
Sovereign Dragon System

Long ago humans ruled the world as the dominant race, well that was until mana was introduced and elves suddenly rose to the top of the race tree. Humans had mediocre mana mastery and plummeted down to become the lowest race, even goblins sat above humans. --------- Aaron Plight a human slave who was constantly been sold off to the elves since he was six until he finally settled with the Aeravansels, An elven family who ruled over a little human village called "Bryxlyn". On one unfaithful day, Aaron got himself into a pinch and was thrown into an underground dungeon and was constantly been punished for months. He had become the embodiment of despair and self-loath as he could no longer stomach the pain of being below all races. Well, that was until he heard a light-sounding bell in his head and a message popped before his face. [Ding! You've met the requirements for a race reset... Would you like to proceed?]

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19 Chs

Dragon's Den.

A tall well-built man stepped out of the crowd with a huge hammer in his right hand.

"What a joke, there's no way a human walks out of an elf mansion claiming he slayed them all." Tavish the wood alchemist said.

Tarvish is the village's most skilled carpenter, he stood around 6'2, has brown eyes, and wore a long Viking-like-looking beard.

"Y'know what? Why don't you show us how you defeated the elves by facing me right here right now." Tarvish challenged swinging his hammer from left to right.

'I knew they won't all just shut the hell up and just submit, now I have to make an example of this one.' Aaron thought to himself while still maintaining eye contact with Tarvish.

"I don't fault your doubts, but challenging me might cause you something."

"Haha hahaha..." Tarvish laughed hysterically, "Don't worry about me I'm Tarvish the alchemist."

"I've faced more threats than a teenager, don't hold back."

'Don't hold back huh?' Aaron mumbled, 'I needed him whole to advance this village, but he brought this upon himself.'

'I'll try not to use my skills so I won't completely mess him up. And so I won't terrorize the villagers more than I have to.'

Aaron applied pressure on his feet and then dashed toward Tarvish, he was approaching the carpenter at an alarming rate but Tarvish remained calm and took a fight stance awaiting Aaron.

The wooden alchemist had well-honed muscles, his arms were like logs, and his chest like boulders. Perhaps it was all due to the woodwork he did on daily basis.

As Aaron approached within Tarvish's range he swung his mighty hammer, but right as it was about to greet Aaron's skull he blocked it with his left arm and the impact sent him flying a few feet.

Seeing how Tarvish sent Aaron flying the crowd chanted and laughed. Tarvish's the strongest and most respected man in the village so the villagers were cheering him on.

Aaron stood up and dusted his trousers which seemed white a while ago.

"Hahaha, Hahahahaha." Tarvish burst into laughter, "Not bad, not bad to think you'd block my hammer with your arm, and still be able to use it."

Aaron didn't reply but just stared at the carpenter.

"Well, you had your chance, now me next. Try not to die after one strike." Tarvish said with a joyful smile on his face.

He then first took a few steps and then gradually increased his pace, and before long he was sprinting towards Aaron with the whole crowd cheering him on."

"Get him, Tarvish, show him who's boss." Someone chanted from the crowd, at this point almost all the villagers had gathered to watch the brawl.

Tarvish sprinted toward Aaron wielding his hammer with both hands, he then swung it with all his might hoping it'll send Aaron flying to the neighboring village.

The two collided and a huge wind emitted from where they stood and dust flew into the air.

The whole crowd held their breath and watched silently as the dust settled desiring to see Aaron's head bashed in.

The dust finally settled after seconds and a vague image of the two men could be seen.

Tarvish had swung his hammer all right, but Aaron grabbed his wrist before it touched even a strand of hair on his head.

"Ohh I see... You're stronger than you look." Tarvish said trying to draw back his arm along with his hammer but it didn't budge a bit.

"Where do you think you're going?" Aaron asked, "You've had your chance, now let me see you stomach this."

Before Tarvish could react, with inhuman speed Aaron punched him in his stomach. Tarvish would've gone flying but Aaron still had his hand so he was just hanging in the air.

