
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 25: The First of the Seven Saints

"Why should we go to the capital? The end has come, all places are the same," Zhou Shan said in disbelief.

    Lu Yin did not say anything about the mission, but only said, "I want to find the truth about the doomsday and the corpse".

    Zhou Shan shook his head, "There is no need, that big explosion outside the capital for dozens of miles into dust, after the explosion, although the end came, but also someone rushed to the scene to investigate the first time, nothing was found, you think after so long to investigate there is still useful?" .

    Lu Yin said in a deep voice, "Whether it's useful or not I'm going to go.

    Zhou Shan sighed and looked complexly out of Jinling, "I have no way to stop you from going, but I hope that if you don't investigate anything, you can return to Jinling".

    Lu Yin nodded, "I will."

    Zhou Shan took out a document from his arms, "This is my titular document in the national army, but also my token, when the Seven Saints had an agreement, see this as in person, you take it to the capital to find Zhang Dingtian, let him help you".

    "Zhang Dingtian? One of the seven saints?" Lu Yin puzzled, he did not know the Seven Saints, the doomsday communication was intermittent, and his attention was focused on Liu Tiange, if he had not come to Jinling, he did not even know that the Penal Saint was named Zhou Shan, as for that Seven Saints in the capital he only knew that it was called the Blade Saint.

    Speaking of Zhang Dingtian, Zhou Shan's face appeared inexplicable, "Lu Yin, I know you are strong now and can suppress the aliens, but I still have to tell you, don't underestimate the Seven Saints, don't measure the Seven Saints by my strength, especially the Upper Three Saints, Zhang Dingtian, is one of the Upper Three Saints, recognized - the head of the Seven Saints".

    Lu Yin was surprised, the head of the Seven Saints? This is not an ordinary name.

    Zhou Shan solemnly said "Since that corpse was brought back to Earth, China secretly selected countless people in a vain attempt to accept some heritage, and finally succeeded is the seven saints, and the Zhang Dingtian is the seven saints recognized as the strongest, his knife can suppress everything, those students are very strong, but I never believe that someone at the same level can defeat the Zhang Dingtian, even the eyes of the highest Luo Sheng Bai Xue will not compare themselves to the Zhang Dingtian, and many people call him the Blade Saint. Many people call him the Blade Saint, but in fact the full name is - Mad Blade Hua Sheng, he, is Hua Sheng".

    Listening to Zhou Shan's words, Lu Yin's brain inexplicably appeared a knife and a domineering man, one man and a knife to suppress the capital.

    "How do you compare to him?" Lu Yin asked, he wanted to have a visual comparison.

    Zhou Shan smiled bitterly and held up a finger, "Except for the Upper Three Saints, others faced him with only one blade."

    Lu Yin's gaze changed, a knife to defeat Zhou Shan, absolutely terrifying, Zhou Shan's real strength exceeds Orton and Granny, can fight with Tres, that is to say, Zhang Dingtian can defeat Tres at this level with one knife, according to also Go, he should be the strongest person in the major academies that grade, the Earth actually has such people.

    Lu Yin thought that he could also defeat Zhou Shan in one move by performing the Splitting Palm or the Heavenly Star Palm, so who was stronger and who was weaker between himself and Zhang Dingtian?

    The company has been selling him a favor, hoping that he will return to Jinling in the future, but Lu Yin is destined to let him down, his future, in the stars.

    There were still two months before the second batch of trialists descended. Lu Yin hoped to find that corpse to confirm its identity within two months, and he was in a hurry.

    "What? Let me go to the capital with you? No way," Granny exclaimed, refusing immediately.

    Lu Yin coldly said "you have no right to refuse".

    Granny said anxiously, "Have you not heard also Gogo said? I've seen Willow crush Tres with my own eyes, and he can't be defeated by a sneak attack".

    "I said, you have no right to refuse," Lu Yin said.

    Granny speechless, helpless pleading, "Yata, no, Lu Yin, you simply do not know what the strongest person in the academy represents, when the academy competition, Tres challenge Willow was seriously injured by a palm, the gap is too big".

    "Also Go was also seriously injured by my palm," Lu Yin said indifferently.

    Granny wanted to retort, but suddenly realized that it seemed to be the same, she had always positioned herself at a level below Terez, and with that, she had invariably pulled down the evaluation of Lu Yin's battle power, but now in retrospect, it seemed that the guy in front of her was also a pervert, the realm of hope seriously injured Terez, unable to mobilize star energy in the case of serious injury also Go, Granny took a few steps back to survey Lu Yin, she suddenly felt that the guy in front of her might really be comparable to the academy The strongest person.

