

[ Reboot of my Story, Source: A Multiverse Travel ] Many people have asked questions like how it all originated... What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was God the one who created everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome User to Source, here you will be able to discover the answer that so many wise men have been looking for but it will be a hard road... full of dangers in every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end? Are you brave enough to take the first step? Can you find the strength to keep going? That... only you decide... advance or give up... Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Source... Do you want to start your journey? -- Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX --- Original Author : GenoXX Original Name :: Origen (Espanol) ---- I'm just Translating

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Chapter 638 ( Elsewhere - I )

Remia was surprised when she stopped feeling pain in her wounds, as well as seeing how the blond started to remove her bandages. She blushed and tried to stop him from doing so because she didn't want her baby to see her wounds, but when she noticed how the blond was giving her a sign of calmness with his eyes, she let him do his job.

Slowly, she looked down at her legs and noticed how they were as good as new, no burn wounds that had been tormenting her, though if she was honest, she felt a slight discomfort from the wind brushing against her skin.

"Take this, after a few minutes the feeling will go away," Cloud said as he handed her a potion.

Remia nodded weakly before drinking the contents without hesitation, after all, she knew the blonde boy wouldn't hurt her, not after everything he had done for her daughter.

Cloud nodded with a small smile before walking over to Myu and reassuring her that everything would be alright.

Myu let out a happy laugh before jumping into the young blond's arms.

Remia watched everything in silence as a happy smile appeared on her beautiful face as she watched the harmonious interaction her baby had with this stranger, who despite having only known for a short time, they seemed to have formed a strong bond. After watching her daughter, she decided to observe the other people accompanying the blonde boy, only to be surprised to see the huge variety of girls standing next to him.

The first girl was a beautiful young woman with long blonde hair, eyes as red as rubies, and a beauty that made her look like a porcelain doll. Remia stared at her for a few seconds because the beauty of the young blonde girl was mesmerizing, until she was able to come out of this strange trance by looking into her eyes.

The second girl was also beautiful, she had silver, almost light blue hair, light clothing that showed off her well proportioned body, especially her large breasts, although the clearest characteristic was the girl's race, she was a girl of the [Beastmen] tribe, speaking in more detail, she was a member of the Haulia tribe of rabbits.

The third girl was the one who from her point of view was the most dangerous, she was a beautiful woman with black hair, golden eyes with reptilian pupils very similar to the man hugging his daughter, breasts as big as his, if not bigger, as well as an ancient aura.

The fourth girl was a cute human girl with black hair, an athletic body wearing a clerical outfit, she had a friendly and brotherly aura that made people not be able to hate her.

And finally, the fifth girl was a beautiful young woman with black hair in a long ponytail. She had red eyes like the first girl, only with a darker shade, and unlike the blonde girl, she did have an enviable body for her age, though not quite on the level of the rabbit girl. The most prominent detail about the girl was that she had the aura that made people trust her. Remia didn't know how to explain it, but she felt that the girl would make a spectacular older sister.

"Is something wrong?" - Shea asked as she cocked her head to the side, confused by the strange looks Remia was giving them.

"No, it's nothing, it's just that I'm surprised to see that you, such a group of beautiful girls, are following the same boy" - Remia replied with a small smile.

"Well, that means he's worth it" - replied Shizuku while crossing her arms.

"I can see it, he's a wonderful person just by seeing how my little girl is so happy with him" - Remia replied while smiling slightly.

Yue narrowed her eyes as she could sense something strange in the woman's words, something that Tio also seemed to understand.

Cloud looked in the direction of the girls before he felt Myu grab his hand - "What's wrong?"

"I want to go to the beach!" - Myu exclaimed with a huge smile.

Cloud was silent for a few seconds before nodding with a smile - "Ok, but first I have to do something."

"What?" - Myu asked as she cocked her head to one side.

"I have to talk to the mayor of the city to ask him about the [Great Maze of Melusine]" - Cloud replied while squinting his eyes, after all, he had only received rumors of this maze, and taking advantage of the fact that they were in Erisen, the home of the Dagon, the same race as the creator of the maze, he decided to gather information of this unknown place.

"Ok, but hurry up, ok?" - Myu said as she pouted prettily.

Cloud nodded with a smile before stroking the little girl's light blue hair.

Remia's eyes twinkled slightly as she noticed how her daughter seemed to be sending her a signal.

"Hmm..." - Yue narrowed her eyes even more when she noticed the slight change in the light blue-haired woman's gaze, though she decided to let it pass because it wasn't a good idea to talk with so many people around.

"Hurry up, dad, I'm going to mum's now to get my swimming costume ~" - Myu said as she ran to her mother and took her by the hand.

"You don't have to drag me, Myu" - Remia said as her daughter ignored her words.

"What was that?" - Shea asked as she cocked her head to one side.

"Myu wants to go to the beach and I told her we'd do it after I talked to the mayor of the city about Meiru-san's maze" - replied Cloud as he shook his head.

The girls' eyes twinkled slightly as this was a good opportunity for them to not only relax, but to have some intimate time with Cloud, something that had been able to happen with everything that had happened over the past few days.

Cloud raised an eyebrow when he saw how the girls seemed to have perked up before shrugging. He understood what was going through their minds, though if he was honest, he didn't really care, after all, this was a good little time to rest.

* * * * *

"You're in a bad way, Freid," Cattleya said as she looked at her fiancé.

"I don't need your fake sympathy" - Freid said as he frowned - "What do you want?"

"The human girl told me what was wrong with you and I'm surprised to hear that irregular has such a dangerous ability" - Cattleya replied as she let out an internal sigh of relief, after all, she didn't want to think about how she hadn't ended up so badly after her encounter with that monster.

"I didn't expect it either, but there's not much I can do now" - Freid replied as he gritted his teeth - "Anyway, I don't think you came just to tell me that".

"No, I have neither the time, nor the inclination to talk about more, not when my life hangs in the balance because of my failure" - replied Cattleya as she shook her head.

There was not a hint of love between her and her fiancé, mostly because this relationship was born because she had enormous potential and was the best candidate to be able to give a good offspring to the strongest general of the demon race, although now that she had failed in her mission, and that he was suffering from corruption, their engagement was on the verge of breaking, something that honestly did not bother either of them.

"Freid-sama, the high priest is summoning you," said a burly blond man.

"Thank you, Mikhail," replied Freid as he ignored the pain and struggled to his feet.

Mikhail looked at the man he once considered his role model, before focusing on the woman in the room - "It's been a while, Cattleya."

"Yes, and I see you are well" - Cattleya replied as she folded her arms.

"Aren't you going to be friendlier with your former fiancé?" - Mikhail asked as he narrowed his eyes.

Cattleya gave him a look full of disdain because if there was one thing she hated more than the stupid contract she had signed with cloud, it was the man standing in front of her.

For demons, weakness was a quality that caused infinite contempt for members of their race, which is why Cattleya felt such a great disdain for the man she had once loved, and who did nothing when the elders said that she was to become Freid's betrothed. She could still remember the day they delivered this news and watched as Mikhail ducked his head in acceptance.

"Are you still upset about that?" - Mikhail asked as he tried to take his former fiancée's hand, only to be infuriated when he saw her give him a cold stare and abruptly remove her hand.

"We are nothing, Mikhail, nor will we ever be," said Cattleya as she began to release her mana fiercely.

Mikhail frowned as he could feel how his former fiancée seemed to have drastically increased in strength - "How did you become so strong?"

Cattleya gave him a smirk before silently retreating, completely ignoring the man's question.



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