
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 24: Targeting the Capital

I know a little more than you, I can barely hear the news of that circle, Willow and the strongest person in our academy Paris and Baili united, now should be exploring the cause of the evolution of the planet, perhaps, has gone to the capital, that place is not for us to set foot, I just need to occupy an area, found a mineral deposit will be satisfied, no need to fight with those monsters to fight".

    "Bayleigh? The Third Gravity Planet's Bailie?" Granny exclaimed, her face pale.

    Also Go gaze gaze, "Yes, Bayleigh, the famous Daewoo Empire youth generation, almost joined the Daewoo Youth Convocation of that Bayleigh, battle power of three thousand, the peak of the tan realm".

    Lu Yin surprised, did not expect this group of students is not unprepared, has long been silently assigned, the top strongest to complete the task, Asta, Orton belong to the bottom, Granny barely counted in Tres, also Go this layer, the top strongest not at all in Su Province, but close to the capital, where is the most cruel trial field.

    "As far as I know, there are three top teams in this planet Huaxia region, one is Baylei them, the other two I do not know exactly who they are, but certainly also from the major colleges top strongest, they, is enough to compete with the second batch of trial students who are about to descend on the monsters, the goal of these monsters is not the planet trial at all, but the legendary - frontier trial, at present can only Counted as a warm-up," also Go said seriously.

    Granny was silent, she knew too little, the grade was too low.

    "All right, I've told you all that I need to tell you, and it's time," said Yegor suddenly.

    Granny was puzzled, "What time?" .

    Also Gogo laughs oddly, "Make your time happy".

    Granny looked at also Go's smile, her heart sank and looked at the tea cup, "You poisoned the tea?" .

    "Of course not, poisoning is not that easy, personal terminal to a certain extent can detect the composition of the substance, I under the good stuff, strong power scatter" also Go from the condensed air ring to take out a crystal bottle, on which there are three leaves of turquoise color.

    Granny exclaimed, "Clover Company's potion, what is Strong Kung Fu Dispersion?" .

    Also Gogo proud, "you can drive the energy in your body to try."

    Lu Yin pressed one hand on Granny's shoulder, "do not move", finished looking at also Go, "strong power is to the fusion realm strong people use can manipulate all the star energy in the body in an instant burst of powerful potions, tan realm use will be depleted because of the lack of star energy, more will be backfired by serious injuries, I am not wrong, right? ".

    Also Go was surprised, "You actually know? By the way, you just said your grandfather is the principal? It seems to be a bit of family background."

    Lu Yin's gaze was cold, "Cultivators below the Rong realm can't mobilize star energy if they take Strong Power Scatter, what exactly do you want to do by consuming Strong Power Scatter at such a high cost?" .

    The crystal bottle was put away, and he proudly said, "Jinling is a good place, in this country has a unique position, occupy the Jinling, this achievement can make me more shining, not to mention that", said here, also the greedy eyes of the Go to measure Granny, "I have long wanted to taste the beauty of the Imperial Military Academy taste".

    Granny stepped back, her face pale with anger, and said "despicable".

    Also Go laughed and said "vile? How can you say that, I gave you a tonic, blame only your deficiency is not tonic".

    At the corner, the two Blue Mountain College students kept wriggling and making loud noises.

    The two students' chains were torn apart by the strong wind after a flip of the hand.

    Two people hurriedly shouted "Be careful, senior".

    Also go head, eyes shrink, abdomen, strong impact accompanied by violent squeeze will be his whole person blasted out of the barracks, directly smashed in the barracks after the waste field, Lu Yin leapt out, raised his hand, the air rippled, with a single palm down, the terrifying wave of air blasted the earth, also go down on the ground again by the blast, he barely raised his hands to resist, but still blasted into the ground, both arms broken, a mouthful of blood spurted out of the sky, directly fainted. .

    Lu Yin landed on the ground, indifferently looking at also Go, fluctuating palm and cracking palm only need physical strength can be issued, no need to use star energy.

    Outside the barracks countless evolved people surrounded and came, shocked looking at the half-dead also Go, do not dare to move.

    Lu Yin coldly swept a glance at them, then his gaze looked at the two Blue Mountain College students, the two faces whitened, very honestly stayed in place did not move.

