

[ Reboot of my Story, Source: A Multiverse Travel ] Many people have asked questions like how it all originated... What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was God the one who created everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome User to Source, here you will be able to discover the answer that so many wise men have been looking for but it will be a hard road... full of dangers in every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end? Are you brave enough to take the first step? Can you find the strength to keep going? That... only you decide... advance or give up... Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Source... Do you want to start your journey? -- Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX --- Original Author : GenoXX Original Name :: Origen (Espanol) ---- I'm just Translating

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719 Chs

Chapter 324 ( Experiment )

"This is a bit annoying..." - Cloud said as he frowned because the hordes of [Aragami] wouldn't stop. It was like an endless tide crashing against a cliff.

"How strange... normally they ignore me" - replied Shio as she tilted her head in confusion - "I guess having two superior beings together is so tempting that their survival instincts are ignored..."

Cloud slowly took the [Ogretail] core and chewed on it without a second thought. Many would think that the cores would be huge, but to the surprise of many, they were no bigger than a chewing gum.

[Ogretail] core, consumed]

[Limit reached, consuming [Ogretail] cores will no longer give benefits to the user].

[Cores consumed: 1000]

[Effect 1: +50 STR and DEX]

[Effect 2: +100 Will] [Effect 2: +100 Willpower]

That was the only advantage of devouring cores, Cloud could gain Stats randomly, although this probability depended on the level of the [Aragami] he consumed. In the case of the [Ogretail], Cloud had managed to get the pitiful amount of +5 STR and +10 DEX, though it wasn't like he could complain either, after all, they were free Stats.

"Are you going to eat the others?" - Shio asked as she licked her lips.

"You can have them," Cloud replied as he shrugged that he had no use for the other cores, though he quickly remembered that he still had a special core.

Quickly, he pulled out a small yellow sphere from his inventory and looked at it closely.

"That looks delicious..." - Shio said as drool ran down her cheeks - "Though not as much as that human food you gave me.... What was it called, hamburger?"

Cloud ignored the white-haired girl's words, only to analyse the sphere in her hands.


[Core: Vajratail]

Core originating from the Mini-Boss [Vajratail], a beast that achieved the improbable. Contains an enormous amount of electrical energy, as well as a chance to increase the overall speed of whoever consumes it, though this must be done at your own risk.

Effect 1: +50 DEX

Effect 2: 50% chance to acquire the Skill [Haste] (+25% general speed (movement, attack, reaction, analytical) [To be calculated at the end].

Effect 3: 10% chance to acquire the Skill [Haste Lvl 2] (+35% overall speed)

Effect 4: 1% chance to acquire the Skill [Prisa Lvl 3] (+50% overall speed)

Effect 5: 0.000001% chance to acquire Skill [Prisa (EX)] (+100% overall speed)

Effect 6: +50% Resistance to Electro (Lightning)

Effect 7 [Aragamification]: 99.9% chance of suffering a mutation after consuming the core, although this chance decreases depending on the user's [Bloodline].

(Mutation Chance: 0.01%)(Compatibility: High)


Cloud didn't think twice, he quickly devoured the core as he felt his insides cool slightly, as if he had consumed a refreshing drink while in the middle of the desert.

[Core Consumed]

[+50 DEX. +50% Electro Resistance, Skill [Haste] acquired]

"A pity..." - Cloud muttered as he saw that he wasn't lucky enough to get a better Skill this time, only to tilt his head in confusion when he read the [Calculated at the end] part of the Skill's description.

* * * * * * * * * * *

[Delivering information...]

[Final Calculation: The bonus achieved is calculated after the calculation of other bonuses].

[Example: (STR 100 + 10% + 50%) + 50% Final Calculation = (160)+ 50% ]

[Additional Information: Final calculation can be either positive or negative] [Additional Information: Final calculation can be either positive or negative] [Additional Information: Final calculation can be either positive or negative]

Buffs are considered as final calculation and if there is already a final calculation, then the two are added together] [Example : (STR 100 + 10% + 50% + 50%)

[Example : (STR 100 + 10% + 50%) +50% Final Calculation +25% [Buff: Bear Strength] = (160) + 75%] [Additional Info: Buff: Bear Strength] = (160) + 75%]

* * * * * * * * * *

"I see..." - Cloud nodded as he decided to set the Skill aside, though not before seeing if there was any way to Level Up the Skill, though to his annoyance, that part was grayed out.

"What did that core taste like?" - Shio asked as drool continued to run down her mouth.

"Chicken," Cloud replied simply.

