
Souls of the Damned

Many aeons ago, in a land filled with riches and abundance, where peace reigned unhindered by anything, lived a kind called A'Khina. The realm was painted with lush greenery, its meadows were filled with blooming colours, and its sun was just warm enough so everything could grow and thrive. Seasons changed, and a new ruler rose, determined to bring change into the realm and show her people that there was so much that they hadn't seen or experienced. She broke the sacred law that had kept her kind safe for such a long time and allowed for the very first entry into their realm to one other kind. One man from a realm filled with abundance brought with him sparkling stones and precious metals, which began to ornate the Queen's Palace and the homes of the A'khina. The man was a merchant, one of the lowest of his guild, and his name was N'gatarkan. Time passed, and the man was allowed entry once every season to bring in his precious stones in exchange for grains and food. He slowly began to earn their trust, and with each visit, he found out more about the realm, and the more found he began coveting the power that made that realm so special. Many seasons passed, and he began planning and scheming an uprise and taking the power that he wanted for himself, and with it, the demise of an entire kind began, and he became the first of his kind. Aeons passed once more, and peace reigned in the realm until one day, the power he had coveted for himself, others wanted it just like he did. And a silent war began between what they called the First One and the powerful entities that desired to wield that power. To save his people and himself, he returned to his roots and bargained his precious life and the power he held in exchange for the safety of his kind, the sithrians. Until one day, when a girl was born unlike any other of her kind, with her white hair and sparkling emerald green eyes that held the promise of change but also led to her kind's demise once more. And thus our story begins.....

Blythe_Wood · Fantasi
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475 Chs

Something Old

Looking around the deserted place, she took a deep breath in when she noticed that the castle looked the same, pristine white colour as before.

Despite being left unattended for such a long time, the garden looked beautiful with the flowers in full bloom, painting a breathtaking picture.

Hearing footsteps behind her, she looked over her shoulder to see that Ian and the others have finally decided to join her.

" It has been here all along!" Athan exclaimed in amazement while his eyes travelled everywhere blinking owelshly with his mouth wide opened.

" Mhm....it only concealed itself from view when I sealed the gate!" she informed them while Rhya and Tyla looked around the place that they once called home grining ear to ear.

They both squealed in excitement and quickly disappeared out of everyone's sight into the castle leaving Ian, Iris and Athan in the courtyard.

" It's time for you to have some rest and enjoy your freedom, my friend!" Iris encouraged Athan in a soft voice, gently patting him on the shoulder

" I will! Thank you! If you need anything just ring the bell!" Athan said his final words before disappearing into the castle just like Tyla and Rhya did.

Iris intertwined her fingers with Ian's and gently pulled him along with her to where her chamber was.Walking in the opposite direction to where the others went.

Ian looked over his shoulder " Where are we going?" he curiously asked while turning to look at Iris who couldn't help herself but feel giddy.

Iris turned to look at him " I used to live in a separate wing of the castle, they share a wing amongst them!" she informed while aproaching the entrance to the South Wing of the castle.

Ian looked around amazed at how beautiful the castle looked, white stone that glowed in the sunlight, large windows that allowed the sun to light up the rooms and corridors of the castle.

Aproaching the South Wing of the castle, the majestic arch and columns, decorated and marked the entrance to the South Wing.

Walking up the steps, Iris walked inside the South Wing with Ian in tow, the entrance looked grand and decorated tastefully with lamps hanging on the walls, a carpet that ran from the top of the stairs all the way down into the alcove.

She pulled Ian up the stairs, who silently followed her completely mesmerised by the beauty and the luxury in the castle, thinking that now Iris would never want to go back to the small and shabby hut in the forest when she had all this.

Iris halted her steps in front of a white door decorated with gold and emerald ornaments. She took a deep breath in before pushing the door open and step inside her chamber with Ian in tow.

Ian couldn't bring himself to find his words, he had opened his mouth several times but he felt that whatever he had to say wouldn't have been enough to do justice to this place.

His eye scoured around the grand room and his eyes settled on the huge golden bed that took almost a quarter of the spacious room.

It had four pillars carved with ancient writing and incrusted with stones and gems, that sparkled as the sun rays touched them.

