
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 19: Four points of talent

Granny shook her head, "No, the planet we were originally supposed to try out is quite far from Earth".

    Lu Yin did not expect to get such an intelligence, the Earth evolution was actually not brought by the Daewoo Empire, but internally generated, fugitive, Neptune, could it be the corpse?

    "What is the identity of the fugitive?" Lu Yin asked.

    Granny coughed a few times, "No, I don't know, his identity is top secret, no matter the appearance or the name, no one knows."

    "Then how do you find?" Lu Yin asked.

    Granny said, "This is the task, the trial mission can not be simple."

    "Even if you find the fugitive, with the strength of you students can catch him?" Lu Yin wondered.

    "He escaped from the inner universe to the outer universe, he has long been seriously injured, there is no way he still retains strength beyond the fusion realm, and everything in his body has been destroyed, losing the means to save his life," Granny returned.

    Ten minutes later, Granny was released, and Lu Yin had someone take her to take a bath and give her treatment.

    For a whole day, Granny did not appear in front of Lu Yin until the next afternoon, when Granny and Lu Yin met.

    Half a month's time was painful for Granny, but her injuries were all healed except for her right shoulder, which was the power of the universe's special effect healing medicine.

    Meeting again, Lu Yin brought Granny to an open grassy area in Zhong Mountain, "You have recovered except for your shoulder, how about that? Want to try to defeat me and let me also taste the pain of being imprisoned?" .

    Granny stared at Lu Yin with indignation, her hands and feet were still tied with chains.

    Lu Yin laughed and said, "Don't pretend, with your strength, these things can't tie you up."

    With a bang, Granny broke free from the chains, and her right arm suddenly came with a stabbing pain, her face turned white and she exhaled, "I said I would help you".

    Lu Yin took out the gun of Tres from his waist and threw it to the ground, "Without this energy gun, you should not be afraid of it".

    Granny was surprised to look at the energy gun that was still on the ground by Lu Yin, this gun was the thing that kept Terez alive, enough to pose a threat to the tan realm powerhouse, and the reason why Granny was afraid of Lu Yin, and now, Lu Yin actually took the initiative to give it up?

    "Come on, you can try to defeat me, if you win, Jinling will be yours, and you can also take revenge, how good" Lu Yin said provocatively.

    Granny's eyes were wide open, she flung her long hair, her body changed and rushed towards Lu Yin, she was going to fight with all her might, even if she only had one hand left she was confident that even if she couldn't easily defeat this man, she could still make a tie, she was not a fledgling of the Scrying Realm.

    In the moment of approaching Lu Yin, Granny's feet rubbed the ground to produce sparks, and her left palm swept by, the sparks condensed, "Inferno Palm".

    Lu Yin saw Granny's hot fire palm attacking, he easily dodged it with his swimming body step, and casually threw out the flame crystal, "So much fire is not enough, come again".

    Granny was surprised, but did not hesitate, since the strike is to go all out, the flame crystal broken to produce the sky blaze, Granny crossed the blaze, left palm rotation, the flame as if there is a spiritual nature to be gathered, then in the palm of the birth of deeper blaze, a slap to Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin's gaze was awe-inspiring, he stepped back half a body length, raised his right palm, palm out of the stars now, and slapped at Granny's hot fire palm.


    The air wave cracked the earth, heat waves rushed, flames swept high into the sky, then erupted, countless sparks bloomed.

    The powerful wave erupted in the middle of the two, followed by a mouthful of blood spurting out, Granny's body flew out backwards, hit the ground hard and spit out blood again.

    Lu Yin did not move from his spot, and did not even change his face.

    The first time I saw him, he was able to hit Terez with the Sky Star Palm, now he and Granny are in the same realm of exploration, the difference in combat power is not much, the power of the Sky Star Palm has increased again, a palm did not kill Granny is his mercy.

    Granny fell to the ground, looking at Lu Yin in shock, "How is that possible?" .

    She knew how powerful this person's palm battle technique was, she had just broken through the tan realm and defeated her Inflaming Fire Palm, but at that time she was still injured and could not exert her full strength, but just now, she had exerted her Inflaming Fire Palm at full strength, but she was not even qualified to make this person take a step back.

