
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 20: The Roots of Doom

The initial space is three days, want to use star energy crystals to increase time again costly, a fist-sized star energy crystal but to increase five seconds, a cubic star energy crystal is estimated to only increase the time of eighty minutes, that is, an hour with twenty minutes.

    Cultivation, battle techniques, weapon energy supply, dice, time, etc., Lu Yin found himself using star energy crystals for everything, his premonition is getting stronger and stronger, he may have to do something bad for star energy crystals in the future, such as robbery? Maybe interstellar piracy would be a good occupation.

    Lu Yin surveyed the surroundings, he had to stay here for three days, this time is quite embarrassing, cultivating the Heavenly Star Palm is completely insufficient, and there are no star energy crystals to absorb, as for other things? Lu Yin thought about it and could only cultivate one kind of battle technique - the Rift Palm.

    The Rift Palm was an advanced version of the Flux Palm, and it was also a popular battle technique, but the physical requirements were far more than the Flux Palm, even among the cultivators in the Rong Realm, there were not many who could use the Rift Palm, it was too demanding on the physical body, and it suited Lu Yin, he could only practice this without energy, Lu Yin was still very confident about his physical body.

    The air cracking palm is more powerful than the fluctuating palm, and more importantly, it is a long-range attack, which can make up for Lu Yin's shortcomings.

    Although Lu Yin had not been cultivating, he had never put down the exercise of his body, and fortunately, the Fluctuating Palm did not require much star energy, otherwise he would not have been able to kill Asta with it.

    Although star energy fills the entire universe, but each planet has its own ecosystem, and star energy is not the same, so, fluctuating palm this kind of reliance on physical combat skills are more rare, but unfortunately many people can not see, are in pursuit of powerful combat skills, do not know that in many cases that kind of combat skills simply can not be performed.

    The numbers in the time stationary space were getting smaller and smaller, Lu Yin was sweating like rain with his single finger pulling upwards, three days passed quickly.

    When the last second of the number was finished, the scene changed in front of Lu Yin's eyes and he appeared in the training room again, everything around him remained the same.

    Lu Yin took a shower and rested for a day, and the next day, he saw Granny again.

    At this moment, Granny looked at Lu Yin with scorn and a hint of fear.

    "Do you know your duties?" Lu Yin asked casually.

    Granny whispered, "Your escort."

    Lu Yin smiled, "Let's go, the penal saint should be waking up soon."

    Zhou Shan has been deeply healed, he suffered far more injuries than Granny, if not for Lu Yin's help, he would have been killed by Orton, and before that was attacked by Tres.

    Half a month of treatment made Zhou Shan lose a lot of weight.

    When Lu Yin brought Granny outside the ward, Feng Hong hurriedly got up, "Brother Lu, no, Hidden Saint, the Penal Saint is awake."

    Lu Yin was helpless, he did not want to be called the Hidden Saint, especially at the juncture when the second batch of trial students were about to descend, it was easy to become a target of strikes, but now that Jinling had been called away, and he had become a heavenly level powerhouse, he could not refute it even if he wanted to.

    "Got it, you guys stay outside, I'll go in" Lu Yin said indifferently, crossing over Feng Hong and the others to cross into the ward.

    Feng Hong looked at Granny warily, this woman was an alien.

    Granny didn't care about Feng Hong, to be precise, she didn't care about anyone except Lu Yin, if Lu Yin didn't come from the stars, it would take some time for her dignity to succumb.

    In addition to Zhou Shan, Qin Xuan was also in the ward.

    The moment he saw Lu Yin enter, Qin Xuan's eyes were alert and he stealthily blocked in front of Zhou Shan.

    Lu Yin was amused, "I'm talking to the Interpreter Saint, do you mind?"

    Qin Xuan pondered.

    "Qin Xuan, get out of the way," Zhou Shan's weak voice came out.

    Qin Xuan hesitated, but eventually stepped aside.

    Lu Yin looked at her, "You go out first."

    Qin Xuan's gaze changed and she looked at Zhou Shan.

    Zhou Shan nodded and let her go out.

    Qin Xuan reluctantly left.

    "Sorry, she is too worried about me" Zhou Shan said softly, gesturing for Lu Yin to sit.

    Lu Yin sat by Zhou Shan's bed and smiled, "She was afraid that I would hurt you.

    Zhou Shan laughed, "If you were to hurt me, I wouldn't be alive now. I heard that you denied the northern front and wanted to focus on Jinling and the west?" .

