
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 16: The Might of the Heavenly Star Palm

Suddenly, a beam of light shot into the sky in the west of Jinling City, and Orton chopped out with his sword, and the chopping blow collided with the beam of light and exploded at high altitude.

    "Technology weapons?" Orton sneered, the reason they did not fight outside the city was because they were afraid of technological weapons, even this indigenous planet has technology that crosses into the stars, enough to give birth to technological weapons that threaten them.

    Outside the city, Granny and Lu Yin landed on the ground.

    "It's actually Tres? Trouble," Granny said in surprise.

    Lu Yin was puzzled, "Tres?" .

    "The top three strongest people in the First Military Academy, with a battle power of two thousand five hundred," Granny said gruffly.

    Lu Yin's heart sank, "As long as you can hold him back, I will solve Orton as soon as possible."

    Granny thought about it, "Yes, but not for long".

    Lu Yin nodded and rushed along the ground to Zhou Shan's direction.

    The sky appeared one beam after another shot at Orton, Orton impatient, "wait until I kill this native and then go to settle accounts with you" said, rushed to the ground, a sword stabbed at Zhou Shan.

    Zhou Shan gritted his teeth and swung backwards with his giant axe, and Orton hard fight, in terms of strength, he thought he could fight with Terez, but there is an additional Orton, the winner will be seen immediately.

    Terez also landed on the ground, although he was confident that he could avoid the attack of technological weapons, but he is a cautious person.

    Lu Yin took out the flame crystal and threw it high into the air as he approached the battlefield between Zhou Shan and Orton.

    The red crystal was quite eye-catching, Orton and Zhou Shan were in the middle of a battle and didn't care, but Tres saw it at a glance, his gaze was hot, before he could react why there was a flame crystal in the sky, there was a sharp pain in his back, Tres' body quickly twisted, his figure was like a leaf swaying in the wind, avoiding Granny's second strike, "It's you?" .

    Granny did not say a word, from the condensed air ring out of the flame crystal a crushed, hot flames burning the earth, "hot fire palm" Granny shouted, probe palm strike, palm condensed flame, into a deeper color to attack Terez.

    Terez was furious, coughing up blood, "you want to die", said, the right palm shaking rapidly, grabbing the air, this is the fluctuating palm.


    Double palm collision, flame and air currents swept the earth, a hundred meters around all buildings were destroyed.

    Huge flames were swept by air currents against the air, like fire snakes flying.

    Granny took several steps back, her face pale, Terez's fluctuating palm was much stronger than Lu Yin's, even if she used battle techniques it was difficult to resist.

    Terez also did not take it well, the flame battle technique was originally powerful and destructive, and Granny was even more powerful with the help of the flame crystal, this palm was by no means second to him.

    "Granny, this is my territory," Terez roared.

    Granny did not say anything, the body, the ring armor in the flame reflecting the red light.

    Terez gritted his teeth and spread the ring armor, he hadn't been wearing it since just now, and now he felt the pressure, and more importantly, he was injured.

    In the distance, Orton turned around, shocked, "Granny? Why are you here?" .

    Zhou Shan roared, the huge axe smacked viciously towards Orton, Orton did not dare to be careless, raised his sword and chopped towards Zhou Shan, the harsh qi swept around and sliced the earth.

    Lu Yin suddenly made a move, and rushed to Orton's side with his swimming body step, and struck out with his palm, the star appeared out of his palm, this is - Heavenly Star Palm.

    The moment they saw Lu Yin, Orton was stunned, Zhou Shan was puzzled, but the next moment, when Lu Yin's Heavenly Star Palm imprinted on Orton's chest, he didn't even have time to scream before his heart was shattered, the majestic energy even penetrated his chest and blasted into a house, shattering it.

    The ground could not withstand the pressure and burst into pieces the first time.

    Zhou Shan looked at Lu Yin in horror, "You."

    Lu Yin turned around and swept his leg towards Zhou Shan, turned his back to Granny and Tres, and whispered, "Attack me".

    Zhou Shan's eyes flickered, but still attacked Lu Yin, and once he struck, he did not show any mercy, and directly chopped the windstorm.

    Lu Yin cast the swimming body step to avoid the storm chop, although not injured, but the clothes are still torn, "push me over" Lu Yin low bellow.

    Zhou Shan roared, the huge axe smashed across, Lu Yin with the force of the huge axe was fiercely thrown towards the battlefield of Tres and Granny.


    Granny's face was white, her right palm trembled, she was seriously injured by Terez.

