
Space Throne

Vast universe, endless races! Resplendent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, the top 100 battle list! In my name, I will step on the starry sky! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, he saw a battle sword and a standing corpse! !

ahappyday · Fantasi Timur
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50 Chs

Chapter 10: The Star Emerges from the Palm

That night, Zhong Shan, Xu San was sent away, Lu Yin once again came to the big tree outside the military tent and looked up at the sky.

    The end of the day had purified the air of the earth, allowing him to see more stars.

    For several days, he had been cultivating the Heavenly Star Technique, imitating the movement of the stars which was not that easy, Lu Yin originally did not have the slightest clue, but today he touched Zhou Shan's chop marks, vaguely felt the power of his battle with Orton, his heart felt something, and his eyes were fixed on the night sky.

    As time gets longer, the murmurs in the ears gradually disappear, the pupils see other stars also gradually disappear, only a moon left to emit a bright light.

    This light illuminated the night sky, and also illuminated Lu Yin, so that there was nothing else in his eyes.

    Lu Yin unconsciously raised his hand, the air rippled, energy was sucked into his body as if it was visible to the naked eye, in his palm, a star shone hazily, it was the moon, rotating around his palm, the star appeared out of his palm, this is - the Heavenly Star Palm.

    Lu Yin's body swayed, awake, shocked looking at the star in his palm, at this moment, he could feel how terrifying the power of this star, although there is no comparison, but Lu Yin always felt that his palm may be able to make Zhou Shan are shocked.

    Lu Yin casually dissipated the star and felt the vigorous star energy in his body, this was the energy he absorbed, not limited by the energy crystal, he absorbed it anytime and anywhere, moreover, it was twice as fast as those who absorbed it than the Astral, this was the Heavenly Star Technique, he finally got started.

    At the moment when Lu Yin dispelled the star in his palm, Zhou Shan suddenly opened his eyes, in this instant, he felt a slight palpitation, but then he couldn't feel anything, "Illusion? It seems that today's battle was too tiring."

    The next day, Lu Yin received a notice that Penal Saint Zhou Shan personally ordered him to support the northern front.

    The northern front, the battlefield where Jinling fought through to the capital in the north, Zhou Shan had always wanted to connect Jinling to the capital, and then connect with the other six saints to join forces to recover China, the idea was right, but it was too difficult, just a trail took months, not even a tenth of the way through, the communication lines had long been broken.

    The front line is very important to Zhou Shan, no matter how hard it is, his focus is on the front line, and nearly half of the fourteen ten thousand chiefs of the penal battalion are on the front line, which shows Zhou Shan's determination to connect to the capital.

    The ones who went to the front line this time were Lu Yin, Kang Dafeng and Luo Yun. Luo Yun was the very charming looking ten thousand chiefs who had always been very curious about Lu Yin.

    Leading 10,000 troops, Lu Yin and the others walked out of Jinling and set off towards the north.

    "Rather than supporting the front line, it would be more accurate to say repairing the route," Luo Yun said tiredly.

    Tens of thousands of troops had been walking for a day with very little rest, so it was no wonder Luo Yun was complaining.

    The road was bumpy, with occasional repairs, and with the pavement exposed, the marching speed was not fast.

    Another armored car, Lu Yin closed his eyes to rest, from time to time look up at the sky, looking at the blinding sunlight, I wonder if I can simulate the sun's orbit, once successful, he will absorb star energy twice as fast, now he feels that he is not far from the realm of exploration.

    But want to simulate the sun is not easy, perhaps should start with the Earth, not necessarily look at the stars, looking for peace time galaxy map video can also be.

    Simulation of star movement looking for the kind of feeling that caters to the movement of the universe, Lu Yin to try without interruption.

    Passing through a city, flames burning on both sides, zombies wandering, from time to time to impact the convoy, swept by the army guns.

    "You restrain yourselves, there are only so many bullets," Kang Dafeng scolded, at once, the frequency of gun sweeping reduced a lot.

    Inside the armored car, Xu San snickered, "the longer the end, the lower the role of thermal weapons, now when not to use when to use? Wait a while these guns are not even better than scrap metal."

    Lu Yin looked out the window, more and more zombies gathered, frowned, "order down, speed up, don't waste time in the city surrounded by the tide of corpses".

    "Okay, boss" Xu San answered and walked out of the armored car.

    Soon, the convoy speeded up.

    Lu Yin had defeated Zhao Yu and had a high status among the ten thousand chiefs, Kang Dafeng and Luo Yun did not dare to refute him at all.

    Speaking of Zhao Yu, Lu Yin truly admired her, she dared to cross the territory alone and came to Jinling safely, this courage is not something that everyone has.

    It didn't take long for the convoy to stop, the road ahead was destroyed and was being repaired.

    Lu Yin closed his eyes, tapping his fingers in the void, turning them from time to time, imitating the trajectory of the stars.