    Lu Yin nodded, got up and walked to the windowsill, looking at the chaotic Jinling, said lightly "half a year of the end, the most zombies, but the zombies in addition to the number of not too aggressive, not much damage to the evolved, mutant beasts are different, the longer the time, the stronger the mutant beasts, the penal camp front stretched too long easy to collapse".

    "It is because the end of the world is only six months, I hope to connect with the others as soon as possible and join forces to recover China, which is why Zhao Yu risked coming to Jinling," Zhou Shan said.

    Lu Yin looked back at him, "How many casualties did the penal battalion suffer every day? And how long of a road can be opened? I asked Luo Yun to report to you, your so-called safe passage appeared corpse king, corpse king has intelligence, can evolve, and can even produce alternative means of attack by swallowing peculiar things, not ten thousand chiefs can match, you can personally go to the front line? And how far can you go? Can you guarantee that there won't be heavenly level mutated beasts?" .

    Zhou Shan was silent and said bitterly, "I know, but I have to get through to the capital, I want to know what happened in the first place, maybe I can find the root cause of the doomsday."

    Lu Yin's gaze narrowed, "Root cause of doom?" .

    Zhou Shan solemnly looked at Lu Yin, "At first, China brought back a corpse from Neptune, and got some information, we were ahead of everyone with this information, and became the Seven Saints after the doomsday, but there is something wrong with that corpse, the Institute of Science and Technology detected non-ordinary substances from that corpse, those substances can cause cell mutation, I guess the doomsday is from that corpse ".

    "And then?" Lu Yin asked.

    Zhou Shan said bitterly "those non-ordinary substances are not at all the control of the Institute of Science and Technology, so the first ordered to transport that corpse, while the seven of us scattered, guarding all over China, perhaps at that time, the first has guessed what, but on the day of transport, the doomsday came".

    Lu Yin stared intently at Zhou Shan.

    Zhou Shan looked at the ceiling, confused, "we do not know what happened, only know that a moment of heaven and earth, Science and Technology Institute researchers, No. 1, and many people died in a big explosion, we later tried to contact, do not know what happened, even in the capital of the Zhang Dingtian do not know".

    "What about the corpse?" Lu Yin hurriedly asked, what he valued most was that corpse, that corpse contained the body-shaping decision, and it was possible that it was the fugitive that the students were looking for in the trial, from the inner universe.

    Zhou Shan shook his head, "I do not know, the scene is only a sinkhole, filled with magma, all information disappeared in that explosion, brought the end."

    Lu Yin turned his head, could see that Zhou Shan did not lie, he tried hard to find that corpse, for this reason came from Hubei to Jinling, but even the Seven Saints did not know where the corpse was, it seems that he should go to the capital.

    "You have a good rest, I'll go first," Lu Yin said indifferently.

    Zhou Shan said to Lu Yin, "You want to leave Jinling?" .

    Lu Yin looked at Zhou Shan, "You want me to leave?" .

    "I can feel your strength is very strong, you can hurt the strongest alien at earth level, now you have reached heaven level, your strength is definitely above me, I hope you stay, the penal camp can listen to your orders, even I can also listen to your orders" Zhou Shan said solemnly.

    Lu Yin was surprised, "Why? I left, Jinling is still your world, you are still the saint of punishment that everyone admires.

    Zhou Shan lost his smile and said bitterly, "Do you think we want this title? The reason why I guarded Jinling is the order given to me by the number one, I am a soldier, whether the glory exists or not, I will carry out the order, the survival of millions of people in Jinling is more important than everything else, I hope you stay and protect them".

    Lu Yin stared at Zhou Shan's eyes, Zhou Shan did not show any weakness and stared at him.

    After a while, Lu Yin nodded his head, "I, for the time being, will stay", finished, and walked out of the ward.

    Zhou Shan sighed with relief and looked out the window, the battle half a month ago was engraved in his heart, the so-called penal saints were just mole crickets, the pressure of millions of lives was too great, he truly hoped Lu Yin would stay, the only way to have a future was to stay alive.

    Everything he said to Lu Yin was top secret, but it was also his sincerity.

    Walking out of the ward, Qin Xuan hurried in.

    Lu Yin nodded to Feng Hong and took Granny away.

    Soldier, heavy term, represents a sense of responsibility, this responsibility is too great, Lu Yin does not want to carry, he respects Zhou Shan, but it does not mean he will stay forever to help him.
