
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 18: The Trial Mission

"My name is Lu Yin, don't call me wrong," Lu Yin said.

    "Is that your earthly name?" Granny asked.

    Lu Yin did not answer, but stared at Granny, "Log into the universe network and change Jinling to blue."

    Granny sneered and ignored it.

    Lu Yin sighed, "Actually, I don't like torture, but this is a torture camp, you know, they have all the means to make you submit."

    Granny was angry, "These natives will pay the price".

    "Before that, you will pay an even more horrible price" Lu Yin stared at Granny in a cold voice.

    Granny stared at Lu Yin and finally gave in, in the end she was just a student, she could be arrogant, cold and even cruel in the face of the earthlings, but that was the difference from the identity, once this difference was erased, she was no different from ordinary students.

    Granny changed Jinling to blue on the map of Earth in the cosmic network in front of Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin looked, a part of the earth had changed to blue, which meant that those places were completely controlled by these students, of course, not all of them, perhaps there were cases where students were controlled and forced to change to blue, but there should not be many such cases.

    Some areas of China became blue, Europe, America, including Africa have areas that became blue, where the most concerned Lu Yin is Hubei, where, in fact, also became blue.

    Lu Yin pondered, did Liu Shaoge succumb? Or was he killed?

    "Let me ask you, who are the strongest of the descending students?" Lu Yin stared at Granny and asked.

    Granny shook her head, "I don't know, the planetary evolution trial is carried out by the Daewoo Empire, from the major institutions, I only know about the First Imperial Military Academy, Tres should be considered very strong, the rest I really don't know."

    Lu Yin did not press the issue, said in the end the real test in more than two months, the first batch of students he had confidence to deal with.

    Now everyone was busy, Lu Yin personally went out of Jinling and killed the heavenly level mutated beasts detected by his personal terminal, the busyness did not come to an end until five days later.

    Lu Yin held a meeting and all the ten thousand chiefs attended, including Luo Yun who had just returned from the frontline gathering place.

    This time, Xu San was completely convinced of Lu Yin, who had only joined the penal battalion for a short time to replace the penal saint, and he felt that the future was bright.

    The more Lu Yin looked at Xu San, the more he appreciated him. Xu San had already crossed into the earth level, the realm of hope, because of his support, and as long as he reached the realm of exploration, he would be worth a lot of money.

    Because of Lu Yin's appreciation, Xu San was full of motivation and secretly resolved to become stronger as soon as possible, and the more motivated he was, the more Lu Yin appreciated it, and everything developed towards a bright future.

    No one at the meeting was unconvinced by Lu Yin, daring to intervene in the heavenly battlefield itself, not to mention that now Lu Yin has confessed that he has reached the heavenly level, the heavenly level, that is the strength of the Interpreter Saint, not to mention the fact that the Wannabes dare to provoke.

    As for the two Wannabes who defected to Granny, Lu Yin stripped them of their positions and relegated them to the army to wear the blame.

    "The most important thing now is to abandon the front line and expand the Golden Gathering with all our might," Lu Yin said, looking at the remaining eight wanfu chiefs.

    Some people hesitated, "Opening the passage to the capital is the basic strategy set by the penal saint, if we give up, it's not good, right?

    The glasses woman Qin Xuan looked at Lu Yin and said in a deep voice, "I agree, with the current power of Jinling is not enough to connect to other regions, security inside to outside".

    The next, Feng Hong and others also agreed.

    Lu Yin got up, "That's it, all the soldiers in the penal battalion will be recalled, expand to the west and recover the lost territories step by step", after that, Lu Yin left, before he left, he said, "Find me the star map of the solar system, the more detailed the better".

    The other people in the meeting looked at each other and did not say anything.

    Qin Xuan looked at Lu Yin's back as he left, his eyes contemplating, she felt that this person was even more domineering than the Interceptor, moreover, he seemed to have a desire to get his hands on Jinling, the Interceptor only let him temporarily manage it, but this person overturned the Interceptor's strategy, although she also agreed, but what would happen if the Interceptor woke up?

    "Feng Hong, during this period of time, you guard the Interpreter Saint's side every step of the way," Qin Xuan whispered to Feng Hong.

    Feng Hong was puzzled, "Why?" The first time I saw him, he said, "Why?

    Qin Xuan said, "It's nothing, just protect the Interpreter Saint." She was worried that Lu Yin would make a move against the Interpreter Saint, so that the Interpreter Saint would die and she would be in control of the Golden Tomb.

    On the other side, Luo Yun watched the conversation between the two, her eyes flickering.

