
c h a p t e r t w e n t y s i x



"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Hermione smiled at the boy next to her and nodded, "I'll have to do it sooner or later anyway."

Draco smirked as Hermione sat up in the bed. "Isn't nine am too early for Potter?" he asked, propping his body up with his elbows.

Hermione hummed as she got out of the bed and got a hairbrush. "Actually," she began, "I think Harry has work today. I should probably do it now."

Draco chuckled and shook his head, "If you say so, Granger."

She picked up a pillow from the chair and threw it at him. "Now, if you don't mind, i'm gonna pop over to mine to get some clothes and then i'll go deal with Harry." she said.

Draco scoffed and threw the pillow back. "Okay." "I'll bring you these clothes back lat-""Don't bother. You look hotter in my clothes than i do."

Hermione rolled her eyes but she couldn't help but smile. "I'll see you later then, Malfoy.""Bye, Granger."


"Hermione, I really must get going." Harry sighed. Hermione grabbed his arm and sent him a glare, "I wouldn't be stopping you if this wasn't important."

Harry let out a small groan and ran a hand through his messy hair. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"I'm kind of seeing someone but i'm worried about telling you who because you're not gonna like it.""Just rip the bandage off.""It's Malfoy." "Put the bandage back on."

Hermione smiled at him and Harry simply shook his head."Are you soulmates?""Yes.""Is he an evil bastard?""Not anymore.""Well as long as you're happy..." he hesitated.

Hermione pulled him into a hug and tried to ignore the sick feeling at the bottom of her stomach when he hugged her back.

"Does Ron know?" asked Harry."He does now!" said a voice from the doorway. Harry and Hermione pulled apart and stared at Ron who was staring at Hermione.

"Hermione, you don't want to get into it with Malfoy. The guy's one horcrux away from being a super villain." he glared at her.

Hermione simply shrugged. "It's not like i have a choice, Ron."

He sighed and shook his head, "Just promise me you'll be careful." "And be sure to use condoms." Harry chimed in.

"Harry!" Hermione and Ron said in unison. Harry put his hands up and took a step back. "We may be romantically bonded but technically we're not dating." she said.

"Do you want to be?" Ron asked. Hermione stared at the floor for a few moments before looking up at the two boys and shrugging, "You know what? I think I might."


"Guess what I found out from Pansy and Blaise." Draco said when Hermione apparated back into his bedroom. She raised her eyebrow as she slipped out of her flats. "What?"

"Soulmates can tell when the other is talking or thinking about them." he smirked. Hermione's eyes widened slightly and Draco laughed. "Can they tell what the other is saying?" she asked.

The boy shrugged. "It probably depends on the strength of the bond." "You could tell what i was talking about, couldn't you?" she sighed as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Mayyybeee." drawled Draco. Hermione gave him a dull look but he just laughed again, "I'm just messing with you."

She made a mental note to ask Pansy herself later just in case.

"Anyway, can we carry on what we were talking about last night?" Draco asked, sitting down next to her. "When?" "Last night before we went to bed." "Oh."

Hermione ended up sleeping with Draco again last night. Not sexually, Hermione told herself they cuddled 'as friends' (even though she was sure this wasn't what friends did, or if they were even friends in the first place).

"What are your opinions on brooms?" he questioned. Hermione shrugged and let out a small laugh, "I hate them. They're magical machines of death."

Draco rolled his eyes. "If i were to take you out on a ride, what would you do?" he continued. The girl stared at him for a few moments before letting out another laugh.

"I'd scream bloody murder."


"Draco, you have got to be kidding me."

Draco was stood opposite Hermione on the balcony with one hand keeping the broom steady, the other out for Hermione to take.

"You'll be fine Hermione." he promised. He gave her a small reassuring smile and the girl sighed, swinging her leg over the wooden handle.

Draco did the same and sat in front of her, enjoying the feeling of her arms wrapping around his waist as soon as he was seated.

"Just close your eyes if it gets too much." Draco said, looking back slightly over his shoulder.

"You're crazy." Hermione muttered. Draco laughed and lifted the broom off the ground, "Only for you, babe."

It wasn't until Draco said, "Hermione, open your eyes." that Hermione took in the view. They were flying over a lake of some sort. The reflection from the setting sun was spread across the water and Hermione found herself not being able to look away.

She kept her gaze on the ripples until she found herself slipping off slightly to the right. She cast her focus back on Draco's waist after that.

"Where are we going?" she asked eventually. "To a hill on the other side of the lake. I used to go there a lot during the Summer when staying at home became too much." he replied.

Hermione rested her head on his back and stared out at the sky. The clouds were obscure and looked somehow uncertain. There were multiple shades of purple and pink and an occasional speck of orange from the sun.

She didn't even realise they were on solid ground until Draco said, "Hermione."

She got off the broom and looked around. They seemed to be on top of a hill which overlooked the lake and the sunset behind the other hills.

Draco took Hermione's hand and led her through some trees which took them out into an opening. He knelt down and grasped the air, bringing his arm back to reveal a whole picnic set and what she remembered to be the invisibility cloak.

There was a large tartan blanket spread across the ground with a picnic basket set on one of the corners. Hermione looked at Draco and raised her eyebrow, "What is this?"

Draco brought his hand up to the back of his head and gave her a sheepish smile. "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?"

Hermione opened her mouth to answer but Draco interrupted her. "You don't have to though, of course. I got Potter to help me set this up and i borrowed his invisibility cloak and everything, but don't feel like you need to say yes..." he rambled.

Hermione sighed and sat down next to him. "Shut up and let me say yes."




do you hear me being h O k

i had 2k like last week oml tysm

on a side note, i went to the wb studio tour down near london yesterday and i lowkey haven't taken my slytherin scarf off since.

i spent £71 and i would've spent more but i suck when it comes to saving up so i only managed to save £80 lmao

i was fangirling so hard though like fr

i bought a slytherin scarf, draco's wand, bertie botts every flavour beans and a chocolate frog incase anyone was wondering :')

anyways this a/n is turning out to be pretty long so i hope you lovely people have/had a great day