
Sovereign Of Magic

In the year 2037 After an accident in a construction yard Mike falls into a coma and wakes up to a world of magic and monsters and learns magic while he survives in this new harsh world where only the most talented people have everything and where Mike will be able to create his own magic and enhance others while he only want to live a quiet life [Host migration successful] [Drawing Class..] [Congratulations! You have drawn Magic Sovereign] “…. Am I still dreaming?”

Zanerickards · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
44 Chs

Ep.37 Meeting the Grames Family Pt1

While Mike saw John cole being dragged away by some hunters working for the Hunters Initiative he felt a small warm tingly sensation on his neck before he turned around to see Sam right behind him and said after backing up a few steps

"H-Hey Sam, what are you doing here?"

Sam giggles a little before she pointed at Raiu behind her who was sleeping at the stores front door soundly and said while Aylin was talking to a group of reporters

"We got reports of a Wild Dungeon Inhabitant across town but when I saw it was your snake familiar I followed it while keeping a close eye on it"

Mike smiled and said before he held out his hand to Sam

"Thanks…. Want to say hi to Raiu? She won't harm you at all"

Sam looked at Raiu who was sleeping peacefully and nodded before she grabbed mikes hand before Mike walked over to Raiu and said in a gentle voice once the link was connected

'Raiu… I have a friend that wants to meet you'

Raiu slowly opened her eyes and raised her head before turning to Sam who slowly reached out her hand to pet Raiu only to have Raiu hiss violently and coil around Mike before Sam backed up a few feet while Mike barely managed to connect with Raiu and ask

'Raiu! What's wrong?!'

Raiu looked at Mike for a moment before she hissed at Sam again and said

'Master! She's dangerous! I smell blood on her, do not trust her'

Mike patted Raiu and said before Raiu eased up

'She is a friend, you have to trust me"

Once Mike could see Sam again he said while comforting Raiu who was still a little bit defensive about Sam

"Sorry about that, maybe I should introduce you another time"

Sam nodded before she began to walk away just as Aylin passed her and said to Mike

"Cancel any plans you have tomorrow and make sure to dress well for the evening"

Mike smiled and said sarcastically while Raiu kept her attention on Sam who was walking away

"What happens tomorrow? Taking me on a date? Sorry but your not my type"

Aylin rolled her eyes and said

"We are attending a meeting with the Grames family head to resolve this issue you have with them"

Mike was flabbergasted before he unlocked the store door and asked as Raiu passed by Mike into the store and over to the lounge area

"Can we talk in my store?"

Aylin walked in before Mike shut the door and closed the blinds before he turned to Aylin and said calmly as he could

"Care to explain… why I am I attending this meeting?"

Aylin started looking at each of the shelves incase she was interested in a skill before she asked Mike

"Do you even have a clue as to who the Grames family is? Or what they're capable of?"

Mike banged his hand against the counter and yelled

"I don't care what his family has done! Gideon Grames nearly killed me and Raiu in a parking lot over his ego so no I won't be going!"

Aylin pulled up two stools and said as she sat on one of them

"I know, but you have to know that these are dangerous waters you crossing with the Grames family and if things turn bad then the chairmen not even your father would help you"

Mike sat down and said as Aylin sat there watching him

"First off don't mention that man in front of me ever and secondly the last thing I wish to do to is to sit down with a man who tried to kill me cause if Violet hadn't interrupted the fight then I would've died"

Aylin sighed and said

"Sometimes we have to find common ground to work with our enemies in the face of a greater threat to us"

Mike signed and walked away over to the lounge area and laid his back against raiu and said

"I will only go to this meeting if you can ensure that afterwards they will leave me alone for good"

Aylin let a small sigh of relief and said

"We will try to, just try to contain your anger when we go"

Mike waved off Aylin and said

"Let me have some time to myself"

Just as Aylin had reached the door to leave she turned to Mike and said

"….Your father is going to join us as well…"

Mike froze up before he loaded up a training simulation of the F-Rank goblin cave and started beating them to death with his bare hands and loaded up another simulation after another

Meanwhile the chairmen was in a living room talking with mikes father when he heard mikes father ask

"So… what bothers you this late at night so much that you needed to speak to me"

The chairmen pulled out two files and said as he passed them to mikes father where he on the files it showed photos of Mike and Gideon

"It's about your son….. and the Grames family"

James looked at the chairmen and said as he put the files next to him

"Tell me everything you know….. if my boy is going to war with them then I have to stop him otherwise…..he'll die"

The chairmen nodded and began to explain everything he knew about the ordeal between Mike and Gideon before Jin came down the stairs in some pajamas with some bunnies on it and said as the chairmen was putting on his coat and left

"Baby, what's wrong?"

James passed Jin and said as he grabbed a bottle of scotch and a glass and sat in a chair near a window that was overlooking the city

"It's nothing baby, it's just my son… things are changing and I can't tell for the better or the worst"

Jin sat on James's lap and stared at the city through the window

"You should tell him, he needs to know before it's too late"

James held jin's hand and said as they continued to watch the city

"Not yet, I still have a promise to keep that I won't break…..ever"