
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 2: The Seven Saints Penal Camp

The woman looked at Lu Yin helplessly, "Actually, as long as you ask, I will help you, I also have someone behind me."

"No need" Lu Yin said indifferently.

The woman sighed, "Okay, feel free to contact, don't worry, I will help you watch them, let's go", finished, smiled at Lu Yin, turned around and left, leaving a fragrant breeze.

Lu Yin once again closed his eyes, the woman's arrival did not affect him in the slightest.

In the second half of the night, the beautiful woman came again, looked at Lu Yin and smiled, "Congratulations, the trouble is gone".

Lu Yin looked at her in confusion.

The woman said, "I asked my big brother to do something, Zhang Tong was caught, my big brother asked you to go over and talk about how to deal with them".

Lu Yin's gaze flashed and he got up, "Let's go".

The woman smiled and led the way, crossing the flames and coming three hundred meters away from the group, a place that was equally unsafe but not too far away.

The moment Lu Yin arrived, Zhang Tong, the evolved man who had humiliated the women and the dozen people beside him all knelt on the ground, and in front of him, was a tall man with his hands behind his back.

"Big brother, Lu Yin is here," the beautiful woman said in a delicate voice as she walked up to the man.

The man turned around and looked at Lu Yin with a smile, "Are you Lu Yin?" .

Lu Yin nodded his head.

"My name is Liu Sheng, I am one of the captains of this team," the man said with his head slightly raised, looking at Lu Yin with pride.

Lu Yin said indifferently, "I know." Liu Sheng frowned.

Liu Sheng frowned, he did not like Lu Yin's attitude, "What are you going to do with these people? Leave them to you."

Lu Yin looked at Liu Sheng, "Conditions".

The corners of Liu Sheng's mouth rose and stared closely at Lu Yin, "A clear person doesn't say dark things, I've heard about you and observed you, you, I don't think you've absorbed the energy crystals inside the mutated beasts, but are very powerful, can you tell me why?" .

On the side, the voluptuous woman also looked at Lu Yin expectantly, including Zhang Tong those evolutionaries kneeling on the ground, all stared at Lu Yin.

The corners of Lu Yin's mouth smiled, "Is this why you lured me here?" .

Liu Sheng smiled lightly and looked at the voluptuous woman.

The woman took a few steps forward, went to Lu Yin's side, blew at him, and said in a delicate voice, "Brother Lu, tell us, okay? Is it another path of evolution? Tell us is to tell all of humanity, all of humanity will be grateful to you, and I, too, can accompany you", said and leaned towards Lu Yin's body.

Lu Yin turned his head to look at the beautiful woman, "I said, and then next time, die", the words fell, the iron rod flashed, the beautiful woman covered her neck, blood flowed down her fingers, stained her clothes red, and fell down incredulously, she did not take Lu Yin's words into account, and simply did not expect Lu Yin actually dared to kill her in front of Liu Sheng, who was a captain Liu Sheng was one of the captains, a human level powerhouse!

Liu Sheng also froze, he also did not expect Lu Yin to be so bold.

Lu Yin flung the iron rod, "You are very annoying, from the moment this team was established to stare at me, tonight, it's all over", said the initiative to rush towards Liu Sheng, iron rod down on the head.

Liu Sheng was extremely angry, "You are looking for death", and said, he pulled out a long knife from his waist, and held the iron rod with a slash, in his opinion, this slash not only could block Lu Yin's attack, but also should seriously injure Lu Yin, however, the reality was completely opposite to what he expected, his long knife was split in two, and the iron rod blade even left deep bone visible marks on his right shoulder. blood marks on his right shoulder.

This scene made Liu Sheng couldn't believe it, he was a human level powerhouse, enough to fight many ordinary evolvers alone, but he actually lost to Lu Yin in one move, how was it possible?

Lu Yin slashed Liu Sheng, did not stop, iron rod sweeping.

