
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 12: The Tenth House of the Stars

How wide the detection range of Asta's personal terminal was Lu Yin did not know, but it should still be able to cover a ten-mile radius.

    Lu Yin followed the direction indicated by the battle power and chased after it, gradually moving away from the toll station.

    And with the departure of the long-haired zombie, the original stimulated tide of corpses even slowly subsided, once again returning to a state of aimless wandering, which made Xu San and others breathe a sigh of relief.

    The foul-smelling ditch winds into the distance, and green eyes appear from time to time in the dark grass to lift up and then disappear again.

    Lu Yin walked within the grass and from time to time looked at his personal terminal, which showed the location right here.

    If this long-haired zombie is not solved, it will be very dangerous for the future Jinling army to pass through this road, and a corpse king with intelligence may even bring disaster to Jinling.

    Click, click, click...

    The sound of chewing sounded in Lu Yin's ears, following the source of the sound, Lu Yin looked below the ditch, where shimmered dark red, the sky dark clouds drifted away, the moonlight spilled, a flash of red shone, accompanied by two scarlet eyes.

    Lu Yin's gaze shrank, flame crystal? This corpse king is devouring flame crystals?


    With a roar, the long-haired corpse king leaped up high and grabbed Lu Yin with a claw, his arm was dark red and emitted a burning heat.

    Lu Yin was surprised to avoid it, and the grass was torn apart by the Corpse King's blow, while producing a burnt smell.

    The next moment, several flame crystals fell from the corpse king, smashed in the grass, immediately, the flame burning, illuminating the earth.

    Lu Yin cast the swimming body step directly around the back of the corpse king, pull out the iron rod still inserted in the back of the corpse king, fiercely stabbed into the back of the corpse king's head.

    The body trembled and slowly fell down, the body inside gushed out dark red, flames engulfed the corpse king from the inside out.

    The first thing you need to do is to get a new one. Lu Yin was a bit confused.

    The corpse king was soon burned out, and the flames around the four sides gradually went out.

    Lu Yin walked to the channel where the corpse king just swallowed the flame crystal, there is a hole, Lu Yin opened the light to illuminate, into the eyes of a dark red, "This? Flame crystal mine?" Lu Yin was shocked and then excited.

    Energy crystals are quite popular in the universe, whether they are pure star energy crystals or natural energy crystals such as flame and water flow, they are all very valuable, he did not expect there to be a flame crystal mine here, although he did not know how many there were, but it was definitely a treasure.

    Lu Yin was quite excited, he didn't expect to have this kind of harvest from chasing the corpse king.

    Thinking, Lu Yin took some, then re-covered the hole and did some treatment to make sure no one would find it, this place is a treasure just like Xu San, it's all capital Lu Yin left for the future.

    Lu Yin was just about to leave when a dark red appeared under his feet, he lowered himself, plucked away the earth and saw a scarlet vertical eye, not a real eye, but a scarlet vertical eye made of strange materials.

    Lu Yin picked up the vertical eye, a little chill at the back, turned around, the back, a skeleton with a wry smile, staring straight at him.

    The moment he saw the skeleton, Lu Yin's scalp tingled, subconsciously wanted to throw this thing away, but still did not throw it away, directly into the condensed air ring.

    After putting it away, Lu Yin came back to his senses, his gaze unbelievable, what is it? Why is it here? Obviously it is an artificial product, someone has been here? A thing, but can make today's own chill, Lu Yin felt that he had picked up something extraordinary.

    Exhaling his breath, Lu Yin quickly left.

    After returning to the toll station, he found that the tide of corpses had receded a lot, and many more receded one after another.

    It took an hour for the tide of corpses to recede.

    The corpses outside the toll station were piled up, emitting a stench, attracting many mutant rats to gnaw on them, making people seep.

    "Brother Lu, where have you been?" Luo Yun saw Lu Yin and immediately blamed him.

    Lu Yin said indifferently, "I found an intelligent corpse king, the corpse tide is attracted by him."

    "What? Really?" Luo Yun was surprised.

    Luo Yin said to Luo Yun, "Report it to the Interpreter Saint immediately, the appearance of this kind of corpse king means that zombies are no longer based on numbers alone, but can also give birth to strong people.

    Luo Yun knew that the situation was serious and immediately reported upwards.

    "Boss, how are you doing?" Xu San asked, he was not concerned about Lu Yin, but without Lu Yin, he had no status in the penal camp.

    Lu Yin said indifferently, "Take care of the rest, I'm resting".