"Urrgghh!" Tarvish let out unable to stomach the impact of the blow.

Aaron yanked him back and connected another fist, this time to his nose. He released his arm and the carpenter was sent flying as he should have with the first punch.

The entire crowd watched silently as Tarvish was getting dominated in real-time.

They couldn't believe what they were seeing but it wasn't an illusion, the strongest man in their village was getting spanked by another human who looked less strong.

Aaron had walked to where Tarvish had crashed, but he couldn't get up, Tarvish may look huge and strong but he was still a human.

Aaron proceeded to continuously stomp on the carpenter's face. Leaving his nose destroyed, and teeth broken to bits and pieces.

He then stepped on his shoulder and

grabbed Tarvish's right wrist. He then proceeded to pull with all his might.

The carpenter's skin couldn't handle such force and began to rip open, with his left hand Aaron ripped out the carpenter's right arm like he was drawing a sword.

"Aurghhh!" Tarvish let out a painful scream which send shivers down everyone's spine.

"Is this what you all needed? Is this proof enough?" Aaron asked as he raised Tarvish's dismembered arm to the crowd.

"Now you will all bow before me and proclaim me your lord or face the same fate of this fool," Aaron ordered looking stern and ruthless.

The whole village, at least those who were currently present, with out any form of resistance proceeded to bow before their new lord.

[Congratulations! You've completed the quest.]

<Quest: Attain a domain>

<Status: Completed>

<You've been rewarded by the system for completing the quest>

[Ding! You can see the rewards in your notification]

'System open the notifica-" a bar popped up in front of Aaron cutting his orders.

[Do you mind naming your settlement?.]

"So I can change the name of this village?" Aaron spoke to himself.

"Listen up rodents, henceforth this land shall be called 'Dragon's Den'." The new lord announced, "Just like my name this settlement shall rise above every other kingdom, and if you serve me diligently you shall be protected."

[Ding! You've named your settlement]

[Ding! You've acquired the title: Dragon Lord.]

<Open your profile to see the details of this title>


Aaron was seated in the living room of the mansion, on top of a high chair as he prepared to open his system menu but had no idea where to begin.

"Alright, I'll first see what rewards I got from completing the quest." He said finally making up his mind.

"System open my notifications" Aaron ordered.

<2 unread messages>

Just as Aaron was about to read the messages he heard footsteps approaching his direction.

Tak... Tak... Tak.

Then the steps finally came to a stop, Aaron rose his head to see who it was though he kinda already knew.

"So are you done weeping? Are you here to avenge your parents?." Aaron probed Eleanor who was at this point standing before him.

Silence swept the room as Aaron awaited Eleanor's reply, but nothing came out of her mouth.

Instead, she walked closer to him to the point where Aaron had no free space to move a bit, she stared at him for quite some time with teary eyes and then proceeded to gently seat on Aaron's lap.

"I'll follow you, I know I'm not strong enough to challenge you, at least not yet," still on Aaron's lap, Eleanor told in a soft voice.

"For now I'll obey your orders, anything you need I'll give, be it my strength or body... But know this, when the time comes I'll be the one who'll put an end to your wretched existence.

Aaron didn't interrupt Eleanor cause he knew she was airing out so he just listened.

Less than a few months ago he was an elf slave and now he's got the same elf that imprisoned him on his lap swearing to avenge her parents, how the tables turn.

Having said her intentions Eleanor hugged Aaron, "I'm tired, I'll be in bed." She said as she stood up and left.

'Hmmm...' Aaron sighed.

"This is getting risky even before it begins, but I do need her a bit so I'll keep her despite all her threats," Aaron muttered all to himself.

Aaron then proceeded to click the unread message that he has been hoping to open for quite some time.

<Quest: Attain a domain>

<Status: Completed>




Alright, that was scary... Also guys pls don't forget to vote if you're loving the story so far, let's see if Dragon system can claim the ranks. ᕙ⁠(͡⁠°⁠‿⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠ᕗ

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