
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 28 - The Capital

Paris pupils shrink, quickly retreat, she did not expect the natives attacked by Baylor and Willow actually still have the strength to attack her, and when she reacted it was too late, the chop swept through, leaving a huge bloody scar in the abdomen of Paris, blood dripped down the clothes to the earth, the pain swept through the nerves, Paris involuntarily half kneeling, forehead cold sweat straight.

    One man, one knife, suppressing the capital, the first of the Seven Saints, the mad knife Hua Sheng, at this moment, the three Bayley deeply appreciate what is the first of the Seven Saints, this person, perhaps the strongest person on earth.

    They can't figure out, district half a year of evolution, how the Earth will be born such a terrifying figure, looking at the Daewoo Empire are very difficult to appear cross-border strong people.

    The so-called cross-border, is the current realm to reveal a higher level of battle power of the strong, personal terminal settings are quite strict, even if the peak of the current realm battle power, with the help of battle techniques may not be able to reveal a higher level of battle power value.

    Just like Baili, his combat value is three thousand, the peak of the Scouting Realm, but even if he performs battle techniques and has the power to fight with creatures of the Realm of Fusion, the combat value cannot reach three thousand and one, which is like a wall that separates the Scouting Realm from the Realm of Fusion.

    The only kind of person who can break this wall is a cross-border strong person, obviously tan realm strength, but can show fusion realm combat power, such people are called demons, just the moment Zhang Dingtian raised his sword, his combat power value is - three thousand two hundred, fusion realm combat power value.

    "Let's go," Baili shouted, flying directly into the air outside the capital.

    Willow and Paris forced their injuries to leave at the same time.

    Zhang Dingtian did not chase, calmly looking at the three left, these three are not weak, some time ago there are alien students came to the capital to cause trouble, but none of them can survive under his knife, he has killed five students, these three can actually receive him a knife, the upper three saints of the battle.

    Especially that little dwarf, with him a slash is very powerful.

    "Hua Sheng" an armored car appeared, one of the cars out of a young woman dressed in professional clothes, beautiful appearance, came to Zhang Dingtian worried.

    Zhang Dingtian faintly said "pass down the order, strictly check the strange evolutionary, encounter like students of evolutionary immediately report, do not take the initiative to fight".

    "Is that the group of astral students you just fought with?" The woman asked.

    Zhang Dingtian looked at the woman, "Do not think much, no one is my opponent."

    The woman, with a reverent gaze, nodded her head to the army and gave orders, doing things in a thunderous manner.

    Outside the capital, the three landed, and Paris roared low in anger, "A native, he hurt me, he actually hurt me, I want him dead, I want him dead immediately."

    Willow wiped the blood stain from the corner of her mouth, "There are actually cross-border strong people among the natives, unbelievable."

    Baili said in a deep voice "do not care, the combat value is the most unreliable means of detection, victory and defeat also depends on the individual and battle skills".

    Willow frowned at the capital, unreliable? Yes, in general the combat value is indeed unreliable, many strong people do not intend to improve the combat value, a single-minded focus on battle techniques, such people are quite powerful, but break through the current realm of combat value can be different.

    The Daewoo Empire had even decreed that cross-border strongmen could directly join the Imperial Court's thirteen teams, which was the highest authority in the empire. Cross-border strongmen, like talents, were highly respected, and just now he experienced the fear of cross-border strongmen. That native did not seem to use battle techniques, but just one slash made it difficult for him to fight.

    Although Bayleigh said easily, but it is difficult to hide the tone of envy and jealousy, he is very strong, from the third gravity planet, battle power of three thousand, the peak of the tan realm, the use of battle techniques and even defeated the fusion realm creatures, but so what, still can not break through that barrier, can not raise the battle power to three thousand and one, that one, trapped countless geniuses, and now actually see in the indigenous body.

    "I will not let him go, a native actually dared to hurt me" Paris was immersed in hatred, her eyes flashed with bitter hatred, "I will induce a tide of beasts".

    Baylor gaze, did not speak, aside, Willow agreed, "fugitive clues must be hidden in the capital, that Zhang Dingtian may know, head-on collision is not wise, Paris, immediately induce a tide of beasts, the Zhang Dingtian held outside the city, I go with Baylor to find clues".

    Paris nodded, licked the corner of her mouth, and rushed off into the distance.