    The surrounding penal camp troops came quickly and were drunk back by Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin walked up to Granny step by step, "Still want to resist?" .

    The corner of Granny's mouth was bleeding, her beautiful face was white, "What battle technique?" .

    Lu Yin sneered, "Triple - Flux Palm."

    "How is that possible? It's not a fluctuating palm at all," Granny said weakly.

    Lu Yin smiled, picked up the energy gun, said "Have not heard of a legend? A strong man once shattered a star with a hundred times the Hado Palm, three times the Hado Palm defeated you easily".

    Granny is still immersed in shock and disbelief, a person who could easily suppress now in turn easily defeated her, so she is difficult to accept.

    "Go heal yourself, from now on, you are my personal guard" Lu Yin smiled and looked at Granny, turned around and left.

    Granny was bitter and spat out blood again, no wonder this bastard let himself out, so he wanted to take himself in.

    The first time I saw him, I was so excited. Although his battle power was only 1,500, but with the Heavenly Star Palm, even Tres was no match for him, so he finally had the capital to protect himself.

    Lu Yin asked Xu San to guard the outside and announced that he was in seclusion.

    He took out the star energy crystal in the closed training room inside Zhong Shan and crushed it directly, he didn't absorb it, but took out the dice.

    Since the last time he used it, the dice had been dull, Lu Yin then observed it several times and found that its light was gradually recovering, but at an extremely slow pace, so he guessed that perhaps it needed star energy.

    The dice had just been taken out, and the star energy that permeated the training room surged and was absorbed by it, and the dull light on the surface gradually recovered.

    It was shrouded in hazy starlight.

    Lu Yin wiped his forehead, this thing's demand for star energy is too much, he calculated, Granny plus Terez stored star energy crystals plus so many days of its own recovery absorption of star energy, if converted into star energy crystals, close to half a square, this does not count their own breakthrough tan realm to bring it burst of energy, if all counted, perhaps need a cubic star energy crystals.

    You know, the star energy crystal that Terez brought for the trial is already his limit, a rich student can't even get a cubic star energy crystal, so you can see its preciousness, this thing needs to consume a cubic star energy crystal every time you use it.

    Lu Yin felt that he might be poor in the future and had to find a way to get rich, otherwise he couldn't even afford to play.

    He would never give up the dice, the first time he used it brought him a heavenly technique like the Heavenly Star Technique, God knows what it will bring him in the future, the point is there is no after-effects, no one knows he stole it, no, took it, this thing is a cheat for countless people.

    Not to mention a cubic meter of star energy, it is ten cubic meters, a hundred cubic meters he will also use, big deal robbery.

    Lu Yin looked at the dice suspended in mid-air, gulped, rubbed his hands, "Come on, the moment to show luck is coming, I hope this time bring me something good", said, Lu Yin lightly clicked the dice like a pilgrimage, at once, the dice quickly rotated, the last five sides of the points disappeared, only one side remained - four.

    "Four points?" Lu Yin was puzzled, before he could think more, the environment around his body changed drastically, the training room was gone, Zhong Shan was gone, what he saw was endless gray space with no end, looking up, there was endless far darkness, under his feet was a ground of unknown material, quite solid looking, at the back, a set of numbers slowly changed, two five nine two zero zero, two five nine nine ninety nine, two five nine ninety eight ...

    Lu Yin's brain inexplicably appeared the use of this space, this is - time still space.

    The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are doing. This name was only heard in legends, and his own dice actually had this function? Four points, you can stay in the time still space for three days, the number after that is the number of seconds, that is, you stay here until the last second, the outside time has not changed.

    Looking at the slowly changing numbers, Lu Yin exhaled, wasn't his talent a bit, too scary?

    Shaking his head, he shook off his distracting thoughts, raised his hand, and the dice appeared again, but this time, it became dull again.

    Lu Yin then understood why he needed to consume so much star energy to use this thing, at this moment, he felt that the star energy consumed was perhaps less, relative to the space obtained.

    Lu Yin took out the last star energy crystal again and threw it at the set of numbers. At once, the star energy crystal disappeared as a stream of light, while the numbers increased by five seconds, Lu Yin's face twitched, five seconds, too little, he was quite speechless.
