

[ Reboot of my Story, Source: A Multiverse Travel ] Many people have asked questions like how it all originated... What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was God the one who created everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome User to Source, here you will be able to discover the answer that so many wise men have been looking for but it will be a hard road... full of dangers in every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end? Are you brave enough to take the first step? Can you find the strength to keep going? That... only you decide... advance or give up... Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Source... Do you want to start your journey? -- Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX --- Original Author : GenoXX Original Name :: Origen (Espanol) ---- I'm just Translating

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719 Chs

Chapter 433 ( Gate of Proof )

"Here we are at last!" - Gon exclaimed with a huge grin as he saw how his group stood in front of a huge gate.

"Well, I guess that's as far as you've come on this journey" - said Coco as she looked at the trio - "I wish you luck, although I sincerely recommend that you don't risk your lives trying to enter that crazy place".

"Thank you for your concern Miss Coco, but we need to talk to our friend" - replied Gon with a smile.

"Well, at least I tried" - replied Coco as she shrugged her shoulders, but her expression changed when she saw the handsome blond man approaching with his two beautiful companions.

Those present again watched Kyoko and Kyōka with desire, but unlike last time, they decided not to express it because they knew that the blond was dangerous.

"Here we are at last" - said Kyōka as she looked around disdainfully - "Too bad I only see weaklings".

"True, but you shouldn't say that" - said Shio as she jumped down from Cloud's shoulder and looked around curiously.

Those present frowned, but their expressions changed when they saw how the other girl on the blond's shoulder had wings instead of arms and her hair was covering her eyes.

"Hey you, blondie!" - exclaimed a delinquent-looking man - "Leave those women and go away!"

Cloud slowly observed the clown who was walking in his direction along with his colleagues, and from what he could see, they were not only weak, but also stupid - "I recommend you not to think with your inferior head, or things won't end well for you."

"Oh ~? Are you threatening me, bitch?" - The man asked, only to feel everything go dark in a matter of a second.

"Boss!" - exclaimed one of his subordinates as he saw how Kyōka had grabbed the man's head and slammed it into the ground to the point of leaving a gaping hole - "Bitch!"

"Seriously" - muttered Kyōka as she frowned - "Did you guys not see what I just did? You wouldn't expect anything less from imbeciles who are so weak that even a child could defeat!"

"Let my little guy handle this" - Kyoko said as she told her Starly to take care of the job.

"Starly!" - exclaimed the little bird as it flew in the direction of the group at full speed.

"Really? A little bird?" - Leorio asked as he frowned.

"It's much stronger than it looks" - replied Gon curiously because he could feel the latent power of the strange little bird - "I wonder if I can befriend it".

"I think you shouldn't worry about that trio, but about the idiots who are bothering them" - Kurapika added while shaking his head - "Because at least the man and the woman who smashed the head of the leader of the other group, are equally or stronger than the examiners of the hunter test."

"!" - Leorio's eyes widened in surprise because he didn't expect such a sexy woman, to be so dangerous.

"As for the third one, she's not that strong, but not weak either" - said Kurapika while frowning - "But I want to believe that her skill lies in controlling beasts".

"That's a good deduction, young man" - said a male voice that froze the trio.

Gon, Kurapika and Leorio, quickly looked back and noticed how Cloud was watching them curiously.

The trio could feel a huge pressure fall on their shoulders just by looking at the reptilian eyes of the blond man in front of them, but at the same time they were calm because they didn't feel any kind of hostility.

"You are very strong!" - Gon exclaimed, who was the one resisting the pressure the best.

Cloud found this amusing, but quickly shook his head.

The trio relaxed when they felt the pressure had disappeared, only to notice how the group of misfits now lay on the ground groaning in pain.

The little bird had returned to its master's shoulder as they all watched in surprise at how quickly it was all over.

"Good job" - smiled Kyoko as she petted her little companion.

"Starly!" - Starly nodded happily as he glared at the humans he had defeated.

"What kind of bird is that?" asked Gon as he looked at Starly with excitement and innocence.

