
c h a p t e r t w e n t y



Hermione lifted Draco's arm as gently as she could and placed it beside his body. She woke up at five thirty am but seeing as she was unable to fall back asleep, Hermione decided to at least see the sun rise.

She swung her legs off of the edge of the bed and silently padded along the corridor into the living room.

Once Hermione successfully made it into the hallway without waking Draco up, she found herself staring at his apartment's door.

It had almost been a month since he told her there was a bug infestation in his apartment and although she rather enjoyed his company, she wasn't sure whether he was lying to her about it or not.

Hermione shrugged it off and made a mental note to ask him about it later.

She walked along the corridor until she reached two glass doors which led out to the balcony. The sun was only just starting to come up but there was still a noticeable amount of cars on the road below her.

Leaning on the balcony barrier fencing, she stared out onto the London skyline."Isn't it pretty?" a voice said, suddenly hitting the girl with a great wave of deja-vu.



Hermione leant on the astronomy tower barrier. She stared ahead of her, watching the bolts of light flicker across the sky. The storm hadn't quite reached Hogwarts yet but the thunder could still be heard.

Hermione liked coming up to the tower. She used her prefect privileges to her advantage and would often venture up for ten minutes or so during her patrol shifts.

Nobody ever came up there. There was an incident or two involving a teacher but since she was perfect prefect Granger, they believed her when she told them she was doing a quick scan of the tower for any wandering students.

Her thoughts went in and out of her head in a flutter. The view was almost always breathtaking; it made it hard to concentrate on stray thoughts.

The sun only just peaked out over the horizon and Hermione knew that she should get back to her common room, but the sight of the dark and obscured clouds was too good to leave.

She didn't even realise she wasn't alone until a voice from behind her said, "Pretty, isn't it?"

Hermione grabbed her wand and turned around, pointing it at the stranger. She muttered lumos and her wand suddenly illuminated Draco Malfoy.

"Malfoy? What are you doing here?" she asked, cautiously lowering her wand. "Same as you." he shrugged. Draco didn't even bother looking at her, he just stared past her head and focused on the sky.

"Being a prefect has its perks, don't you think, Granger?" Draco continued, walking up to the barrier where Hermione previously stood. The girl furrowed her eyebrows, unable to tell whether Draco was being serious or not.

"I suppose so?" she said, taking a step away from Draco. She could swear that she saw a flicker of disappointment in his eyes but she couldn't be sure. It could've been a reflection of the lightning.

"You might have been a prefect last year Malfoy, but i'm pretty sure those 'perks' don't apply to you anymore." Hermione said, raising her eyebrows. Draco simply smirked and tsked, "Have you not heard? I'm part of Umbridge's inquisitorial squad as of today."

Hermione shook her head and sighed. "This has no relevance to me, Malfoy." "Oh! But i think it does!" he laughed, crossing his arms.

"How so?" "Five points from Gryffindor for too much sass!" "You can't do that!""Watch me."

With a final smirk of triumph, Draco turned around and headed towards the stairs. "I would head back now if i were you. Wouldn't want you to lose a significant amount of house points for not doing your duties."

Hermione was left standing there in total silence, all but a crack of thunder sounding in the distance.



"Hermione? Are you okay?" the voice asked, bringing the girl back to reality. Hermione felt a hand on her shoulder and she recognised the voice. Draco.

"Yeah i'm fine." she replied, turning her head to give him a small smile. Draco raised his eyebrow, not completely convinced.

"Do you remember that time you threatened me in sixth year?" she asked, staring at the sky. "Be more specific, Granger." Draco said. He took his hand off of her shoulder and ran it through his hair instead.

"We were both on the astronomy tower. You said those exact words to me." said Hermione. "What? 'Be more specific, Granger'?" he asked, crossing his arms.

Hermione laughed slightly as she shook her head, making her hair bounce on her shoulders.

Draco could swear that she was prettier than the sky.

"No, Draco. You said 'Pretty, isn't it?' and i almost hexed you." Draco smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I remember." Hermione grinned as his smile reached his eyes. It was genuine.

"Can i ask you a question?" she asked, sitting down in one of the plastic chairs. Draco nodded as he followed her actions and also sat down. "Sure."

"Do you ever get weird flashbacks of things you're certain never happened?" "Depends by what you mean."

Hermione tucked her hair behind her ear and leant forward in her seat. "I had this random daydream the other day," she began, propping her chin on her palm. "It was something to do with me researching vanishing wardrobes."

Draco tensed at the mention of the wardrobe but Hermione continued. "I wrote it down on a piece of parchment and sent it to you via owl." she said, sitting back in her seat again.

"I think i know what you mean. I've been having those too..." Draco said as he pulled the sleeves of his muggle hoodie over his hands. "In fact, I think i might know why this is happening."

Hermione nodded at him to continue.

"I was forced to cast an obliviate spell on you. I remember doing it but i don't remember why."

Hermione glanced up at the mention of the spell and glared at him. "Was it after potions by any chance?" she asked, not taking her eyes off of him.

Draco stared at the floor in thought and when he looked up again, he nodded. "I think so."

Hermione abruptly stood up and walked back through into the hallway, Draco following closely behind her. "Hermione wait!" he groaned. The girl turned around and gave him a questioning stare.

"Where the bloody hell are you going?" he asked. She sighed impatiently and she grabbed his hand, pulling him into the apartment.

"You're going to take me to Malfoy Manor."


1 week of school left hell yeah

right so like,, i love dramionebut i'm slowly but surely falling down another hole:d r a r r y

might do a drarry fic after this dramione one lmao

anyways enough of my blabbering that no one ever bothers reading anywayi hope you have/had a great day