

[ Reboot of my Story, Source: A Multiverse Travel ] Many people have asked questions like how it all originated... What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was God the one who created everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome User to Source, here you will be able to discover the answer that so many wise men have been looking for but it will be a hard road... full of dangers in every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end? Are you brave enough to take the first step? Can you find the strength to keep going? That... only you decide... advance or give up... Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Source... Do you want to start your journey? -- Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX --- Original Author : GenoXX Original Name :: Origen (Espanol) ---- I'm just Translating

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719 Chs

Chapter-118 ( Battle Royal - V )

"This is fun!" Tina exclaimed as she attacked the blonde-haired boy with all her might. "No one has ever managed to block so many of my attacks! Not even Natasha or Iris have been able to stop me when I'm at full speed!"

Cloud only responded with a smile as he appeared in front of the girl and attacked her with his [Masamune]-"But you'll need more than that to get past me!"

"That's why it's time for me to show the true potential of my [Unique Skill]!" Tina exclaimed as her IS began to glow a beautiful silver color with blue highlights. "Come on [Starlight]! [Light Speed]!"

Tina quickly disappeared and to the blond's surprise, she appeared in front of him without him noticing-"Huh?"

He never thought that his opponent would pull off something like this, take him by surprise.

"Heh ~"-Tina just gave him a smile as she landed a firm blow against the boy's shield, who barely managed to block the attack-"Tch...almost..."

". . ." - Cloud frowned because he noticed that Tina was now a little faster than him and that was saying a lot, knowing that he had 12 times the maximum speed of a normal person, that meant one thing, that Tina had managed to reach at least 13 times the speed of a normal person - "Interesting... This is fun!"

Cloud quickly began to pump all the energy from inside him, powering his body with the mana he hadn't used for all these years- "You're right! This is fun!"

Cloud quickly decided to put his inhibition aside- "It's time for you to show yourself to the world! [Amidamaru]!"

The blonde's sword-shaped earring began to glow, only for a few seconds later, a large katana appeared in his right hand.

Tina took a few steps back because she was terrified at the unknown aura that was surrounding the blond boy, but she quickly calmed down. She couldn't back down - "Come on!"

"[Amidamaru]... it's time for you to enjoy the heat of battle" – the blonde smiled as the sword vibrated happily – "Activate!"

A white aura in the form of flames began to surround the great katana, showing how it forms a kind of ancient samurai shoulder pads.

Those present were surprised but quickly began to shout in excitement when they saw how the blond had shown a new weapon of his.

"Honestly, I didn't think I would summon my weapon so quickly... but if I don't fight with everything I have against you, I would be disrespecting you"-Cloud said as he looked at the girl. She had been the first person to overcome him, so she had to show him the respect he deserves.

"Thank you"-nodded Tina as she took the daggers more firmly from her-"That means a lot to me"

Cloud nodded at her words of thanks, only to turn slightly to look at Houki's situation and notice how she was under great pressure.

"Worried about your partner?" Tina asked seriously.

"No… this is what she needs" – Cloud said as he shook his head- "Besides… she seems to be enjoying her fight… she looks at the smile she has"

Tina slowly looked in the girl's direction, only to notice that it was true. Houki had a big smile on her face even though she was being attacked by three of her friends- "Why?"

"Because there is nothing more satisfying for a warrior... than to break his own limit"-answered Cloud while he was on guard-"But let's leave the talks for another time, now we have to keep fighting"

"Ok," Tina agreed as she charged at the blond boy at full speed.

* * * * *

"Houki-san...this is over"-Charlotte said as she looked at the girl who had been her opponent.

"Not yet!" -Houki exclaimed as she saw how her shield was reduced to 8% again- "I can still continue!"

"Give it up, Houki!" Ichika exclaimed as he breathed heavily. He was on the verge of being knocked out from using his [Reiraku Byakuya]-"You've run out of energy!"

"Listen to her, Houki"-Rin said as she carefully looked at her Shield level and noticed that she was also in the red.

"No! I still have the strength to continue!" Houki exclaimed as she felt her heart pounding. She could feel like she was about to achieve it, she was about to get her [Unique Ability of hers] [Kenran Butō].

How come she knew her name?

Because she could see the application of it in her IS information, she could even forcefully use it but that would backfire because the effects would be halved and the Recharge time would grow exponentially.

"You're still stubborn, Houki"-Ichika sighed as his gaze turned serious-"I guess we'll just have to do it the hard way..."