"Chicken? I see..." - Shio nodded as she nodded slowly.

"But let's leave that for another time, it's time for us to continue our little journey" - said Cloud calmly as the girl gave him a huge smile and took him by the hand.

"Come on, Onii-chan~!" - Shio exclaimed as she started running.

Cloud shook his head as he looked towards the horizon, only to see a huge wall stretching off into infinity. That was one of the few methods [Fenrir] had used to prevent unauthorized people from entering [Ashland].

* * * * *

"Experiment number 25..." - Daigo said as he looked over the data he had gathered, only to sigh in irritation - "Failed... starting experiment number 26..."

Daigo was beginning to lose his patience for all the failures he'd had over the past few days.

"Sample Experiment number 18... Failure..." - Daigo muttered as he gritted his teeth - "Sample 21, failure... sample 12, failure... sample 2, failure..."

The error screens appeared one after another as he pounded on the desk where he was working.

"Shit, shit, shit!" - Daigo roared as the error screens continued to appear, only for the computer he was working on to suddenly shut down - ". . ."

"I see things aren't going as you planned, Daigo" - Johannes said with a serene expression.

"I don't understand!" - Daigo exclaimed angrily - "The first results were a success, but after that everything went downhill!"

All the experiments he had thought of to continue the project had ended in work and now he didn't know how to move forward.

Johannes frowned when he heard this because he too did not understand what was going on. As an expert, he had full confidence in Daigo's abilities, otherwise he wouldn't have made him enter into his project, but it seemed that he had overconfident in the man in front of him.

"I promise you I will have positive results tomorrow, Johannes-sama!" - Daigo exclaimed earnestly as he begged the blond for another chance.

"Ok, I'll let you continue, but I expect results, Daigo" - Johannes said as he withdrew because he still had a lot of things to do.

HQ had been watching him more carefully in the last few days, they had even been asking him to send notifications about the project they had assigned him, so obviously he had to 'work' on it, even though it was nothing more than a smoke screen in order to keep them happy, though at the same time, that fake project was consuming a lot of his time.

"Thank you, sir" - Daigo replied as he turned his computer back on and went back through the failed experiments to see if he could find anything interesting in the results, only to frown when he noticed the common factor - "It's not a compatibility problem between the samples..."

Daigo quickly opened a new screen with all the information he had gathered. The first sample was obviously from [Tsukuyomi], the second sample was human, two humans to be more precise, one male and one female.

"I see... I need a bridge..." - Daigo said while a huge smile appeared on his face - "I need something that connects the 3 genetic codes to form an entity, the problem is that at the same time this bridge needs to have certain characteristics, the problem is that such characteristics are practically impossible to gather because there is no such entity in the world..."

Daigo didn't know what to do, he needed as a medium a being that is both [Aragami], and human - "Cloud Strife has no [Aragami] DNA, and [God Eater]'s that go through the [Aragamification] process, are considered [Aragami]..."

* * * * *

Cloud and Shio slowly appeared in the distance, only to notice as a small town came into view on the horizon.

"Do you think anyone is there?" - Shio asked as she cocked her head curiously - "The last two villages have been completely devastated..."

"I don't know..." - Cloud replied as he shook his head. He ignored the girl's tactlessness because he couldn't expect much from a human-like [Aragami] who was just learning - "I don't hold my hopes high though."

The duo continued to advance in the direction of the village, only to frown at the roar of a new group of [Aragami].

"This is a pain in the ass" - cloud muttered as he summoned [Sephiroth] and used his magic so he could quickly finish off all the beasts coming towards him, only to stomp his foot hard.

"What was that for?" - Shio asked, only to open her mouth in surprise as she watched as from the ground beneath the [Aragami]'s bodies, a sharp pillar appeared and pierced through them right where their cores were.

With a quick wave of his hand, Cloud made the cores disappear as the corpses fell one after another.

"That was great!" - Shio exclaimed with stars in her eyes - "How did you make all those cores disappear!"

"A wizard doesn't reveal his secrets" - Cloud replied with a smile as he put [Sephiroth] away, although the trick wasn't as fantastic as it seemed, but was simple as adding 2+2. He had used his [Inventory] to be able to capture the cores, an ability he had discovered by mere coincidence while experimenting with his [System].

"Bad..." - Shio snorted as she gave him an annoyed look, though her expression quickly changed to one of surprise - "A're?"

"Something wrong, Shio?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"I sense human presences nearby" - Shio replied as she frowned.

"I see..." - Cloud murmured calmly as he told the girl to lead the way.


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