
Sound Grandmaster

After cultivating the Dao of reading for 20 years, the mortal body could not keep up. Fortunately, Marco's effort payed off. The Dao of reading and fiction got him a chance for reincarnation. He found himself in the world of magic, where mystical grimoires are everpresent. Disclaimer: All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

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18 Chs

Chapter 13: Conflict Arose

Right now, Marco has returned back to where his damsels in distress are. Looking around he saw a couple of unconscious guards inside some of the prison cells.

'These must be the unfortunate ones.' Marco thought. The group could easily ambush any unknowing guard that walks inside the prison area.

"Good work Marco!" Marshall said as he patted Marco on the shoulder. The others soon expressed their appreciation, and gratitude.

Gadjah heaved a sigh of relief as he felt his grimoire in his hands. "I express my gratitude to you Sir Marco."

"You're really amazing Sir Marco." Lolopechka cheered, as she saw hope of escaping this place.

Marco's maroon eyes lit up slightly as he turned to look at Lolopechka, 'Oh? I didn't get a good look at her earlier. We seem to be the same age - biological speaking, but she doesn't seem like a commoner nor a peasant. Her aura's too positive... or it's just her personality. No, adding in this fellow that seems to be her guard, she is a noble.'

In an instant, Marco finally analyzed and concluded the two stranger's social status and possible character, as this would be crucial in escaping the outpost.

"...Sorry, we weren't introduced, I'm Lolopechka, and this is Sir Gadjah." Lolopechka introduced themselves as she saw Marco blinked in thought at her, and Gadjah.

Marco nodded and shook her hand, "Well, I don't have to introduce myself since you seem to already know me. But, nice to be acquainted with you."

Marco and Lolopechka smiled at each other at the prospect of gaining friends, though Marco just looks forward to use Lolopechka's estimated background and gain knowledge about magic, and grimoires.

At the thought of this Marco suddenly said, "Lolopechka do you have any books about magic?"

Lolopechka's expression suddenly turned blank as she stared into the air. Soon after she regained her attention. "Hmm, I have a lot actually... uh Sir Marco."

Marco noticed her earlier anomaly of suddenly losing her attention, which had him curious. "Great! Oh, just call me Marco, we seem to be the age anyways. But why did you suddenly looked out of focus?"

Lolopechka went silent as she observed Marco again. She then glanced at Gadjah who looked at her in caution. "Um... I actually know a lot of magic books in my mind, and I was just checking my memory about magic. You know, since you asked." Lolopechka responded in a quick manner about the reason for her earlier behavior.

Marco blinked a couple times before smiling as he stared at her. 'Well it's obviously a lie... well some parts of it. Contrary to her personality she is very quick witted, though a bit clumsy. But I am very intrigued about her.'

As Lolopechka implied she has an outstanding memory and vast knowledge about magic. Forgetting about their current situation, Marco suddenly barraged Lolopechka some questions about the foundation of magic. To which Lolopechka replied, and kept up with Marco's questions.

Their chatter soon, attracted the attention of everyone. Marshall stared at Marco, 'Huh so he already made his Lady Friend...'. While Gadjah smiled at Lolopechka, 'Its good that Lady Lolopechka finally made a friend her age.'.

Looking at Marco's focused look while conversing with Lolopechka, Marshall's eyebrows twitched. 'This brat is too carefree.' He then coughed to get Marco's attention.

"Oh, right. My bad." Marco chuckled as he forgot about their current situation. Escaping the outpost.

Marco then clapped his hands to get their attention, "Alright! Now that we have our "weapons" we have a chance to escape this place. I will lead us out, since I'm the only one that can navigate through this place. But of course we have to be aler-" While briefing everyone how to proceed, he suddenly scowled in frustration. "Ah shit."


Walking at a brisk pace, was a group of Mage warriors lead by a man with gray hair that had a youthful expression. Though this man looked young like a teenager he is already approaching his 30's.

"Sir Vill, if I may ask, where are we headed?" A mage warrior asked.

"Sir Harriet ordered to relocate our base." Vill briefly said, not answering his subordinate's question. This had the underlying message of: "Sir Harriet ordered for this, so shut up and just follow me."

The mage warrior quieted down at the mention of Harriet, who is quite famous as a rising star in Diamond Kingdom, and also known as the son of General Obsidian, one of the Eight Shining Generals.