Liu Sheng hurriedly avoided it, a side flip threw the hilt of the knife towards Lu Yin, Lu Yin swung the hilt of the knife away with a stick, the qi energy was like a sharp blade chopping on the ground, cutting a small crack in the ground.

"What are you looking at, let's go together and kill him" Liu Sheng yelled, glaring at Zhang Tong and the others.

Zhang Tong and the others didn't dare to hesitate and drew out various weapons to attack Lu Yin.

Lu Yin's gaze was cold, he flipped the iron rod, his legs stomped out with great force, the air wave visible to the naked eye cracked the ground, his body directly crossed the distance of more than ten meters, the iron rod blade cut across, in an instant, Zhang Tong and others all looked at their chests, blood, dripping down their chests, soon, they were unconscious and fell to the ground completely dead.

At this moment, Lu Yin's heart is hard as iron, this is the worst of times, no constraints, but also the best of times, evil, can be eliminated.

Liu Sheng looked at Lu Yin with dullness, "How is it possible? You, you, you are an earth level powerhouse, definitely an earth level powerhouse, there is no way that human level is this powerful."

Lu Yin's gaze was icy cold.

Liu Sheng trembled and knelt directly on the ground, "Lu Yin, no, young Lu, let me go, please let me go, I can be your dog, I can kill for you, I can find a woman for you, I can do everything you want for you".

Lu Yin lifted his head and looked up at the starry sky.

Liu Sheng gaze sinister, fiercely from the arms of the blade stabbed at Lu Yin, the blade very smoothly stabbed Lu Yin, but in front of Lu Yin, slowly fade, just that is only a residual shadow.

Liu Sheng pupils contracted, incredulous looking at this scene, what is this?

"This is called the swimming body step, is a kind of battle technique, from the - starry sky" Lu Yin lightly said a sentence, the iron rod crossed, Liu Sheng head hanging down, kneeling on the ground to die.

Lu Yin sighed, put away the iron rod, still looking up at the starry sky, "I'm just a guest, yet I'm making a racket".

Soon, Lu Yin took the energy crystals from Liu Sheng and these people, near the ring in his hand, and suddenly, those energy crystals suddenly disappeared, as if they never existed.

This is the condensed air ring, a precious ring that can store things, the same as the battle skill, also from the starry sky.

No one cared about the disappearance of Zhang Tong and others, but Liu Sheng was different, he was the captain, and now he actually disappeared, which attracted the attention of several other captains.

But because Liu Sheng wanted to seize the method of Lu Yin's evolution, he deliberately hid his whereabouts, so no one came looking for Lu Yin's trouble, and it was Liu Sheng's own doing.

The next day at noon, the team of tens of thousands of people looked to the distant high sky, just now, they got the news that the Penal Saint Zhou Shan was about to arrive.

Not long after, a black dot appeared in front of the crowd, then, high in the sky, there appeared a man, strong, more than two meters tall, short hair, in the hands, is a three-meter-long mountain-opening axe, standing in the high sky, quite dominant.

Everyone stared blankly at this scene, humans can really fly? This is the flying class powerhouse? One of the Seven Saints of China.

A boom, Zhou Shan did not say a word, raised his hand and pressed down, the wave of air raised the dust, blowing tens of thousands of people could not open their eyes.

All evolvers looked ahead with fervor, this is the power of the heavenly power, enough to destroy mountains and rivers.

Under the ground, huge vines snaked out, viciously swept towards Zhou Shan.

Zhou Shan grunted, exploded in the ears of the crowd, then, the huge axe raised high, behind the air fluctuations, vaguely into transparent wings, "the storm chop" a loud cry, Zhou Shan body with the huge axe tumbled down, fiercely cut to the vines.

The ground, huge cracks spread in all directions, the earth dusty, a wisp of Qi energy scattered, thanks to the evolutionary captain blocked in front, otherwise these Qi energy alone is enough to cause huge casualties to survivors.

Lu Yin stared closely ahead, yesterday they guessed that the vine is earth-level strength, in fact, he was the only one who felt that the vine, certainly heaven-level strength, which is why Zhou Shan full force.