    Suddenly a shout, Kang Dafeng struck, decapitating the zombies and cursing.

    Lu Yin impatiently glanced at it, did not care.

    Xu San sighed, "worthy of the chief, those zombies were directly scared away".

    "The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

    Xu San nodded, just about to get off again, helplessly turned back, "Boss, Kang Dafeng chased the zombies into that abandoned building".

    Lu Yin raised his eyes and looked for a moment, stepped out of the armored car, his face gloomy.

    "Boss, what's wrong?" Xu San asked.

    Lu Yin narrowed his eyes, "There's no sound."

    Xu San thought about it, "Yeah, there is no sound of fighting in that building."

    "Brother Lu, where did Kang Dafeng go?" Luo Yun then came and asked.

    Lu Yin said in a deep voice, "You guys stay here, I'll go check it out", finished, pulled out the iron bar and walked towards the abandoned building.

    The short knife of Asta was still in Jinling, Lu Yin did not expect the penal camp to return it to him, and also refused the steel knife Zhou Shan gave him, and then used the iron rod.

    The outer perimeter of the abandoned building was burning with flames, even in the sunlight looked unusually eerie.

    Lu Yin slowly stepped into the building and saw Kang Dafeng's knife, while he himself was missing.

    Lu Yin stepped inside the building, took out Asta's personal terminal from the condensed air ring, clicked a few times, measured the battle power, only to see an arrow on the terminal pointing to the right rear, a set of numbers appeared - nine hundred.

    Lu Yin's body suddenly gave way sideways, and the white silk thread pierced through the air and ruthlessly blasted on the wall, knocking out huge cracks on the wall.

    Lu Yin fixed his eyes and saw that it was actually a huge mutant spider with six pairs of scarlet eyes that were quite seeping, and a blood-stained fabric at the corner of his mouth, from the penal camp.

    Lu Yin sighed, Kang Dafeng died, eaten by this mutant spider, he still came too late.

    The mutant spider has 900 battle power, equivalent to the peak of the earth level, Kang Dafeng just crossed the earth level, naturally is not an opponent.

    The iron rod swept across the body, and the eight legs of the mutant spider popped up in a vain attempt to avoid it, but in the next instant, Lu Yin's body disappeared and reappeared behind the spider, and the iron rod slashed down, directly cutting off the mutant spider's body and dropping the undigested Kang Dafeng from its abdomen.

    This scene is disgusting, Lu Yin frowned and turned away.

    After returning to the convoy, Lu Yin asked Xu San to announce that no one is allowed to leave the convoy without permission, violators are expelled from the penal camp.

    "Kang Dafeng, really dead?" Luo Yun was shocked.

    Lu Yin said indifferently "You can go to the building to take a look, the body has not been digested, vaguely recognizable".

    Luo Yun's face was white, the hall of ten thousand chiefs said dead, not even a sound, if not Lu Yin's hand, Kang Dafeng was digested by spiders, this is the cruel end, ten thousand chiefs can not protect themselves.

    Xu San also blushed white and immediately got into the armored car, decided to die without leaving Lu Yin half a step.

    Luo Yun also boarded Lu Yin's armored car, not intending to leave.

    Lu Yin was speechless, "as long as you don't leave the convoy, you'll be fine".

    Luo Yun gave Lu Yin a white glance, "Easy for you to say, who knows what other mutated creatures are in the world, it's safer to be on your side".

    Luo Yin no longer paid attention to Luo Yun and ordered the convoy to continue moving forward.

    "Boss, should we report to Jinling? After all, the death of the chief is not a trivial matter," Xu San asked.

    Lu Yin said lightly "There is no hurry, wait until the front line, we may not be able to reach the front line alive".

    This statement scared Xu San's face even whiter.

    Luo Yun licked her lips and subconsciously approached Lu Yin.

    "It's not that bad, we should be able to reach the front line safely," Xu San reassured himself.

    Lu Yin looked out the window as the convoy slowly advanced.

    "But then again, Kang Dafeng was too unlucky to chase after that building, otherwise he wouldn't have died" Xu San muttered, he felt that the only way to feel safe was to talk more.

    The speaker had no intention, but the listener had an intention. His words made Lu Yin look up abruptly, "What did you say? Say it again?" .

    Xu San froze and said, "I said Kang Dafeng was too unlucky to actually chase after that building, otherwise he wouldn't have died."

    Lu Yin's gaze flashed, chase, zombie, building, no, although zombies do not have consciousness, but have instincts, can avoid danger, that mutant spider is obviously quite dangerous, zombies should not approach, but still escaped into the building, why? More than half a year after the end of the day, Lu Yin has experienced many dangers and knows a lot about zombies, even if he is afraid of Kang Dafeng it is impossible to escape to the vicinity of more dangerous creatures.
