
Spazzing Out

While Bonnie and Dixie got busy admiring the Emerald Green Room, comparing the real thing to the book description, the other two ladies were busy spazzing out.

Tyren was in her room, shattering her possessions at random. Her eyes were bright red and she didn't seem to even realize that she was destroying things she valued and would have to spend a fortune replacing later.

How dare he give the Emerald Room to that wench?! I've been coveting it for years! It should have been mine from the moment of marriage, but that foolish man refuses to move on from his dead wife! She's been dead for years and shouldn't matter anymore! I am much more beautiful and deserving of his love! I've been waiting patiently for it this entire time and he just gives it to Felicia the moment she asks for it?! Why?! It's not as if staying in the annex was killing her! So she was a bit uncomfortable there and wanted to move back into the main house, fine!! Then pick another room! There are over a dozen to choose from! You deliberately asked for my room to anger me, didn't you!? Insolent brat!!!

And what the hell did you do to Alex!?

Tyren panted as she dropped to the floor. She was sweaty and exhausted from releasing her emotions and yet, her heart still burned. 

Her servants, whom she had dismissed earlier and were currently standing outside her door were relieved to hear that their Lady's tantrum was over. This did not happen often as the Duchess usually got what she wanted, but the Emerald Green Room was a sore spot for her and a source of endless bitterness.

Who would have thought that after refusing Tyren access to it for 5 years, the Duke would just give it to his most hated daughter? Changes were taking place within the Del Montague household.

Inside, Tyren was now pacing back and forth. This wasn't right! With Felica now in the Emerald Green Room, their statuses would come into conflict. All of the servants would think that the Duke was now favoring his first daughter more so than his own wife! Felicia would now be treated with some degree of respect.

I spent years reducing you to nothing and now you're trying to reestablish yourself?! Why? Why now after 4 whole years? Why didn't you fight back sooner? Is it because you managed to get Alex back? Well, not for long. I will find out what you did to him and correct his mindset once more.

Then I'll shove you back into your hole! Don't think you can change things so suddenly after all of my efforts! Helena is the only daughter of the noble house of Del Montague! You do not belong here anymore!

Tyren immediately plotted her next course of action. Felicia was a graceless idiot. Just because she presented herself a bit better in front of the Duke didn't mean that it was anything more than an act. She will make blunders in due time and then I'll convince the Duke to toss her back out again.

Feeling a bit better, she called her maids to sweep up her room and draw her a hot bath.

A few doors down to the left, Helena wasn't faring much better. Unlike her mother she wasn't smashing things, but her face was buried in her pillow as she screamed out her displeasure and cursed Felica to hell and beyond.

Why does that unloved and unwanted bitch get to be engaged to the Crown Prince!? Constantine is mine! I've known him since I was ten years old and we already have a close relationship. I've nearly succeeded in making him fall in love with me and now he's suddenly engaged to Felicia?! This is not right! You will not take him away from me, bitch! And I'll fix Alex as soon as possible! I know you've put a spell on him, you witch! He went from being sweet to indifferent; that's witchcraft for certain!

Lifting her body from the her bed, Helena went to her vanity table and began brushing her beautiful, golden hair. Her features were even more radiant under the stream of sunlight coming in through her window.

I am the most beautiful lady here! I am loved by everyone for my kindness. No way in hell does Felicia stand a chance against me with her sunken face and awkward manner. Even more so, her horrid reputation! I just need to be crafty and diligent. It's not a big deal. I'm good at it. I've been doing it successfully for years. In time, I will ensure Felicia is hated by every single person who meets her!

I alone am the daughter of the Grand Duke of Del Montague!