    Granny breathed a sigh of relief, but also more shocked, although she knew the power of the cracked palm, but did not expect to crush also Go, Lu Yin just by physical strength is enough to fight with the top three major colleges, progress too fast.

    "I ask you guys, the gale crystal is the matter is true or false?" Lu Yin looked at the two students asked, before coming he asked, the two answered the same as also Go, but at the moment Lu Yin did not believe it.

    The two men looked at each other and whispered, "Gale crystals do exist, but, mutant bird flocks are not easy to mess with, there is a huge monster bird that may reach the fusion realm, one of our classmates died under the claws of that monster bird".

    Granny angrily glared at also Go, fusion realm strong people she does not want to provoke.

    "In another half an hour the effect of the medicine in the body will dissipate, then take these people back to Jinling," Lu Yin said to Granny, finished, out of the barracks.

    Feng Hong and a few other wannabes were already waiting outside, a group of evolved people were controlled, they came from Anhui Province, the very people Yago controlled, this group of evolved people were not sad because Yago died, but rather relieved, Yago's domination over them came entirely from strength.

    "Let them go, those who are willing to join the penal camp stay, those who are not let them go" said Lu Yin.

    Feng Hong nodded his head and immediately arranged to go down.

    In a short while, Feng Hong returned and whispered, "I'm sorry, Hidden Saint, but you have to come to our rescue".

    Lu Yin laughed and said, "The other side is a heaven-level powerhouse, no way, tell me how the perimeter is cleared.

    "Yes, from Jinling to Yu Xiang this section of the zombie almost all cleaned up, also cleaned up a number of mutant beasts, but can not be cleaned up, mutant beasts are very strong, we can only draw some mutant beast territory on the map as a warning, further west is Anhui, the sky level strong person is from the west..." Feng Hong reported .

    Lu Yin listened for a while and sent Feng Hong away.

    He found himself in the wrong direction, that thermal weapons bombing city, he saw Liu Tiange eyes contain a strong ambition, students did not descend before, Liu Tiange does not understand the stars, his ambition can only target this earth, but now with the students appear more and more frequently, he understands the stars, the gaze will be limited to the Earth?

    Lu Yin can be sure that people like Liu Tiange will not easily succumb to others, Wucheng was marked as blue ninety percent may be the same as Jinling, he suppressed the students, understand everything about the stars, to China, or to the Earth he certainly does not have too much desire, his ambition will be transferred to the stars, and he is still thinking of using the penal camp to combat his Wucheng, it is too narrow-minded.

    Criminal battalion wants to pass through Anhui to reach Hubei Wucheng take too long not to mention the sacrifice is certainly great, and that time everything has changed, the second batch of trialists descend, bringing great variables, everything can not move in the direction they want, Liu Tiange may not even be able to withstand the second batch of trialists attack.

    Lu Yin exhaled, his gaze looked to the west, he decided to temporarily put aside his hatred for Liu Tiange, put the focus on that corpse, he, to complete the mission, the student's mission can also be the mission of the earthlings, once he completed the mission, coupled with the layout of the once, want to enter the Starry Sky Tenth House is not impossible.

    Half an hour later, Granny dragged also the three out, the two students were bound again, also the Go more miserable, by Lu Yin shocked the internal organs, move a little are difficult.

    Lu Yin unceremoniously took off also Go's condensed air ring, used his bloodline code to unlock it, and poured out everything.

    Also Go just students, and not too many good things, only a few gale crystals, some unknown potions and dozens of star energy crystals, Lu Yin put away all the useful things, "Go, back to the Golden Tomb".

    Granny nodded her head and obediently followed Lu Yin away.

    Most of those who descended around Jinling were students from the Daewoo Empire's First Military Academy and Blue Mountain War College, either dead or captured, and one recovered by Lu Yin. Before the second batch of trialists appeared, Jinling should not have a problem.

    Lu Yin's only worry is the silver-haired man, that person let Lu Yin first experience the crisis of the cold, but also the first person who completely blocked the sky star palm, the strength is far more than also Go and Tres.

    Lu Yin tried to find out if Granny knew that person, Granny was confused.

    Jinling, Lu Yin formally proposed to Zhou Shan to go to the capital.
