
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 27 - Cross-Boundary Powerful

Who is that person? Granny looked at the silver-haired man, this person she had no impression, butterfly knife, silver hair are rare features, but no impression, not the indigenous, right.

    "Eh, the blade is blunt, no time to polish, barely 50% of the battle power," said the silver-haired man pretending to regret, and glanced at Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin's gaze flashed, raised his hand and looked at his palm, "Dirty hands, barely playing forty percent of the battle power."

    The silver-haired man is speechless, this is also a reason?

    "Student, we are meeting for the second time, declare yourself, my name is Silver" the silver-haired man smiled at Lu Yin, smiling like a fox.

    Lu Yin smiled lightly, "My name is Yata, from the planet Tata, my grandfather is the principal."

    Silver marveled, "The principal, ah, learn the second generation, no, learn the third generation, congratulations congratulations."

    Lu Yin laughed and said "You're welcome, I like your silver hair".

    "Hahahahaha, I like it too, by the way, I have to go first, see you soon, Yata-san" Silver said politely.

    Lu Yin laughed and said "I'll see you again, Silver".

    Soon, Silver disappeared into the sky.

    Granny flew behind Lu Yin and wondered, "Which school is he from?" .

    Lu Yin shook his head, "I don't know, let's go."

    "Wait, you don't want energy crystals?" Granny probe out his hand, palm, a finger-sized white crystals in the sun shine reflecting light, "this energy crystal is not suitable for absorption, but can be used as a technology weapon energy, the price is still good, after all, is a fusion realm creatures."

    Lu Yin nonchalantly took away, "Let's go, continue to catch up", finished, with Granny flying north.

    The energy crystals in the body of the evolved organisms of the earth are inferior energy crystals in the universe, even the wandering soldiers who directly absorb the energy crystals for cultivation will not use them, there are too many impurities, which affect the progress of cultivation, and they are of little use to Lu Yin himself.

    The dice are also very picky eaters, the inferior energy crystals it does not absorb, Lu Yin intends to accumulate more and then sell it for star energy crystals.

    Silver flew towards the east, some distance later stopped, looked back, gaze puzzled, "in the end what battle technique? Just broke through the tan realm can actually block me, unfamiliar battle technique, but, very strong, go back must check".

    The end of the day came, countless ordinary people in the capital turned into zombies, the state management in a big explosion all killed, the capital city without a head, fortunately, the head of the seven saints Zhang Dingtian to suppress the chaos, dispersed the zombies, which saved the capital, but despite this, the capital only left less than a third of the area, the periphery all fallen in the endless wave of corpses.

    The capital is too populous, nearly ten million zombies, far more than Jinling, even after more than half a year, to the strength of Zhang Dingtian combined with more than 100,000 evolved people in the capital is still unable to destroy these zombies.

    The capital is like a giant beast surrounded by countless mole crickets, clearly possessing the strength to crush them, but trapped and unable to move.

    The capital gathering place is surrounded by ten meters high steel reinforcement, the steel walls are dense with many evolved guards standing, calmly looking at the corpses wandering in the distance.

    From time to time, the city gates opened and evolved people rushed out in armored vehicles leased from the army, trying to gather useful supplies from outside the city.

    It didn't take long for the gates to open again and an armored car rushed into the city.

    On the steel walls, a centurion wondered, "Didn't that armored car just go out?" .

    Next to him, another centurion said "normal, encountered a powerful mutant beast, a few people died, the rest came back to regroup".

    Near the steel walls gathered a lot of survivors, ragged, most of them were hungry skin and bones, saw the armored car rushed in to rush around, but the armored car did not stop at all, almost hitting people.

    Inside the car, Paris' eyes glowed, "This primitive thermal weapon has only been seen in textbooks, I never thought there would be a day to operate it, how interesting".

    Willow laughed and said, "Take one back if you like it".

    In the back, Bailie's face was serious, looking at the interior of the capital, where, from time to time, an overwhelming energy emanated out, and even his heart palpitated.

    "Willow, who is the strongest person in the capital?" Bayleigh asked, originally he didn't care, but now he felt different.

    Willow said, "A man named Zhang Dingtian, known as the Mad Blade Hua Sheng, is the first of the Seven Saints".

    Bayleigh's gaze was grave.

    Willow looked at Bayleigh, "Pay no attention, the strongest seven saints on this planet is but a scrying realm, barely more than some elite students, far worse than you and me".

