
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 26 - Creatures of the fusion realm

Bai Xue turned her back on the wind and snow and calmly looked at the three, "Students from the stars, good battle skills".

    "Who the hell are you? It can't be an indigenous, an indigenous can never crush the three of us, we are all the elites of the major academies," the man said incredulously.

    Snow's eyes are bright, more crystalline than diamonds, "Please mark the northeast as blue, I do not want to be disturbed here."

    The student closed his eyes in pain and started his personal terminal as appointed, and in a moment, on the network, this area of the northeast turned blue.

    Lu Yin set off that night with Granny, rested for a while a hundred kilometers north of Jinling, and then continued towards the north.

    At this moment, they came to Shandong Wei County.

    "Huh, the northeast has turned blue," Granny said in surprise.

    Lu Yin was surprised, was Bai Xue defeated?

    Lu Yin did not allow Lu Yin to think more, the sky and earth ahead appeared a huge tree, looks like a willow tree, stretching more than a thousand meters of branches, countless branches cover a side of the sky, sweeping the entire Wei County, and even the surrounding highway mountain villages are covered.

    Lu Yin and Granny immediately stopped, subconsciously detecting the battle power.

    "Four thousand two hundred and ninety" the two exclaimed, this is the fusion realm battle power, the mutant giant tree in front of you is a fusion realm creature.

    "Go around it," Lu Yin decided to avoid it at once.

    Suddenly, the river below stretched out a few branches to draw towards Lu Yin and Granny, Lu Yin pushed Granny away and avoided it himself, the branches drew high into the air, tearing the air and making a loud sound.

    Granny was afraid that if Lu Yin hadn't pushed her away, she would have had to endure the attack of the fusion realm creature.

    "Go around, avoid it," Lu Yin shouted.

    The two of them are still quite a distance away from the giant mutant tree, but they are still in its attack range.

    At this moment want to go around the giant tree is difficult, if the range of the giant tree attack them as a radius, they want to go around at least ten seconds, this is still a conservative estimate, the giant tree is unlikely to let them pass smoothly, especially Granny, with her speed want to go around is difficult.

    Lu Yin moved in mid-air, see Granny can not support, a palm strike, cracked palm will be deflected branches, the body rushed to the side of Granny, a hold, directly to the giant mutant tree.

    "You're crazy" Granny was shocked, watching the giant tree in front of him getting closer and closer, countless branches like pythons in the air, vaguely visible on the ground white bones, extremely scary.

    Lu Yin said in a deep voice "look behind you".

    Granny looked back and blanched, their back way was blocked, boundless green branches formed a wall blocking, so they could not retreat.

    "It's over, fusion creatures, we're dead," Granny said sadly.

    Lu Yin's gaze coldly sweeping around, a branch after a branch pumped over, Lu Yin deftly dodge, occasionally with the power of the branch can advance a large distance, at this moment he is less than three thousand meters from the body of the giant mutant tree, the closer the more you can feel the huge and terrifying tree, the energy makes the void distorted, covering the sky.

    Lu Yin was glad that he was not facing an intelligent creature. Although this giant mutant tree was strong, it attacked completely by instinct, which allowed him to survive safely with Granny, but it would not last for a long time.

    Granny took out more than a dozen flame crystals from within the condensed air ring and smashed them down, flames burning from the earth.

    Lu Yin was speechless, "You still want to burn it?" .

    Granny bitter, "Try it, maybe it's afraid of fire".

    This is no problem, the plant is afraid of fire is natural, but look at the huge tree in front of you that covers the sky, want to set it on fire at least volcanic eruption to have hope, those outside of Jinling City flame crystal deposits are not enough.

    Lu Yin did not have time to talk nonsense with Granny, he gazed, that is? People?

    Under the giant mutant tree, a black dot pranced from side to side, then grew larger and larger, and was human like Lu Yin and the others.

    The man was even closer to the giant tree than they were, and at the moment kept backing up, dodging the trunk's attacks.

    "So strong" Granny was surprised, she thought she couldn't hold up the trunk attack, if it wasn't for Lu Yin she would have been dead, but the man in the distance was clearly at ease, very easy to look at.

    The moment Lu Yin looked at that person, his gaze was cold, it was the silver-haired man.

