
Daddy Problems

"You're smiling, but I can see the sadness in your eyes, Bonnie. What happened? And when did you leave the yard sale?"

They had scarfed down their cuisine with zero talking since that was the rule when eating good food and were now sitting side by side sipping apple cider mixed with ice cubes and honey.

Bonnie looked into her glass. "I got ahold of dad's new number and tried to talk some sense into him, but we just ended up fighting again."

She picked out a ice cube from her glass and crunched it between her fingers. "That conniving bitch has done even more damage to him. He is completely obedient towards her. He might as well be her pet! He told us he was in love when he married her, but now I'm not so sure. He has completely discarded his own thoughts and emotions and fully absorbed hers. It's so painful listening to him talk like a parrot. And he's grown increasingly hateful!"

"I know." Dixie signed in sorrow.

"And...the way he talked to me and about you it's...as if he were engaging with criminals who tried to swindle him. Dixie, he doesn't even acknowledge us as his children anymore! All he cares about is her!!"

Bonnie was openly crying now. Between the two of them, Dixie had always been a momma's girl while Bonnie was the apple of their father's eyes. She had thought they would always be close, but now he was actively avoiding his own daughters. His own blood!

Dixie set her glass down and pulled her sister into an embrace. She could understand. Although their father was far more affectionate towards Bonnie, she still loved him. Now her affections were dwindling under the neglect and lack of consideration. She had never anticipated him becoming this cold. Neither had Bonnie.

The DeMont family was perfectly happy until the matriarch was killed in a car accident. Her death rocked their father. He was never the same again and became distant with his daughters. The divide became that much worse after he got involved with that gold-digging whore. Their step-mother was around the same age as them. How could he not see through her intentions? What kind of mind fuck had she subjected him to until he became enamored enough to wed a woman less than half his age?!

And he hadn't even asked for his daughters opinions!

They'd just received an email one day saying he was getting married in a month and they had to be there. 

At first they were open minded and hoped for the best. But their hopes were quickly dashed when they saw that his bride did not love him one bit. Nor was she interested in getting to know them. Instead, she wanted them out of the picture completely so she could hog all his attention and mooch off of his money without sharing.

Each passing year after their marriage, things deteriorated more rapidly.

Whenever they tried to raise the issue of their step-mother's nature, she would resort to tears and emotional slander. And their father fell for her act. Every. Single. Time. He called them ungrateful and spoiled. He stopped supporting them financially, even though they had yet to become self-sufficient.

He banned them from coming to visit him.

During one particularly bad row where alcohol was involved, he told them that he wished they had died with their mother.

"I would be so much happier if you shits were in a casket! I'm tired of listening to you whine about my new wife! You have no say in the matter! If you can't accept her or respect her than I'll cut you out of my will!!" That was the last time they met him face to face.

It was truly remarkable how quickly lies could ruin relationships. How they could destroy familial piety.

Dixie rubbed her sister's tears away, then wiped her own. "Don't cry over him. The father we once knew and loved in gone. So as long as he listens to that bitch and disregards us we do not need to care about him either."

"I want the old him back. This is so unfair. First we lost mom and now we're losing him." Bonnie's voice cracked. "I refuse to be defeated by that poison-tongued seductress. I will find a way to get rid of her."

She pulled herself out of her sister's arms and headed to the bathroom. "Read me a story once I'm done showering."

Dixie smiled. After their mother passed away, the responsibility of taking care of Bonnie passed onto her. Even though they were only a year apart, Dixie loved playing the part of a protective and caring big sister. Ever since they were toddlers she would read bedtime stories to Bonnie. Even now at the age of 21, she still demanded that treatment. She was a bit spoiled at times, but Dixie didn't mind. She knew that Bonnie craving more affection and attention from her was her way of trying to fill the deep void their parents absence caused.

Clearing up the plates and washing her hands, Dixie shed more tears over the sad state of her family. 

How do I get dad to love us again? Or, at the very least accept us. Will we ever become a true family once more? Mom would be heartbroken.