    Bailey ignored Willow, the only one of the three who felt the overwhelming power, seemingly, obviously very far away but very close.

    The armored car rampaged all the way to the south of the city, where the big explosion occurred, ignoring the soldiers' warnings.

    The area south of the city where the explosion occurred has long been cordoned off, and there is still a ten-thousand-strong chief on guard.

    When the armored car appeared it was immediately blocked and Paris drove through it excitedly.

    "With a shout, a ground-level wandmaster struck, leaping up high to attack the armored car.

    Willow raised her eyes and casually snapped her fingers, and the strong wind tore through the air and sent the captain of the wangs crashing to the ground, seriously wounded, and the surrounding soldiers were horrified.

    The armored car stopped, the three Baili out, looking not far from the fiery red lava filled crater, the air above are distorted.

    "This is the place, a big explosion brought evolution to this planet, but the body is missing" Willow said in a deep voice.

    Bayleigh gaze contemplation, the pit is covered with lava, even if there are clues are burned out, they can not get news from here, "it seems that we can only find the capital city principal, that seven saints first".

    Willow smiled lightly, "I'll go get him."

    Bayleigh was just about to speak, suddenly his gaze stared up, and at the same time, Willow and Paris also looked up, somehow, the sky a man standing quietly, cold eyes staring at them.

    Seeing this scene, Bailie's gaze shrank and his face was as grave as ever.

    "When did this man appear?" Paris was surprised.

    High in the sky, the man holds a knife in his right hand and slowly lands.

    Around the soldiers saluted in unison, "See Hua Sheng".

    Bayleigh three eyes surprised, this person is Zhang Dingtian?

    "All retreat," Zhang Dingtian said indifferently, surrounded by all the soldiers immediately back, in order.

    Bayley three people carefully look at Zhang Dingtian, the appearance of unusual, not too strong, the body is not too obvious injuries, looks nothing out of the ordinary, but there is one thing, this person as a whole gives a very domineering feeling, do not know how to appear, the three people feel that this person is domineering, perhaps because of the knife.

    "You guys are from the stars?" Zhang Dingtian looked at the three calmly and said indifferently.

    Willow took a few steps forward, "That's right, we're from the stars and have something to ask you".

    Zhang Dingtian's gaze crossed Willow and looked at Bailie, "Leave the capital and do not allow to step in."

    Bayleigh's eyes narrowed.

    Willow was furious that this man was ignoring him, "I asked you a question, didn't you hear me?" .

    Zhang Dingtian gaze swept to Willow, "before leaving, as a punishment for disturbing the capital, each subject to me a knife" finished without waiting for three people to answer, raised his hand is a knife, the first knife cut to Willow.

    Drip Drip Drip

    Paris personal terminal suddenly loud sound, she looked down her face changed dramatically, "Willow be careful, he is cross-border strong".

    Willow's face changed, in front of him, obviously a very ordinary knife but became incomparably terrifying, everything in the world disappeared, his eyes only the knife, closer and closer, closer and closer, Willow's pupils shrunk, raised his palm, "cracked palm" a low roar, the air rippled, forming a wave of air blast ahead.

    Zhang Dingtian a knife cut in mid-air, was blocked by the cracked palm, strong air pressure erupted, spreading in all directions, the earth was shattered, Paris breath a stagnant, hurried back, the violent air pressure swept high into the sky, dispersed the clouds, so that not far from the lava in the pit are lifted.

    In the distance, countless soldiers looked at this scene with shock, every time Hua Sheng strikes so shocking.

    Willow gritted her teeth and looked incredulously at Zhang Dingtian, who was only a few meters away in front of her, an indigenous, how could a mere indigenous be so strong? Cross-realm powerhouse, there are actually such demons among the natives.

    In the back, Baili listed his hand and blasted a fist at Zhang Dingtian.

    Zhang Dingtian gaze, the long knife moved across, the back of the knife chopped on top of Baylis fist wind, arc-shaped wave of Qi shot out to destroy the far ruins, tearing the earth apart, the surging wave of Qi boom shock, Willow first time was shaken back, a mouthful of blood spurted out, Baylis backwards with the help of this force, Zhang Dingtian in place, still maintaining the stance of swinging the knife, gaze towards Paris, the blade turned over again, a knife chopped out.