'Sir Harriet said we have the Heart Kingdom's princess. If we succeed in getting her, there's a high chance for Sir Harriet to get promoted and become a General!' Vill thought in excitement as he has been following Harriet from the beginning. If Harriet gets promoted he would also get benefits.

"...We've been going to the prison area so shouldn't there be guards here?" After a while they finally noticed an anomaly.

Vill's eyes narrowed in suspicion as he pointed to one of the warrior he was with, "You, alert the others and call for backup!"

The longer Vill spoke the more his voice raised, as the creeping thought of the princess escaping was forming in his head.

"Yes Sir!" The mage warrior saluted, before going back the way they came from. But at that moment all the other Mage Warriors saw was a blur, and a bloody mess, as the headless corpse of the Mage Warrior that's supposed to call for backup was revealed to Vill, and his group.

"What the-" Vill was stunned at the sight but reflexively casted a defense spell, that barely kept up with the attacker as he saw another Mage Warrior beside him collapsed, bleeding though his orfices.

'So fast!'' Vill felt an attack on his defense spell which the ground covered him like a small hill. He felt his defense vibrate intensely.

He then cast another spell to see outside his makeshift bunker. Soon after, he saw what seems to be a child with black hair, and vibrant maroon eyes that was covered in a gray aura covering his whole body. He saw the boy stepping over the corpse of his last subordinate.

Vill shook as he saw Marco's mana skin and analyzed his opponent, he felt dread at the thought of death approaching him. 'Sh-Shit! This kid can quickly kill my subordinates?! But he doesn't have a grimoire so I can't determine if he's from Clover or Heart... Although our top magic scholar, Sir Moris would pay a substantial amount for this kid to be his subject, the kid is far too dangerous left alive!'

As soon as he finished that thought, his grimoire which had different colors and a diamond insignia at the center flipped open, as it floated beside him. He quickly cast his spell: "Terrain Magic: Sandy Serpent!".

At that moment Marco jumped away from the small hill, as two giant serpents made of sand was formed.

Just as quickly as the serpents formed they quickly attacked Marco, but he predicted their movements, as he smoothly dodged and gave a counter attack.


Marco gave a swift kick enhanced by his mana skin towards one of the serpent nearing him. This attack made contact with the serpent that caused it to vibrate and lose its form. It then disintegrated into ordinary sand.

Vill saw this from his sensory spell, and felt cold. "That quick! What a freak! He defeated it that easily... Normally my opponents suffer from this tactic. Hiding in my turtle shell, while attacking them."

Marco soon recovered as he targeted the other sand serpent. "A piece of cake!"

Marco's movement accelerated, when he operated the vibration in his mana skin to create small shockwaves in his steps that boost his speed. Once again demonstrating his monstrous mana control.

Marco soon made contact with the remaining serpent and did quick work to it, making it disintegrate into sand.

"Hey! Come out pig!" Marco said as he walked towards the small hill that housed the remaining Mage Warrior, Vill.

"It's the end for you, mister Mage Warrior." Marco smirked as he chuckled, having the childish impulse to display a haughty attitude. Though his haughtiness quickly faded as he face suddenly became cold.

'This fucker!' Marco heard a grimoire flap it's page, indicating that a spell was being cast.

Having knowledge about his opponent's magic, Marco had a foreboding feeling as his intuition was screaming to attack with full power and stop him.

Marco soon exploded with power as his mana heart began beating at a fast rate. He then punched the small hill, applying the small shockwave to his attack instead of his steps.

Aside from immense vibration of the small hill, the shockwave added to the stress and finished the job as the hill was destroyed.

Marco saw, Vill glowing as mana was surrounding his whole body. It wasn't mana skin, but a phenomena caused by his spell.

"Terrain Magic: Local Shift!"

Marco closed the distance and delivered a swift high kick to Vill's head. But it was too late, the kick didn't connect as it hit air.

Vill vanished in time. Although Marco reacted fast, Vill was quite faster upon casting, indicating his mastery to the spell. Obviously he already casted the spell many times in the past.

"Damn it!" Seeing his opponent vanish, he immediately went to Marshall and the group. He already concluded possible outcomes when Vill escaped. In order to have a fighting chance he must regroup with Marshall and the others.

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