
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 11 - The Tide of Corpses

Could it be a deliberate lure? Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, hoping that he was overthinking.

    After the Kang Dafeng incident, everyone's nerves were even more tense.

    A day later, the convoy stopped by the abandoned toll station, their mission began, this section of the line was damaged and had to be repaired.

    "Report, a battle was found five miles away, five evolvers are under siege by mutated beasts," reported a soldier.

    Lu Yin had people rescue him.

    Half an hour later, five evolvers were brought in, five men, all in a terrible state, in rags, and looking hungry.

    Lu Yin did not let anyone give them food, dare to come to the wilderness alone to hunt mutant beasts must have the psychological preparation of death, Lu Yin is not a saint, the food in the army is not for nothing, really can not, the mutant rats everywhere can also eat.

    The five evolvers were isolated outside the toll station, watching the army fire with greed, and after a while, an evolver asked to see Lu Yin.

    Lu Yin stood on the roof of the toll station and looked around.

    Below, the evolver's face was ashen and said, "This, my lord, can you please give us some food? We can exchange information."

    Lu Yin looked at the evolved man, "Say".

    "You will give us food if you say so?" The evolver said expectantly.

    Lu Yin said in a cold voice, "Are you bargaining with me?" .

    The evolver's face changed and he said fearfully, "I don't dare, I don't dare." As he said that, the evolver continued, "Actually, we brought enough food out, but it was snatched away yesterday, by a heavenly-level powerhouse wearing silver-white battle armor.

    Lu Yin's gaze flashed, "Continue".

    The evolutionist swallowed, his throat was a little dry, but continued "We have only one Heavenly-level strongman around Jinling, but that person can fly, I guess because of the battle armor, that person snatched the food from us to kill us, but it seems like a psychopath talking to himself, excitedly flying towards the east ".

    Lu Yin knew that these people ran into Orton, talking to himself? It is the personal terminal contact is right, could he have contacted with other landing students? This is not good, Zhou Shan can beat back Orton is already very difficult, if there are other students out there, Zhou Shan may not be able to hold up.

    "Give them something to eat," Lu Yin ordered, sat down and looked up at the stars.

    What exactly was he worried about? Was it Jinling? Or the survivors? He was always an outsider, not a native of the Earth, and to put it bluntly, he was just like those people in Ashtar, but the days of living on Earth had gradually made him accept this new identity.

    He only has two and a half years of memory, his previous memories are blank, and in the only two and a half years of memory, most of them are of the Earth, the Earth, can be considered his home.

    Lu Yin took a deep breath, unfortunately, he was not an absolute strong person, so he could not save the Earth, but he could save some people within his ability.

    The first thing you need to do is to get in touch with Zhou Shan and tell him about Orton's speculation.

    Zhou Shan said gruffly "I know, repair the line as soon as possible, I need to know how the others are doing, that group of students is not simple".

    Lu Yin hung up the contact, the others? The other six saints?

    "I hope Liu Shaoge doesn't die, otherwise, who will I seek revenge from" Lu Yin muttered in a cold voice.

    This night, the sky was covered by dark clouds and there was no starlight.

    Lu Yin was disappointed and slept in the armored car.

    In the middle of the night, there was a shout and everyone was awakened.

    "Boss, a tide of corpses, a tide of corpses was found," Xu San shouted anxiously.

    Lu Yin stepped out of the armored car and jumped to the roof of the toll station to look at the dark ground, countless wandering zombies approaching, all in all directions.

    "Everyone immediately open the protection, ignite the flame and throw out," Luo Yun shouted.

    In a short while, the tide of corpses began to hit the toll station, the earth was burned, countless objects lit with flames smashed on the ground, flames burning, heat waves overwhelming.

    "Be careful, don't let the flames get close to the tollbooth, or they'll burn you all up," Luo Yun shouted.

    Machine guns were fired in all directions, and the dark night, which should have been silent, made an earth-shattering sound.

    Nearly 10,000 soldiers in the outermost slaughter zombies, machine gun bullets swept away only steel swords, from time to time soldiers were scratched, and even dragged into the zombie herd, disappearing in the twinkling of an eye, the five rescued evolved looked around horrified, this is the army combat, the degree of misery far beyond their imagination.