    Lu Yin never used his full strength on Granny again, Granny didn't understand Lu Yin's real battle power at all, but even some of what was shown was enough to make her marvel.

    "Leave tonight, go to the capital," Lu Yin said lightly and left, without giving Granny room to refuse.

    Granny helpless, the universe star space frontier is endless, countless colleges, even the Daewoo Empire also has many colleges, the so-called trial mission is simply not her level can contact, yet at this moment is forced towards another circle, the circle of the most powerful people called.

    North of the river, the vast mountains, blood like wolf smoke straight into the sky, the mountain streams dyed red, blood covered the river, the pungent fishy smell to attract more and more mutant beasts, the turn of the wail everywhere, was killed.

    The stream was stained red, a short man standing in the river to wash his body, several wounds on his back have long been scarred, solid muscles bulging.

    On the shore, a man and a woman quietly surveyed him, "Baili, let you play again, this big mountain will not have mutant beasts".

    The short man glanced at the shore, coldly said "there are two fusion realm mutant beasts I did not provoke, before going back to kill".

    The woman said faintly, "It's time to go to the capital of this country, where the chances of finding the fugitive are the greatest, and the corpse brought by this planet from Neptune is probably the fugitive".

    A cold glint flashed in the eyes of the short man Bayleigh, "Willow, where are the other two teams?" .

    The shore man is precisely the strongest person of the First Imperial Military Academy Willow, and the woman, the strongest person of the Blue Mountain Academy Paris, these three are the elite that also Go knows.

    Willow returned "according to the direction of speculation, Gureth they are in the grassland, that is, north of the capital, Erde they are in Shanxi, both not far from the capital".

    Bayleigh walked up the shore, the outer body energy shock, the body instantly dry, "Let's go, to the capital".

    The three left, behind them, were the corpses of countless dead mutant beasts, many of which were Heaven-class mutant beasts.

    Northern China, an endless grassland swaying in the wind, from high altitude like green waves waving in the sun, unusually beautiful.

    On the grassland, a woman raised her hands and breathed heavily, "It's so refreshing, this is the smell of the grassland".

    Not far away, a green-skinned, two-meter-tall man glanced at the woman and said in a jarring voice, "A smell of manure smells good, sick.

    "Barallo, what did you say?" The woman had sharp ears and heard it, and immediately glared angrily.

    The green-skinned man, Ballaro, hurriedly laughed and said, "It's nothing, it smells good, it smells good".

    The woman was pleased, "count on your good sense, let's go, go to the capital, I heard that the people of this planet got a body from the primitive planet, should be fugitives".

    "Good," Barallo answered, lifting his head, the grass in front of him stretched endlessly far apart, as if it had a spiritual nature to avoid.

    West of the mountains, two people wrapped in black robes slowly walking, in front of endless yellow earth, from time to time there are strange and hideous mutant beasts from the yellow earth, and then disappeared.

    Under the black robe, one of the forehead with scales of the man's gaze icy cold, every step, the yellow soil has become incomparably dry, as if all the moisture has been sucked away in general, a hundred meters later, the land previously walked all crumbled into dust, the internal mutant beasts are all only skin, the moisture in the body were drawn away.

    "I don't like this place, I should have landed in the ocean in the first place".

    "No way, want to complete the task must come to the capital, I know you were born in the bottom of the sea, get over it, it will not take long to leave".

    "I have sacrificed so much, who dares to stop me from completing my mission, kill all of them, even if all the natives of this planet die, they cannot hinder me".

    "Of course, no one can stand in our way."

    In the northeast, the sky is covered with ice and snow to obscure the view, and the white world is endless.

    In this endless white, a pair of red boots slowly step, back to the wind and snow to reveal a captivating and beautiful face, such as the stars like bright eyes almost melted this frozen world.

    She, is white snow, Chinese Luo saint, the shore of Luo water, Yi Yi pour city.

    This is the blue camp, the blue camp of Luo Sheng.

    Three figures on the snow fell to their knees, their faces twisted, looking extremely painful, one of them barely raised his head, looking in fear at the stunning beauty in front of him, his lips trembling, "You, a mere native, how can you be so strong?" .
