
Chapter 31

The room faded away into blackness, broken by flashes of bright lights streaking trails across June's vision. The bed and the shadows merged into bright imagination. Her eyes closed as she lost herself in something like a dream.

She was kneeling in a two piece on a sandy beach, looking out into a wide expanse of crashing waves.

Hot sunshine shone down on bare skin. The clouds were high and light against the clear blue sky, reaching down to touch green tropical trees.

Sand was dusted across the strong arms holding her. The almost naked body of her forbidden lover cradled her in his arms. Off in the distance a sailing ship swayed with the breaking waves.

They were making love, wild love in the open, with the clouds as their blanket and the waves as their music.

The warm seed of her lover was dripping out between her legs, his hard member still full inside her.

"Suubhhh..." June was screaming the name.

Wind blew across the beach, causing her hair to stream out into cascading ripples, as wild and alive as the sea. His breath was a breeze drifting across her neck. The taste of salt was on both their lips.


When she came back to the present, June was cradled in Subh's arms, their legs curled up and twined together. His slow, steady breath tickled across her neck. Streaks of oil and sweat ran down in rivulets over both their bodies, leaving little dark blotches on the wildly tumbled mass of sheets and covers that used to be her bed. Every part of her body felt more relaxed then it had ever been in her life.

Propping herself to look at him, June tried to take in the scene. She never wanted to forget this moment for the rest of her life. Could this be real? She wondered. Did that really just happen?

"Where did you come from?" June whispered to herself. "Do I deserve to have something this good happen to me?

Subh was apparently not as asleep as he appeared. Without opening his eyes, he mumbled, "Me? I'm from Connecticut, currently living in Paris, came to India to see my mother. My license is in my wallet if you don't believe me." He snuggled back into the curves of her body. "I'm not in insta, but, I do have an account in LinkedIn, if you want to check out my story."

June spent a brief moment considering the proper etiquette for when to punch someone in the ribs when the said individual had just given you the best orgasm of your life. Instead, she just rolled her eyes, gave him a kiss, and lay back into his arms.

"I can't believe I dozed off in your arms." June murmured.

"Same" He breathed out.

"It felt so surreal!"

June was running his fingers on the packet of condoms they lay beside them on the bed.

"We did use rubbers, by the way, in case you're wondering," Subh continued with a mischievous quirk to his lips.