The wind blew, when the smoke and dust dispersed, appeared in front of everyone's eyes, is Zhou Shan carrying a giant axe overbearing stance, and the vine has been completely crushed, the ground is a huge crater, filled with green liquid.

Tens of thousands of people looked up to Zhou Shan in reverence and let out a cheer.

Zhou Shan carried the giant axe in the air and shouted "Go, go back to Jinling, it's safe there".

"Thank you, Saint Yin".

"Long live the Interpreter Saint".

"The Penal Saint".


Tens of thousands of people shouted Zhou Shan's name. In this era of doom, heroes are needed, Zhou Shan is a hero, the Seven Saints are heroes.

Lu Yin gripped the iron rod, his strength today is not up to the heavenly level, the same as Liu Sheng said, he really did not absorb the energy crystal, he has to take another path of evolution, the true evolution of the stars, thinking, Lu Yin looked up, "soon, it should be coming soon".

With Zhou Shan protection, the team advanced smoothly, this world must have powerful creatures far beyond Zhou Shan, but those creatures were so rare that they would hardly encounter them.

A day later, the team of tens of thousands of people arrived at Jinling, and only at this moment did many people put down their burdens and cry out loud.

Jinling was under martial law, outside was a huge earthen wall, on the earthen wall rows of evolved people watched in silence as tens of thousands of survivors entered, their eyes sad, this team lost at least one tenth of the population from the start to the end, they came out of despair.

Lu Yin came to Jinling in the peace era, when the scenery was beautiful and the streets were lined with ancient trees, however, at this moment, Jinling has shrunk much, much more, the periphery was abandoned, countless wandering zombies covered the outer city, if not for Zhou Shan opening the way, they would certainly have to go through a bloody battle to enter the Jinling gathering place.

The survivors will be arranged by someone, and the evolvers by another group of people.

This team of more than 500 evolved people, relative to tens of thousands of survivors, equal to an evolved person to protect nearly a hundred people, the ratio is quite rare, but also from the side to prove that mutated creatures are not good to kill.

Unfortunately, there are no energy crystals in the zombie body, otherwise the number of evolvers must be much higher.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're doing.

The so-called penal camp is not a camp, but very large, occupying the Jinling Zhong Mountain, the legend says that at the beginning of the creation, Jinling zombies and mutant beasts countless, Zhou Shan led all the evolvers took a month to take the Zhong Mountain, this is still because the Zhong Mountain was once the Jinling tourist area, there are not too many wild mutant beasts reason.

With Zhong Shan as the center, the penal camp radiated outward and gradually helped the survivors take over the Jinling Gathering Place, becoming one of the largest gatherings of survivors in East China.

The Zhong Shan penal camp was solemn and stately, and the surrounding evolvers looked enviously at the uniformed penal camp evolver soldiers, who were going to be here in the future.

"It's only half a year, but the Interrogation Saint has actually created such a huge organization in the Interrogation Camp, it's incredible," someone lamented.

Immediately next to someone echoed, "the end is coming, many people are still in hiding, the penal saint has created the penal battalion, the future can absolutely dominate China.

As soon as the words came out immediately many people echoed.

Lu Yin walked in the middle of the evolvers, looking at the evolver soldiers walking around from time to time, his gaze flashed, these soldiers, are real soldiers.

In theory, the end of the world has come, no matter how charismatic anyone is, it is impossible to create such an organization, and Zhoushan is even more impossible, but the penal battalion still appeared, there is only one reason, the people here are real soldiers, Zhoushan, representing the country.

China did not collapse because of the arrival of Doomsday, just stabilized in another way, Zhou Shan is a person in the army, and possibly even the Seven Saints are, otherwise it is impossible to reach the heavenly level in just six months.

I wonder if we should be grateful that the end of days did not lead to a total collapse of communications, otherwise even the country could not have stabilized the situation in a short time.