    Under the moonlight, the full force of the sky star palm was a beautiful butterfly knife dissolved, this scene Lu Yin can never forget, he can be in the lookout realm with the sky star palm seriously injured Tres, reached the tan realm after the full force of the sky star palm was dissolved, and then not his initiative, but the other party's killing machine forced him to take the initiative to strike with full force, at that moment he was completely passive, and could not even understand the bottom of the opponent.

    "Yo, classmate, we meet again," the silver-haired man greeted Lu Yin with a smile as he saw his gaze light up.

    Granny was confused, the two knew each other?

    Lu Yin avoided the tree trunk to whip, lightly said "coincidentally ah".

    The silver-haired man gently avoided the tree trunk, "unfortunately, I've been trapped for a while, if you guys head north there's a good chance you'll run into me, fate na".

    "You know we're going north?" Lu Yin raised his eyebrows in confusion.

    The silver-haired man rightfully said, "Of course, I also know your destination, it must be the capital, right?

    Lu Yin's eyes narrowed and guessed who this person was, whether it was also the strongest person of a certain college that Go said.

    "The silver-haired man smiled kindly at Granny, and a beautiful butterfly knife appeared in his right hand, throwing out a gorgeous fancy to the trunk. The silver-haired man rushed out unscathed, turned back and smiled again at Granny, then looked at Lu Yin provocatively.

    Lu Yin hugged Granny tightly, in Granny's fearful gaze raised palm slapped to the attacking tree trunk, palm out of the stars now, a palm, the tree trunk burst, Lu Yin also walked out unharmed.

    "I didn't sleep well last night, so I used a third of my strength," Lu Yin said lightly.

    The corner of the silver-haired man's mouth skimmed, "I used two points of force."

    "Wrongly remembered, I used one point of force" Lu Yin did not show weakness.

    The silver-haired man grunted, "I used a half-hearted effort."

    Granny was speechless, these two were fighting? At this juncture?

    I don't know why, facing the silver-haired man, Lu Yin always had a sense of crisis, as the butterfly knife hanging overhead will fall at any time, unconsciously he wanted to make this person scare, the only way to feel not to take the initiative.

    Countless branches and trunks appeared again in all directions, closing the space.

    Lu Yin said indifferently to the silver-haired man "join forces, attack the body, or there is no end to it".

    The silver-haired man nodded, "I was too tired to play the other day, or I could have solved it alone."

    Lu Yin faintly said "if not in a hurry, I would like to use it to try palm power".

    The corner of the silver-haired man's mouth curved up as he rushed towards the giant tree itself with one foot on the pumping branch.

    Lu Yin threw Granny to the ground flames, "Be careful yourself", said the same rushed to the giant tree body.

    Both of them were not far from the giant tree itself, and they arrived in the blink of an eye.

    Rong realm beyond the tan realm, is an important step forward in cultivation, to reach the Rong realm, proving that has initially become strong, touching the human body limit, practitioners in this realm will stay for a long time, until the breakthrough of the human body limit to cross into the next realm.

    The general student elite are all probe realm, few reach the fusion realm, and students who can fight fusion realm creatures in the probe realm are even fewer, although the giant tree is not an intelligent creature, but its too huge and its energy is very vast, defeating it, more difficult than defeating ordinary fusion realm creatures.

    Silver-haired man a butterfly knife flashing white light into a meteor rushed to the giant tree.

    Lu Yin heavenly star palm at full power, vaguely, another star prototype, this is the second star, once formed, the power will again skyrocket.

    Two people almost at the same time to attack the body of the giant tree, Butterfly Blade plus the Sky Star Palm attack in the same location, the solid surface of the tree gradually cracked, and then bang, two people pierced through the tree, rushed out hundreds of meters, suspended in mid-air and looked back.

    The huge mutant giant tree slowly fell, countless branches smashed down, crushing the earth, rivers were covered.

    Lu Yin and the silver-haired man turned their heads to look at each other at the same time, just a moment after the attack, they both felt the other's power, this time more clearly than last time.

    This man has become more powerful, the words appeared in the minds of both people at the same time.

    On the other hand, Granny is the most shocked, mutant plants are good to hide and not easy to kill, because the defense is too strong, although she did not fight with Willow, but can be sure that Willow is by no means capable of hurting this giant tree, those two people can actually do, they, comparable to or even more than the strongest people in the college.