"His breed is called Starly, a peculiar bird that has the ability to evolve when it is strong enough" - answered Kyoko unconsciously, only to look at Gon with surprise, after all, she had no thought of revealing her secrets, but the boy in front of her made her unconsciously feel a huge degree of emotional closeness - "He is?"

"That's right" - Cloud nodded with a smile.

"You know me?" - Gon asked as he raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Not personally, but someone told us you were an interesting guy" - replied Cloud with a grin - "I'm sure you know Netero."

"You know the president?!" - Leorio exclaimed in surprise.

"We met him a few months ago together with Menchi" - answered Kyōka while shrugging her shoulders - "And I have to admit that he is a strong man, he defeated me after 30 minutes of combat".

". . ." - Leorio didn't know what to say to this, after all, Netero was the strongest man in the Hunter's Association, and for this woman to manage to fight him for 30 minutes was a huge achievement.

"What bothered me, was that he didn't reveal his full power" - Kyōka continued while frowning - "He just kept his power level at one similar to mine."

"Etto, who are you guys?" - Coco asked as she looked at the group, especially the blond man.

"My name is Cloud Strife, a traveller who travels the world in search of adventure" - replied Cloud as he pointed at the girls - "These are my wives, Kyoko and Kyōka"

"It's a pleasure" - said Kyoko with embarrassment as she adjusted her glasses.

"Hello" - greeted Kyōka with her typical toothy smile - "We came to this place because we heard from Netero that the Zoldyck family are extremely strong and I wanted to check it out."

"I don't think that's a good idea" - replied Coco as she shook her head, though inside she could only sigh as she heard that the handsome blond was outside the market - "The Zoldyck family is not known for their compassion when it comes to fighting"

"I don't need compassion, just a good opponent" - Kyōka replied as she folded her arms, and in the process, made her huge breasts stand out.

The men watched this with all their concentration before shaking their heads and looking away. They would remember this for a long time.

"Tch" - Coco snorted in disdain as all the men except Cloud, Kurapika and Gon, were drooling thanks to the enormous attributes of the blond's two companions.

"Relax, she's stronger than she looks" - Cloud replied calmly - "Thank you for your kindness".

"Y-you're welcome" - replied Coco as she averted her gaze with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Tch" - the men snorted with irritation and jealousy at how the sexy tour guide was falling for the pretty boy's charms.

"Well, I guess that would be all for now" - muttered Coco as she walked over to the bus driver to tell him to get ready to leave, but not before handing Cloud a card - "If you need my services as a guide, you can call me. I've been in this trade for quite some time so I have great knowledge about this area, as well as other cities."

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you very much" - smiled Cloud as he watched Coco sway her hips sensually as she boarded the bus.

"I see you have a new fan" - Kyoko said as she looked at her husband - "What do you think?"

"She's cute, but she doesn't compare to you guys" - Cloud replied as he walked over to where the attendant was, only to notice how he seemed to not be what he appeared to be, more so when he saw how a group was beating him up.

Cloud's eyes noted how the man wasn't taking any kind of damage, in fact, he was glaring at the attackers, as if they were just bugs about to be squashed.

The man quickly opened the door for them to enter, and they smiled disdainfully as they invaded the home of the murderous family.

The door quickly closed as the group of men entered, leaving the few remaining outside the dwelling in shock.

"How long will they live?" asked Cloud as he walked to the doorman.

The man was surprised when he heard this before concentrating on the blond in front of him. He slowly used a strange energy in his eyes, only to notice how a dark aura surrounded the stranger's body, one that could be compared to that of the leader of the Family he served - "About 5 minutes."

"I see" - Cloud nodded as he looked curiously at the second entrance, a huge gate that consisted of multiple numbered doors - "I guess this is the right way in?"

The doorman nodded as he looked curiously at the man - "Why have you come to the Zoldyck Residence?"

"To check your power, just that" - Cloud replied as he looked calmly at the doorman "I don't seek fame for taking the head of this family, not when they are just doing their job"

"That's a relief" - replied the doorman as he explained the function of the door, only to be met after a few seconds by the cries of pain from the group that had entered earlier.


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