
Space Keys

Feeling complex and trying to solve misunderstandings while maintaining pure friendship, is that thinkable? She is the quiet student, and he is delicate and good-looking, they became best of friends, but duo to misunderstandings they kept drifting apart. Is it possible to love and continue being friends...? Is there a possibility of becoming a couple? What should they do to their friendzone? “I’m not going to keep dwelling! I will go for what I want this time” she says. ____________________________________________ Hi, mehh here! This novel starts with a short introduction of the main character’s feelings for one another. It happens when they meet each other by a coincidence. A series of events follow that.

mehh_Rosinante · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

One day

Her alarm rang.

She sat up on the bed and put her hands above the head, then took and deep breath in and out through her mouth. She picked her phone from the table beside her bed and turned her alarm off. Slowly she stood up.

"Sunday today, huh" she whispered to herself.

On normal Sundays she'd study and finish her homework that she has got over the upcoming week - today was unlike days though, she wasn't feeling like doing anything.

She stayed sitting down on the bed, then laid facing the ceiling. As she kept herself on the bed, she twisted ad turned to the sides, until she felt disgust with herself; her hair was messy, she hadn't brushed her teeth, changed her clothes or even washed her face, to begin the day.

"This is gross" she thought. She got up way too fast ad felt dizzy for that, she sat on the bed again before she was steady again to be able to stand up. This wasn't the normal her and Mira hated it. She has to be strong to be able to work hard independently, and make use of every second she has got - that way alone, is how she gets to be the best at everything.

She went out of the bedroom instead and turned to the bathroom. She splashed water on her face a few times, until she felt refreshed. Then, Mira looked up and in the mirror and noticed the circles around her eyes - she did not sleep very well. Her thoughts wondered about him all night.

"Okay, today will be treat-you-body kind of day" she told herself. She went back to her room, changed her pajamas into a sportswear and put her yoga mat on the the floor. She tied her hair up in a ponytail. She was now all set and ready to get started with training.

She began with warming up: first of she took her jumping rope and went outside. The sun shone high and the sun rays pointed down and upon her. Her sweat dripped down her spine and she began to breath heavier. She took a sip of water and continued jumping.

* * * *

My heart is racing so fast, I feel that I need to stop but I'm determined to workout my body past its limits this time, I need to get better. For as long as I can still think of him I'll continue, I need to be able to focus on my own life even if there is another, additional person that is involved. Focus! Focus myself and aim for the best!

I'm so tired. My legs are numb and my breathing is heavy. I feel smudgy all over. I need to stop, I'm too tired to continue. No, no, no only one minute left. One minute and I'll drink as much water as I need. Just this little and I'll take a couple deep breathes. Okay, 45 seconds... 30 seconds.

I was too tired, the time left to go was everything that was on my mind.

I'll count to ten really slowly, 1,2....8,9.... How much time is left now, only 17 seconds, 15. Soon! A little more to go. 7 seconds left, 1 and done, finally!! I'm so thirsty!

Yes! I get to sit on this comfortable sofa while drinking my water; no stop thinking this way, get upstairs and prepare for the next workout. Break can't be longer than needed otherwise it's a waste of time.

* * * *

She was finally done with the workout; jumping, stretching, yoga and then stretching again. She washed her face, then put a face mask. While she waited, she made list of everything she had to do, but before getting started with the checklist, she was going to bath. It was 12 in the afternoon now, she became done when it was 13.49 pm.

English grammar work sheet, language, math diagnose chapter and chemistry documentation report. After nearly two hours she was finished. When she was done, she did another hour and a half of rehearsal and reading. Tests were coming up and she aimed to be in the top three, she had to start studying already to get that.

She is a top student indeed - putting all her schoolwork before anything else.

* * * *

"Mira!" My mom called me, it was time for dinner.

She asked me how school went when we had dinner and wondered about why I got a late warning from the teacher, my father was mad about it all week but he calmed down after he heard the teacher's praise for me.

My father owned a company and was self-employed and for that he had high expectations for me, I wanted to live up to them and become the best version of myself.

We are done eating. I picked a book from the shell in the study room and started reading it. We have a writing assignment soon that I'll be asses on, this book will be of help and a source of inspiration too.

I managed to read some before my mind wondered off track. After I reread the same page four times I decided to do something else - drawing.

There was this bird that I found online when I was scrolling through photos, it looked really good, so I drew it on paper first and colored it using acrylic paint. The bird has his wing open, like it was about to fly but was standing at a fence facing the sea. I felt that there was a meaning to it.

I used very light coloring for the background and painted the bird in darker colors of brown and beige. I'll show it to Zachary on Monday when the time comes. But I'll have to go to sleep early tonight. Tomorrow is...

To be continued...

Thank y'all who have added this novel, it means a lot !

I'll also work hard !

mehh_Rosinantecreators' thoughts