    Zhao Yu left a few days ago and went to the northeast alone, this woman's courage was appreciated by Lu Yin, but it was very unwise.

    The Criminal Battalion used to have 80,000 evolvers, minus the manpower lost going to the front, now only 50,000 are left, after all of them are transferred back to Jinling, the defense of Jinling is greatly increased, and the major wannabes guard all directions of Jinling, making Jinling solid as gold.

    The afterglow of the sunset gradually dissipated, the sky, a beam of light flashed, eliminating flying mutant beasts, the city walls, Lu Yin said in a deep voice "once you find the beast or corpse tide can use thermal weapons, do not be afraid to waste".

    "Yes," the two chiefs answered.

    Suddenly, a distant cry, the ground, pieces of zombies were torn into blood, a huge flying mutant beast swept through the low altitude, rushing towards the Jinling.

    Everyone panicked, "attack, attack quickly".

    Lu Yin eyes narrowed, a leap up, in his hand, is the sword of Orton, a sword cut out, the tan realm energy play out the chopping head down, the flying mutant beast fiercely pressed to the earth, head grotesquely twisted, wailing out.

    Lu Yin landed, stepped on the back of the mutant beast, the long sword pierced into the brain of the mutant beast, the mutant beast trembled two times and fell to the ground, completely dead.

    The first thing that happened was that a lot of people looked at this scene and then cheered, I don't know who started it and shouted 'Hidden Saint', then countless people shouted 'Hidden Saint'.

    The corners of Lu Yin's mouth pulled, Saint, this word he did not want to bear, and hastened to stop the crowd, but the name of Hidden Saint gradually spread.

    The main focus of the battalion was to the west, with Lu Yin's order issued, and nearly half of the millionaires went to the western front and started to open the road.

    The number of survivors who came to Jinling also increased, and the number of evolvers naturally increased.

    Soon, half a month passed, and there were less than seventy days before the second batch of trial students descended.

    During this half month, Lu Yin absorbed some of the star energy crystals and raised his battle power to one thousand five, with nearly half of the star energy crystals remaining.

    The main use of star energy crystals is not to accelerate the absorption to enhance battle power, but to exercise battle techniques and as a power source for powerful technological weapons, as well as to speed up replenishment when energy is scarce, generally using the Body Shaping Duel practitioners rarely absorb the energy within the star energy crystals, the exercise of battle techniques requires energy, and battle techniques, is the root of the strong.

    Often powerful battle techniques can allow people to increase their strength several times, and the higher the battle power measured on the surface the easier it is to scare people.

    Of course, the higher the battle power represents the stronger the energy in the body, the same attack can of course cause stronger effects, just like Tres, fluctuating palm can fight with Granny's battle skills, but Tres still retains a considerable part of the star energy crystal used to exercise battle skills, but unfortunately did not succeed, otherwise the results of the battle half a month ago will be different again.

    Lu Yin wanted to use the remaining star energy crystals to exercise the Heavenly Star Palm, and to make an attempt.

    After half a month, Granny gave in and she took the initiative to ask to see Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin was not merciful to Granny, although he did not torture her, but locked her up alone inside the dark dungeon, no one to talk to, no one to keep her company, although the food was provided, but the food was poor, it was all mutant rat meat, this half month was the darkest day in Granny's life, she finally could not bear it.

    "I, I am willing to help you, you, you let me go," Granny's face was pale, her eyes were cloudy, her body was filled with an unpleasant odor, and she looked at Lu Yin supplicatingly.

    Lu Yin indifferently said "What can you help me?" .

    Granny said weakly, "Help you protect Jinling, you can make me do anything, let me go, I can't stand it anymore."

    Lu Yin stared at Granny, "Let me ask you, what is your final task in this trial?" .

    Granny's gaze flashed, "You're really not a student? Then how did you enter the Earth, this place has long been in the Daewoo Empire monitoring range, it is impossible to enter at will."

    Lu Yin turned around and left.

    Granny hurriedly shouted, "Wait, I'm just curious, I won't ask, I said, our mission is to hunt down fugitives".

    Lu Yin curiously turned around, "Fugitive?" .

    Granny nodded, "only one day before the trial we were informed that a fugitive entered the planet through the surveillance network and brought evolution to the planet, the empire originally did not intend for us to come to this planet to try, but the planet has evolved, the empire had no choice but to temporarily change the location, which delayed several months, otherwise we should have come to the planet a few months ago ".

    "Earth evolution is not brought by you?" Lu Yin was surprised.