    A day later, when Lu Yin brought Granny to the north of the river, he heard that the capital was hit by a wave of beasts and the whole outside of the capital was filled with mutant beasts and zombies.

    "There are nearly ten million zombies outside the capital, there should not be a beast wave, I remember also Go said that the strongest person in their academy, Paris, also came to the capital, could it be that she made a move?" Lu Yin guessed.

    Granny said, "It is possible that the students of the Blue Mountain College will more or less master the beast means, Paris as the strongest person in the College, the means must be extraordinary.

    Lu Yin's gaze is cold, if it is really this person's hand, this person can not stay.

    "Actually, it's a good thing that the beast tide is colliding with the corpse tide, as long as the people in the capital don't come out, they should be fine," Granny said.

    Lu Yin pondered, Granny can think, that Paris can also think, why still drive the beast tide?

    Inside the capital, countless soldiers running to change the defense, the beast wave and corpse wave impact, the capital also caused a certain impact, the occasional flying level mutant beast swept by causing alarm.

    On a tall building, two figures looked out of the city. In the distance, a chopping blow swept across the sky, severing a flying mutant beast and spraying blood high in the sky.

    "That's Zhang Dingtian, the first of the Seven Saints, really powerful," Gureth was surprised.

    To the side, Barallo said gruffly, "This man's strength is above mine.

    "Nonsense, he is a cross-border powerhouse, you and I together may not be enough for him to fight" said Gureth.

    Unconvinced, Barallo squeezed his green fist, "I don't need to fight him head-on, I can wear him out."

    "The beast tide should be triggered by that woman Paris, that woman is very vicious, seems to have suffered a loss under Zhang Dingtian, otherwise would not be so crazy, inducing such a scale of the beast tide, she paid a price is not light" Gureth mused.

    "The tide of beasts attracts Zhang Dingtian, the city is deserted, Baili and Willow may be in the city looking for clues to the fugitives" said Barallo.

    Gureth immediately clicked on the personal terminal and exclaimed, "Wow, five scouting realm powerhouse, one of them reached the fusion realm battle power is Zhang Dingtian, the other four should be Baili, Willow and Erde and Haidian, actually all mixed in, this is hilarious".

    Ballaro's face was grave, "Erde is here too, that's a problem, this man is very strong".

    Gureth said "break into the Hall of Yu, had defeated the strongest person in thirty colleges, this is the record of Erde, is a bit of trouble, but it does not matter, you say if we reveal the news to Zhang Dingtian, he will be what?" .

    Barallo frowned and said, "Betray your own people?" .

    Gureth rolled her eyes, "Which is one of our own, we are competitors, and in the eyes of the Empire we are all trialists with the Earthlings, there is no betrayal".

    Ballaro nodded, "I can drive the plants to help hold off the beast tide and free up Zhang Dingtian's hands."

    "It's a happy decision," Gureth said, delighted.

    On the other side, two figures wrapped in black robes stood inside an abandoned hotel building.

    "Erde, I sense Barallo's breath, his plant breath is strong" one of the black-robed men spoke up, his mouth curved in a cruel arc.

    Another black-robed man, Erde, said in a deep voice "the city plus we have a total of seven tan realm cultivators, and outside the city of Paris, here gathered eight tan realm, trouble, but not too difficult to kill, the only trouble is Zhang Dingtian, the natives actually have cross-border strong, incredible".

    "Zhang Dingtian handed over to me, I want to try how the so-called cross-border strongman really is" the black-robed man excited, looking up, his eyes flashing green light.

    On the steel city wall, Zhang Dingtian's face was heavy, the vast tide of corpses and beasts fighting in the distance was like a millstone of blood and flesh, with creatures dying every second and blood rushing to the sky.

    The zombies are weak and can be easily torn apart under the mutant beast's claws, but the toxicity of the zombies is strong, which causes the mutant beast to lose a lot of money.

    More than ten kilometers away to the east, Paris pale and excited looking into the distance, "Go on, more, more, more, I want to bury this city with a tide of beasts, a mere native actually dare to hurt me, I want you to pay the price".

    Paris did not notice that the cold air appeared under her feet at some point, obviously the temperature was not low, but the air appeared snow-white and icy frost.

    Paris is still staring at the distant battlefield of killing, collected the clothes, how a little cold?
