "Hua Sheng, look," someone exclaimed.

    Everyone looked into the distance, the battlefield, countless mutant beasts and zombies to kill, the earth dyed red, but at this moment, a flash of white suddenly appeared, freezing the ground, the beautiful woman slowly step across the battlefield, wherever it is mutant beasts or zombies are frozen.

    "It's Luo Sheng, Luo Sheng Bai Xue," someone rejoiced, followed by countless people cheering.

    The Seven Saints are the protectors of Doomsday, and Bai Xue, the signature of the Seven Saints, is the only woman among the Seven Saints, as well as the most beautiful woman in China, and her appearance makes countless evolutionary soldiers as exhilarated as if they had been hit with chicken blood.

    Beauty is a power that can stimulate the potential to ignore physical pain and suffering, and Snow certainly possesses this power.

    The moment the white snow appeared on the walls, everyone in the Chinese camp roared low, making the countless mutant beasts on the battlefield fearful.

    Zhang Dingtian looked at the battlefield indifferently and gripped his long knife tightly.

    Bai Xue walked to the side of Zhang Dingtian, "I have solved the person who triggered the beast tide, it is an alien student."

    "Thank you," Zhang Dingtian said indifferently.

    White snow indifferent said "you are too kind, even if they do not kill them should be caught, these people simply do not treat us as human beings".

    Zhang Dingtian said in a deep voice "I killed five, these few, it is difficult".

    Bai Xue was surprised, "Hard? Even you can't kill it?" .

    Zhang Dingtian looked at Bai Xue, "the seven saints are also divided into the upper three saints and lower four saints, the alien students are naturally divided, the person you just killed is not simple, right".

    Bai Xue was silent, that woman forced her to use her talent, which the lower four saints could not do, that woman had the strength to fight with the upper three saints.

    "You just said several, which means the alien student who appeared this time was not one person? What about the other few?" Bai Xue suddenly asked.

    Zhang Dingtian's eyes narrowed, "I don't know."

    Bai Xue took out the personal terminal she grabbed and tapped it a few times, the screen emitted a ticking sound, "eight, there are eight heaven-level powerhouses in town," Bai Xue was surprised.

    Zhang Dingtian's eyes were rounded with rage, the appearance of eight Heaven-level powerhouses at once was enough to completely destroy the capital, "They seek death."

    On the other hand, when Lu Yin and Granny arrived a few kilometers away from Zhang Dingtian's residence, Granny suddenly stopped and looked ahead in surprise.

    Lu Yin followed her gaze, a glance will see a tall and a short two men, is too conspicuous, survivors can rarely wear so clean, the most important is that the short man looks very peculiar, about one meter tall, stout body, this body type in the street can be recognized at a glance.

    The two people were none other than Willow and Bailie. They had just come out of Zhang Dingtian's residence and found nothing, and were just about to go somewhere else when they met up with Lu Yin and Granny.

    Willow two very conspicuous, Lu Yin two is not bad, especially Granny, after the end of many women's survival is not guaranteed, let alone appearance, Granny beautiful appearance, in the crowd as if it will glow, immediately found by Willow and recognized.

    "Willow," Granny exclaimed, subconsciously approaching Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin's gaze stared, Willow? This name he had heard several times, the strongest person in the first military academy of the empire, the elite person qualified to complete the mission, so coincidentally actually met here.

    Willow looked at Granny also quite surprised, the capital is a necessary place to investigate the mission, Granny appeared does also want to complete the mission? The first time I saw him, I was able to feel that he had just made a breakthrough through the star energy.

    "You know?" Bayleigh asked in a deep voice.

    Willow replied "from the same college".

    "Take it with you, we are short of men," said Baili in a deep voice.

    Willow nodded and barked low to Granny, "Come here and follow us."

    A trace of fear flashed in Granny's eyes as she looked at Lu Yin.

    Trials for all, unless friends and relatives, otherwise it is the enemy, even the same college are enemies, for Granny Lu Yin although control her, but did not give her life in danger, Willow is different, people from the stars are more ruthless.

    "I told you to come here, didn't you hear me?" Willow bellowed, attracting the attention of many people.

    Bayleigh frowned, "Keep your voice down."

    Willow stared coldly at Granny, her gaze icy cold.

    Lu Yin took a few steps forward and looked at Willow lightly, "Who are you talking to? Is it very noisy?"

    Willow was stunned for a moment, probably did not expect Lu Yin dared to say so, could not help but sneer, "I do not know which college you are a student, but today, you can be removed from the name", said, a single palm down, the air shaking, a flat ripple pressed around, many survivors have not reacted before being shaken away.

    Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, cracked air palm? Look, he also single-handedly under pressure, and then a palm strike out.

    At the same time Willow also struck out with a palm strike.