    The five rescued evolutionaries looked around in horror, this is the army combat, the degree of misery is far beyond their imagination. Luo Yun waved a steel knife, the earth level powerhouse is not comparable to ordinary evolutionaries, a knife down, the harsh qi is enough to tear off a dozen zombies, she is a little more timid, but combat is still very brave.

    The same is true of Lu Yin, who also waved an iron rod and charged into the crowd of zombies, often sweeping a piece with one rod.

    The best way to deal with this tide of corpses is actually thermal weapons, but unfortunately the number of thermal weapons remaining in Jinling is too small, if those arsenals are not destroyed, missiles swept in pieces, how many zombies are not enough to kill.

    Lu Yin massacre zombies, waist intercom issued a panicked voice, "Boss, the southwest direction is about to collapse.

    Lu Yin was shocked, leaped up, stepped on the heads of zombies and rushed to the southwest, sure enough, countless soldiers were killed there, what happened?

    "Boss, there is a strange zombie that is very powerful, the human level captain can't even stop it" Xu San reported, he had been standing at a high place to watch.

    Lu Yin landed on the ground, aimed at the intersection of soldiers and zombies, and chopped down the iron rod, the chop visible to the naked eye cut through the sky, sliced through the air, and tore the earth apart, killing dozens of zombies at the same time, dividing the ground into a clear line of demarcation.

    Within the dividing line, countless soldiers retreated, looking ahead in fear, just now, they died no less than fifty people.

    With a bang, the iron bar in Lu Yin's hand broke in half.

    As Lu Yin's strength increased, the iron rod naturally could not withstand his blow.

    "Be careful," someone exclaimed.

    Around, a tidal wave of zombies came, the number was uncountable, at least 100,000, all over the mountain.

    Lu Yin's body body Tian Xing Gong operation, star energy formed waves of gas shocked out, a circle of ten meters empty, all the zombies were shaken back, except for a long-haired zombie, withstand Lu Yin's energy impact, standing firmly on the ground dead stare at Lu Yin.

    "Boss, that's him, he killed a lot of soldiers" Xu San's voice came from the intercom.

    Lu Yin looked at the zombie in front of him with surprise, this is not an ordinary zombie, this zombie, has intelligence.

    The zombie has developed intelligence, the sky is the limit, but it did appear.

    The scarlet eyes gave him the feeling of not being dull, but thinking, this zombie was thinking.

    Before Lu Yin could think more, the long-haired zombie rushed forward and grabbed Lu Yin with both claws.

    The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the problem.

    The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

    The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're doing.

    The long-haired zombie roared low, turned around and fled.

    Lu Yin stared at the white threads on the back of the long-haired zombie, this is? Spider silk? Suddenly, Lu Yin thought of what he had guessed during the day, it was this zombie that attracted Kang Dafeng to that building, this zombie definitely had intelligence.

    The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the actual product.

    The tide of corpses around suddenly roared, as if stimulated by the general all blocked in front of Lu Yin.

    The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

    The voice of Xu San came out from the intercom, "Boss, he turned a hundred meters away and fled towards the west, the same way we came".

    Lu Yin legs muscle force, the body directly disappeared, in situ, a wisp of residual shadow was drowned by countless zombies.

    Xu San shocked looked at this scene, is this a battle technique? It's too amazing, right?

    Lu Yin rushed out of the corpse tide surroundings at full speed and chased out along the way he came, however there was no longer any trace of the long-haired zombie.

    "Boss, I can't see it," Xu San said.

    Lu Yin stopped in the same place, turned his back to the toll station, took out his personal terminal, tested his battle power, the terminal kept flashing, there were many battle power displays closest to him, all from the surrounding mutated beasts, however, there was one battle power that was very powerful, nine hundred and ninety, already reached the top of the earth level, it must be the long-haired zombie.

    Lu Yin followed the direction of the individual terminal to chase, as long as that long-haired zombie is solved, the corpse tide should be able to end, if not wrong, that zombie should be the corpse king, it is he who commands the corpse tide to surround, it is also he who wants to solve this army of his own, Kang Dafeng is the first.