"You sound like a villain, Ichika"-Rin said as she shook her head-"In fact, this whole situation makes us look like the bad guys"

"I think we can leave our guilt for another time, now we have to end this battle and go help Hamilton-san" - Charlotte said with discomfort. Although she was a little embarrassed to fight in such an unhonorable way, she had to admit that honor was useless on a real battlefield where everyone would use any method to achieve victory.

"Charlotte-san is right…" Houki said as she nodded, "But like I said before… I won't go down that easily! Ha!"

Houki again charged at her opponents as she felt her IS begin to glow a powerful golden color- "Is this?"

[That's your [Unique Ability], Houki-chan]

"Onee-chan?" -said the girl surprised as she saw the status of her IS- "Did I make it?"

[You're about to do it, Houki-chan...keep showing your willpower~]

"I will, after all, I don't plan to GIVE UP!" - The girl exclaimed as the golden color began to shine with greater intensity.

" What's that?!" Rin exclaimed in surprise.

"I don't know" - Charlotte denied - "But it doesn't seem like good news to us"

"[Kenran Butō]!" -exclaimed the girl while she saw how the energy of her shield began to increase at great speed.

* * * * *

"Impossible! Participant Houki's Shield energy that was in the critical range... is starting to increase!" - Tatenashi exclaimed in surprise seeing how from 8%, it had increased to 20% in just a few seconds - "And it keeps going up!"

"!" - Those present, as well as the different nations and organizations, could not hide their surprise at what they had just seen. [Akatsubaki] was not only the first Fourth Generation IS, but also had the miraculous ability to Regenerate Shield.

* * * * *

"Is she regenerating her Shield?!" Charlotte exclaimed in surprise because she couldn't believe what she had heard from Tatenashi.

"So that's [Kenran Butō]…" Ichika mumbled as he shook his head.

"Did you know about that?!" Rin exclaimed as she looked at the boy she liked, "Why didn't you tell us?!"

"Because honestly I had forgotten" - the boy sighed - "With all the tension and the fight continued, I had forgotten about [Akatsubaki's] [Unique Ability]"

"Any weaknesses?" Charlotte asked as she decided to put her annoyance to the side.

"You can only use it every 5 minutes" - Ichika said seriously.

"Did you hear what you told us?!" - Rin exclaimed angrily - "That's not good news, but bad news!"

"Hey?" - Ichika looked in surprise at Rin and then at Charlotte, who was just sighing regretfully - "What's wrong with them?"

"Don't you understand, idiot?!" Rin exclaimed as she glared at the boy she liked as he cursed her stupidity-"That doesn't mean she has a great recharge time, but rather that we have to defeat her in less than 5 minutes or we'll lose!"

"Rin-san is right" - Charlotte said seriously - "If we don't stop Houki-san in 5 minutes, then we will lose because you two don't have enough energy to continue fighting for much longer and if I am left alone, then she you can get close without much problem"

". . ." -Ichika tried to say something but kept silent as he realized that it was true.

"What is the limit of that technique?" Rin asked as she looked at Ichika.

"If I remember correctly, Tabane-san said that she could only recover up to a maximum of 100% energy and then he would go into recharge mode"-said the boy seriously.

"That means we can continue attacking because even though his Shield is regenerating, it will stop when it has Regenerated up to a maximum of 100%" - Charlotte said, nodding seriously - "It's not a great consolation but it helps us... now the question is... how much shield has he regenerated while we were talking?"

"Enough to be able to fight with all my strength" - Houki replied as she activated her [Karaware] and attacked them with his power cut - "I thank you, without your help and all the pressure you put me through, I could never have activated my [Unique Skill] normally"

"Are you insulting us?" Rin asked furiously after dodging the girl's attack and seeing how she made fun of them.

"No... I'm sincerely thanking you" - answered the girl from Japan - "Really, I thank you"

"Ichika-san!" - Charlotte exclaimed when she saw that the boy had not managed to dodge the attack.

"I-I'm sorry… I didn't have any more energy…" Ichika said as she sighed with regret and looked with mixed feelings at her childhood friend.

"Ichika!" Rin exclaimed when she saw that her lover had fallen-"You're going to pay for this, Houki!"

". . ." -Charlotte just shook her head seeing how the last chance of victory had disappeared now Rin was furious at the defeat of her 'fiancé' of her love.


guys support me on p@treon and read upto 128 chapters of Source and read 4 Chapters ahead of Marvel X DC Fanfic


hey guys I'm here back with another chapter and please do tell me my grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes....You can pointout the mistakes per paragraph comments

So thankyou guys ..


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