Letting go of Iris's hand, he plopped himself on it, with his face buried in it and laughed wholeheartedly.

" No wonder the witch is after our kind!" he exclaimed while he rolled on the bed staring at the ceiling, letting out a sigh of relief.

Iris smiled " If she would want just the jewels and the riches, I would happily give them to her!" she retorted while padding across the pristine floor to the bed, sitting on the edge of it, next to Ian.

Iris sighed " But she wants the power that lies in Ellora for herself and I can't let her have that!" she firmly stated while letting herself go to fall on the bed.

" I forgot how a real bed feels like!" she breathed out the words while closing her eyes, grining from ear to ear.

Ian slowly pulled himself off the bed to look at Iris's face, that to glowed with happiness " What would you like to do now, my Queen?" he curiously asked while intently looking at her face, his lips pulling up in a naughty smile and his eyes gleamed with lust.

Iris clicked her tongue " We should have a warm bath!" she suggested while she opened her eyes to look at Ian who was already unbuttoning her tunic, bitting his lips.

" Hmm...I didn't knew you could read minds!" her replied in an amused tone of voice while he moved on to unbutton her pants.

Iris frowned " I don't! What makes you say that?! she replied in a serious tone of voice while looking at Ian, who pulled her pants off, letting them fall on the floor.

Ian pulled off the robe that he was wearing over his head" Because I was thinking the same!" he replied amused at the fact Iris missed his joke, letting go of the robe to fall on the floor next Iris's clothes.

Pulling herself off the bed, she shed her tunic off and let it fall on the floor, pulling the makeshift tie in her hair to let down her hair, that cascaded over her shoulders all the way to her waist.

Peering at Ian's toned and sculpted body that had a certain glow, making Iris frown.

She had noticed small changes in him but with everything that came at them, she had pushed it at the back of her mind as other things took all of her attention.

Is something happening to Ian or is it just her mind playing tricks on her? She questioned herself, shaking her head internally, once more she decided to put this on pause and stay in the present.

Snapping out of her musings, taking Ian's hand in hers, she padded across the room pulling Ian along that followed her without saying a word.

Stopping in front of the door, she opened the door to another room where a pool laid with crystal clear water, sparkling under the sun's rays that fell on it through the glass ceiling that lit up the entire room.

Ian looked at Iris pridefully, still amazed with her and everything around them. He couldn't believe that she was the same woman that he had found in the forest on death door.

Despite what others might think she wasn't weak but she still had a lot to learn. He trusted that, with time she will become an amazing queen and mother, surpassing everyones expectations.

" It's ready!" he heard Iris's soft voice echoing in his ears breaking his train of thoughts bringing him back to the present.

Ian picked Iris up in his arms and lowered himself in the warm shallow pool with her in his arms, sitting down with her in his lap.

Both of them letting out a sigh of contentment, while letting the warmth of the water seep into their tired bodies and enjoy that moment where they could finally be at ease without worrying about other things.

Ian grabbed the soap that was on the edge of the pool and gently rubbed it on Iris's body, gently massaging her skin.

Iris let herself pampered by Ian, she enjoyed whenever he did that and revelled in the feeling of being taken care of.

" I will wash you hair, my sweet little angel!" he offered while grabbing a bottle that looked like something could be used to wash hair.

" Mhm....it's the bottle on that side!" she softly added while pointing in the direction of a different bottle making Ian grimace and drop the other bottle like it was hot coal.

He gently massaged her hair, carefully washing every bit of it, rinsing the foam out of it while Iris kept quiet and enjoyed his attention.

When he was done, Iris returned the favour and washed Ian just like he did. Her hand travelled across every inch of his body and couldn't help to notice that he has indeed changed, he looked stronger now, his muscles more diffined and bigger, his skin had a golden glow to it.

" Hmm...that feels good! " Ian hummed in pleasure while Iris was massaging his hair, making Iris smile.

" I'm glad you like it!" she cheerfully replied since she had never done this for him, pouring water to rinse his hair.

Running his hands over his hair to squeeze the water from it " Now, I would like to have a snack!" he seductively added while turning around to face Iris.

" I'll call Athan, to get you something!" she hurriedly replied in serious tone of voice making Ian chuckle and settle himself between her legs.