
A Promise

Felicia's fingertips crackled with lightning. Her hair began to blow wildly as her rising powers caused a swirl of wind to pass through the misty corridor. Her green eyes ignited to a sinister red. Holy magic was never meant to be wielded with such hatred. Purification and defense were the only instances where a Saintess was meant to draw upon her prowess.

Hatred only tainted what was always meant to remain pure. 

And right now, Felicia's emotions were warping the holy magic within her soul. 

Her entire body shook violently as she straddled her brother and grabbed him by the hair. This was all she'd desired while she was burning. She had wanted nothing more than to tear away from the binds which held her to the pyre and beat up the ones who had betrayed her.

Most especially her brother and father!

And since her father wasn't here, Alex would have to take the brunt for the both of them!

For all of them!




Ove and over, her fist collided with Alex's face. The sound of flesh meeting flesh echoed everywhere. Alex cried out in pain and flailed his arms. Still, he did nothing to fight her off or defend himself. That in itself enraged Felicia so much more! He was a monster! Why wasn't he acting the part!? Her satisfaction was waning watching him just lay down and take it. 

The lightning leaving her fingers were wreaking havoc on his face, neck and chest. His skin was splitting open in some areas and actively burning in others. Still, it could not be compared to the burn she had endured. 

Felicia panted hard as she continued to deliver her blows. Red tears flowed in waves and crashed onto Alex's face.

Finally, she was spent. Her magic withdrew and exhaustion claimed her. Feeling dizzy, she collapsed next to him. 

Alex lay still for a long time, groaning in pain. Blood clouded his vision and filled his mouth. Both hers and his. Turning to his side, he grabbed Felicia's wrists and placed her hands over his broken ribs and cracked skull. Her lightning had done a lot of damage.

Instantly, her hands glowed a gentler white and enveloped his entire form with her healing powers. His injuries healed very quickly and in no time he was made whole again. Wiping his face, he pushed himself onto his knees and picked up his sister. Carrying her bridal style, Alex stood up and called out for the Goddess.

He had failed, so there was really only one option left. For the both of them.

The enlarged infinity symbol reappeared, bound in the center by the red ruby and finally the eyes of Goddess Kartara. Her gaze appeared especially intense right now. This was a pivotal moment which would dictate the future of Elysium.

"So you have failed to persuade her, Alexander!" Her voice was both a command and a reprimand.

"It was a long shot to begin with. I...she hates me more than I could have ever imagined. The whole time I was dying I kept cursing at her for being so cruel to me, but that was nothing in comparison. She suffered through so much. More than any one person should be put through. And she is still in pain now." He sniffed, tears burning in his eyes. "Her memories are indeed her enemies, Goddess. She is better off starting over completely. We both are. I do not wish to remember either." He voice turned into a broken whisper.

"A clean slate is the best antidote for her madness. But it will be tricky. Since you are both old souls, some of the events from your first life will manifest in your new lives. Your souls are already imprinted with all the experiences you have endured. Only your memories will be missing."

"I don't care. As long as she feels better and isn't so crippled by her own emotions. I just want her to feel some relief," Alex sobbed.

"And you will stand by her side no matter what happens? Is that a vow you will honor, Alexander!?"

"I promise! I swear on my mother! I will never betray my sister again!"

"With your memories gone, only your soul will keep you steadfast in your promise. Be certain not to forget to listen to your instincts. Your essence will remind you of the vow you have made here today."

The Goddess's eyes began to glow.

"In this realm, the past and the future exist in harmony. I, the Goddess Kartara hereby order your souls be entwined across the times! In life and in death!"

A large opening formed beneath the Goddess's eyes. The ruby glowed and began to spin. A circular gateway blew wind into the mists causing them to swirl and thicken. Alex could no longer see anything but his sleeping sister in his arms and the opening before him. Stepping closer, he saw nothing but a vast ocean of turbulent, white water. A brief chill overcame him.

"Goddess! Goddess! What is this?"

"Jump!" The Goddess boomed. "Jump into your second life and when the time comes, return to your first one!"

"How will we be able to find our way back!?" Alex had to yell over the sound of crashing waves and howling wind.

"Once your sister's heart is no longer filled with hatred, you must return here! Your must pass through this corridor in order to enter the past! Your souls will guide you!"

"What?! What does that mean?!" 

"Follow the drums, Alexander! And make sure Felicia is with you! Now go!"

Alex felt a heavy push on his back. He clutched his sister even tighter as both of them plummeted through the air and crashed into the waves below.

Hundreds of years later, a heavily pregnant woman was rushed into the delivery room on a stretcher. Her anxious husband running alongside her and holding her hand.

Hours later, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl whom she named Dixie. And the following year, she was blessed with another baby girl whom her husband named Bonnie. 

The Demont family were very happy.