
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 13: Liu Shaoge

The Starry Sky Battle Academy is the top school in the universe, there are ten academies, except for the ninth academy in the outer universe endless frontier, the other nine academies are in the inner universe, however, this time, the tenth academy will appear in the Canglan frontier, this frontier contains the Daewoo Empire.

    Lu Yin closed the screen, his gaze flickered, this piece of information is too golden, the Starry Sky Battle Academy has a fatal attraction to countless young people in the universe, originally has nothing to do with himself, the distance is too far, but now, the Starry Sky Tenth Academy is entering the Canglan frontier at this juncture, it is impossible to say that there is no idea.

    To enter the Starry Sky Tenth House, in addition to their own qualifications, battle power is strong, but also to have a passable experience.

    There is a trial right now, the Earth Evolution Trial.

    No wonder so many people came to the trial this time, Ashtar should also be rushing to this news to come.

    Lu Yin felt bad, for one thing, he didn't know what Ashtar's so-called mission was, and for another thing, if no student completed the mission within three months, then the second batch of students from the trial would descend.

    At the juncture of the upcoming appearance of the tenth courtyard in the starry sky, many people want to get experience and increase their qualifications, including those strong clans and the children of famous families, the Earth evolution trial is undoubtedly attractive, the second batch of trial students may bring incomparable cruelty to the Earth.

    Lu Yin is a little anxious, even the first batch of trial students are at least scouting realm, then, the second batch, perhaps there are stronger people coming, their own strength may not be able to protect themselves.

    Thinking about this Lu Yin was a bit annoyed, he had to reach the probe realm within three months, otherwise he would be reduced to a molehill.

    One night passed, the next day, the army set off again, heading north.

    Lu Yin became more silent and did not stay inside the armored car, but lay on the roof of the car.

    In the north of the lake, Wucheng, the heart of China, there are more than ten million survivors, and even so, countless people come here every day because of the presence of one of the seven saints, Light Saint Liu Shaoge.

    The end of the day, Wu Cheng around a group of strange ore, containing light ore, this ore cracked to appear light.

    Liu Shaoge this ore as the basis, with their own battle skills to protect the ten million survivors of Martial City, so was worshiped as the light saint.

    Martial City around the pillar of light rises to the sky, the entire Martial City surrounded, because of this, Martial City is also known as the City of Light, also known as the city of night.

    In the center of Martial City, a piece of land is held up by pillars of light, suspended in the sky, this is the location of the Light Saint, many people call the capital of the sky.

    Below the Capital of Heaven is the Light Camp, 100,000 evolved people guarding the Light Sage Capital of Heaven, gradually radiating outward.

    There are no magnificent palaces on the Heaven's Capital, just beautiful courtyards, without any cover.

    Anyone standing in the Heaven's Capital can look up at the stars.

    At this moment, within the courtyard of the Heaven's Capital, a handsome young man with a dashing demeanor stood at the border, looking into the distance, picked up a glass of wine, took a sip, and raised a quirky smile at the corners of his mouth, he, none other than Light Saint Liu Shaoge.

    Not far from Liu Shaoge is also a young man, although not as handsome as Liu Shaoge, but the gaze is incomparably arrogant, looking at Liu Shaoge's eyes are like looking at mole crickets.

    "Everything here is your resources, especially those light crystals, you can be ten years ahead of similar people, you are too wasteful," said the young man behind Liu Shaoge dissatisfied.

    Liu Shaoge turned his head and looked at the young man with a smile, "Don't say that, Puy, everything here is common to us, not to me alone".

    The man called Puy's face eased a little after hearing this, "remove these light pillars, you are squandering resources".

    Liu Shaoge nodded, "Okay, listen to you, by the way, what did you just say about regional divisions? Can you say clearly?" .

    Puy lightly said "trial has trial of the unspoken rules, our batch of students as long as the control of a certain region, you can mark this region on the network as blue, generally in the early stages of the trial no one will strike the blue area, unless it is the enemy".

    "So, Martial City has been marked as a blue area?" Liu Shaoge asked.

    Puy en let out, "Of course, otherwise you think I'm the only one approaching here these days? Trials are very cruel, generally speaking at the beginning no one will fight to the death, of course, but also to take into account the background of each student, it so happens that my background is not weak, marked after no one will bother us."

    Liu Shaoge smiled lightly and nodded, "so it is."