    Terez also did not suffer well, his battle armor was burnt and cracked by the flames.

    It so happened that at this time, Lu Yin was smashed inside the wall not far from Terez and slowly fell.

    Terez looked at Lu Yin, then looked into the distance and saw the already dead Orton, his gaze changed, just to say something, Zhou Shan flew up and fled into the distance.

    "The undisguised Heavenly Star Palm was like a star spinning, fiercely printed on the back of Terez. But it was already too late.

    The star burst, Tres was knocked down by Lu Yin's palm, smashed on the ground, smashing the earth into a huge crater, Lu Yin was also hit hard by Tres' reaction to the blow, spitting blood and flying backwards, plunging into the wall again, the ring armor on the body surface directly collapsed, the ring armor of Ashtar completely shattered.

    Granny covered her arm, walked to the pit and looked to the bottom.

    Terez lay on his back, his face pale, coughing blood non-stop.

    Granny looked at Lu Yin in surprise, she couldn't imagine what made Lu Yin hit Terez hard with one palm.

    She was not allowed to think about it, but Terez, who was dying, suddenly opened his eyes, took out an oddly shaped gun and shot it at Granny, a beam of energy pierced through Granny's shoulder.

    Granny was limp on the ground, looking at the corpse of Terez with surprise and a chill in her back.

    The first three students of the military academy had high expectations of the military academy, and now he is dead, Granny is a little nervous.

    Lu Yin dragged his badly injured body to Granny's side and said weakly "Don't worry, the big deal is that I asked grandpa to transfer you to our Tata Planet Academy".

    Granny stared at Lu Yin with a cold gaze, "What is the matter with the slap you hit Tres? Even a double fluctuation palm could not have seriously injured Terez".

    "You are thinking too much, he was seriously injured by you, I just happened to hit in the same spot" Lu Yin returned.

    Granny obviously did not believe it, the titular battle power of two thousand five hundred Tres was actually seriously injured by the Hope Realm cultivator, even if it was a coincidence, it was not that easy.

    Suddenly, a loud cry from the rear, Zhou Shan, who was thought to have fled, reappeared and chopped an axe at Granny and Lu Yin.

    The first axe did not hit Lu Yin, but cut along Lu Yin's ear on the ground, Lu Yin turned back to a palm blast on Granny, he was injured too much, this palm is not as heavy as the one that hit Orton, but seriously injured Granny or no problem.

    Granny's face was white, forcing the pain to subconsciously kick to Lu Yin, kicked him out, himself fell to the side of Terez, Zhoushan roared again, an axe cut to Granny, Granny picked up the gun in Terez's hand, a gun shot out, the beam pierced through Zhoushan's huge axe, while piercing his shoulder, blasting him out more than 10 meters, fell to the ground dead or alive.

    The scene was silent for a moment, only flames burning in the earth.

    Four scout realm plus one lookout realm fought, shattering the small half of the golden tomb, immersing it in a sea of fire.

    Granny took out the healing medicine from within the Condensing Air Ring and swallowed it in one gulp to recover from her injuries.

    A few minutes later, around the gradual emergence of sound, Granny's face changed, crawled out of the pit, her body was seriously injured, her shoulder was even pierced by the beam, it was very difficult to come to Zhou Shan, Zhou Shan is now fainted, life and death unknown.

    Soon, Feng Hong, glasses woman Qin Xuan and others will be surrounded, staring at Granny, "immediately surrender, we can spare you not to die.

    Granny disdain, "with you natives presume to spare my life? What, you don't want this native's life anymore?" , said, aiming the gun at Zhou Shan's head.

    Feng Hong shouted, "Let go of the penal saint."

    "Back off ten miles or kill him immediately" Granny said in a stern voice.

    Feng Hong and the others looked at each other and did not move.

    Granny's gaze flickered coldly, and casually picked up the stone beside him and ruthlessly smashed it on Zhou Shan's head, and immediately, blood flowed like water.

    Feng Hong sternly shouted "stop, we can back away, but must be given to the interdicted saint treatment, or he is dead".

    Granny agreed.

    Soon, a doctor went to Granny and Zhou Shan, checked Zhou Shan's body, and then emergency treatment.

    It took a full twenty minutes to stop Zhou Shan's bleeding, "Interceptor Saint's injuries are too serious to delay, and must be treated as soon as possible in a comprehensive manner," the doctor said.

    Granny ignored them, "immediately back ten miles, three hours later I will leave, otherwise, I kill this native".
