
Chapter 1: change is ineveitable

She suddenly realised she might be alone for the rest of her life. as he walked off she stood there distraught. she felt numb as the rain started falling she saw him walking off into the distance unaware of the pain he had caused her. him walking away from her- forever. she stood there the rain soaking her blouse. her tears turning into rain as it hit the puddles around her. as she turned onto the crossing she saw a light heard her scream and then darkness.

when she unclenched her eyes from the pain she felt numb all over and was there in a white room floating. she didnt know what was going on in this parallel universe. she was somewhere she didnt recognise. noone was with her nobody was surrounding her she was alone in this vast world. she curled up and cried. she remembered words. words from his mouth. she tried batting them out.

'Marie come on Marie, Marie I'm sorry alright, Marie i dont live for you anymore. I've found someone else'

then she heard her name being screamed.

she awoke again in a room. she was unaware of her position or where she was. what was she doing here. she called out trying to reach someone. was she talking though. she couldn't hear her speech. some people in white coats came in to her room. their faces drew the looks of distraught and pleasure. their mouths opened and closed. they were obviously talking. why couldn't she hear them. her face gave the look of fear. one of the people grabbed a pen and wrote upon it 'can't you hear us'. Then.. she shook her head. The man behind the girl holding the notebook looked worried. He brought out a peice of writing and scribbled notes then spoke to his co-workers and they left. The girl stayed and started writing in the notepad.