    "Okay, I asked you, let you check the matter how is it?" Puy asked impatiently, then glanced at the pillars of light, a trace of flesh pain flashed in his eyes, "quickly turn off those pillars of light, too wasteful."

    Liu Shaoge smiled and poured wine for Puy, "You asked me to investigate the matter has a brow.

    Puy's eyes lit up, "Really? Say".

    Liu Shaoge handed the wine glass to Puy, "Look at this glass of wine".

    Puy puzzled, subconsciously look, there is nothing special, only the wine ripples, circle after circle, circle after circle, circle after circle, never ending ...

    Liu Shaoge with a smile on his face, waited for a while, faintly spoke, "give me the personal terminal".

    Puy's eyes dull, take off his own personal terminal handed to Liu Shaoge.

    Not long, Liu Shaoge closed the personal terminal, rubbed his head, "trouble, actually closed the universe network, so, is found that I control him? Forget it", finished, Liu Shaoge put on the personal terminal, the corners of his mouth with a smile, gaze wise raised his eyes to the sky.

    Two days later, the penal battalion army approaching the front line, if not along the way to repair communication lines, would have arrived.

    These two days Lu Yin stayed the same night staring at the moon, so Luo Yun thought Lu Yin was stupid.

    The caravan suddenly stopped, Xu San said to Lu Yin "boss, not right, yesterday no survivors, and the front line should have soldiers along the way to monitor, nearly a day, not a single person to see".

    Lu Yin got up and looked into the distance, "the army stopped to rest".

    Avoiding the crowd, Lu Yin clicked on his personal terminal, measured the battle strength, one mile, two miles, until ten miles, Lu Yin shielded the battle strength below the probe realm, and finally found the probe realm battle strength thirty-seven kilometers away from here, one thousand eight hundred, this is the battle strength found.

    Lu Yin's face was grave, took out the map, thirty-seven kilometers away happened to be an abandoned county, and there, only less than twenty kilometers away from the front line, happened to be located between the front line and their convoy.

    Lu Yin let the army stationed in place, he himself headed to the north and went, he wanted to know whether the scouting realm warrior was a mutant beast or a human.

    Less than ten kilometers ahead, Lu Yin knew he didn't need to go, ahead, an army of evolvers walked by, there was an army, which meant that the abandoned county ahead was a gathering place, which meant that the scout realm powerhouse that was detected was one of the students who had descended to Earth.

    Lu Yin pondered for a moment and re-installed Ashtar's personal terminal positioning device.

    The moment the positioning device was restored, a woman wearing white battle armor with waist-length hair, a dozen kilometers away from Lu Yin, her face changed, she looked at her personal terminal and flew towards the south with a cold snort.

    But a moment, the sky, white figure appeared, suspended high in the sky cold eyes stared at Lu Yin below, "Students, this place has been marked by me as blue, please leave".

    Lu Yin looked at the woman, his eyes lit up, good-looking ah, "Hello, my name is Yata, from the Daewoo Empire Tata Planet First Military Academy", "I'm not interested in knowing, leave immediately," the woman indifferently said, outside the body energy ripples, pressed down.

    The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

    The woman's gaze was indifferent, "How dare you join the planetary evolution trial, how did you get in?" .

    "My grandfather is the principal," Lu Yin spoke directly, his tone arrogant.

    The woman was disgusted, "Get lost."

    Lu Yin immediately took out several flame crystals from the condensation ring and threw them to the woman, "Help me survive the trial successfully, and after you get out, I will give you a basket of these crystals."

    The woman was surprised to receive it, feeling the warm touch of the flame crystal, and landed on the ground, "Where did you get it?" .

    Lu Yin pretended to be proud, "Of course my grandfather gave it to me, my grandfather is a strong man who walks in the starry sky, there are as many of these things as you want".

    The woman's eyes narrowed and clenched her fist, emitting a hint of killing intent.

    Lu Yin alert back, glaring at the woman, "you do not mess around, although no one can intervene in the trial, but who lives and who dies, by whom killed or find out, you do not want to be hunted by my grandfather".

    The woman thought about it, let go of her hand and said indifferently "I can help you get out of this planet alive, but the trial results have nothing to do with you".

    Lu Yin exhaled, "It doesn't matter, no matter what my grandfather can send me into the tenth academy of the stars, the results are all for you".
